Could Joe Biden be reached?

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Staff member
As it stands right now, Joe Biden will probably be the Democratic nominee for President. There are a whole lot of people in this country who do not like Donald Trump. I’m not convinced that it is as large a movement as the mainstream media wants us to believe it is (this despite my trust in pollsters, a trust I do not intend to repudiate — the margin of error, which all polls have, means the election could go either way). However, it is “there”, and it’s entirely possible that Biden will win the election. I hope not, but he may. And it is not as though I carry much water for Trump — some of his words and actions have been appalling. Many, though, have not. His pro-life stance, and actions, are about as good as we are going to see out of a leader this side of the prophesied Angelic Monarch of the last days.

But let’s suppose Biden is elected. Putting his zombie-like abortion stance aside — it is almost as though practically all Democratic politicians are golems, parroting what they’ve been told to parrot — he comes across as a truly kind, compassionate, decent man. I have never met him, but on a personal level, I like him. He’s a nice guy.

Is it possible that someone in the Church could “reach” him? Someone of the stature of a Father Frank Pavone? Someone else? (Sadly, both Mother Angelica and Bishop Sheen are no longer with us — they could do it if anyone could!) Due to his age, it’s highly unlikely he’d be running for another term. What would he have to lose? He is getting to the last years of his life, might he want to set things right with God before it’s too late? What would it matter if he told the Democratic leadership that they are wrong and have to change? What would they do, impeach him? For what?

If he is elected, we must pray mightily for him, without ceasing. He came through Catholic school, and Catholic youth, at a time when people knew better, and when there was very little, if any, confusion about what a Catholic is to do and believe. He’s got the germ way back in the back of his mind — he’d have to. Again, we must pray for him.
Here’s the error: the cult of personality. It is a primary human failing and is a primary reason why parish priests rotate.

We vote for the candidates ideas, not the person. We examine that person’s record of fulfilling campaign promises.

Nearly all politicians are rightly criticized for failing to make good on their promises. We are in the upside down age in which a president is criticized for doing , for the most part, what he promised.
Long ago, Joe Biden threw in with the enemies of virtually everything the church holds sacred.

A nice guy? Nice guys don’t sniff the hair of, and masage the shoulders of, virtually every pretty woman they stand near.

Nice men don’t plagiarize.

A nice guy doesn’t lie all over the place. “I got arrested when I went to see Mandela.” Sure, Joe. Sure.

Nice men don’t help their kids get rich off questionable trade deals with China.

Joe Biden is not a nice man.

Could he be reached? I guess anyone could be in theory. Likely? Very, very doubtful IMHO.
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Isn’t he the one who put on a big show of crying in public for his sister or something?
My own views on social issues aside, once upon a time, Joe Biden was opposed to same-sex marriage (I think Obama was as well) and he was opposed to late-term abortion. But he traded his beliefs for political reasons. He is a politician of convenience rather than principle, in my view. I would call him a DINO, which might be some consolation to conservatives, as well as a good reason why he just may defeat Trump.

Now, despite what I stated above, he may very well be a nice guy, however one defines this vague term. I suppose George W. Bush is also a nice guy despite his blunders in office, which cost our country dearly in terms of life and fortune. Both are people I might want to socialize with if given the opportunity. One thing I do admire about Joe Biden is his ability to carry on with his personal and political life after losing his wife and child, who were killed in a car accident, and much later his adult son, Beau Biden. That takes the kind of courage that not everyone possesses. As far as his (political) conversion is concerned, however, I doubt that will happen.
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Long ago, Joe Biden threw in with the enemies of virtually everything the church holds sacred.

A nice guy? Nice guys don’t sniff the hair of, and masage the shoulders of, virtually every pretty woman they stand near.

Nice men don’t plagiarize.

A nice guy doesn’t lie all over the place. “I got arrested when I went to see Mandela.” Sure, Joe. Sure.

Nice men don’t help their kids get rich off questionable trade deals with China.

Joe Biden is not a nice man.

Could he be reached? I guess anyone could be in theory. Likely? Very, very doubtful IMHO.
Nice guy, but, as you point out, flawed. Who among us isn’t? Back in the day, many men, particularly if they were of a stature that they could “get by with it”, could be kind of forward with women, kind of “hands-y”, and it was just accepted as the natural order of things. Donald Trump made comments along these lines that can’t be repeated here. Men have been told and warned better these days, and I would hope they are listening.
One thing I do admire about Joe Biden is his ability to carry on with his personal and political life after losing his wife and child, who were killed in a car accident, and much later his adult son, Beau Biden. That takes the kind of courage that not everyone possesses.
Yes, that is major “points”, and tells me there is something good about the man. He was widowed and he took care of his two sons who were left without a mother.

The elections will come soon enough, and a decision will be made.
But he traded his beliefs for political reasons.
I think Trump did the same, frankly. I’m so sick of politics. I mostly vote while plugging my nose - takes the edge off.
For this reason (and others) I vote third party almost exclusively.
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Anything is possible, but:

Joe Biden had to do certain things in order to get to the place of prestige in the Democratic Party that he is in today. Generally speaking, faithful Catholics don’t get into high places in life. If he was a faithful Catholic pro-life, pro-family candidate then he never would have become Obama’s VP or probably even be holding public office. The longer a person goes down a path, the harder it is to change that path.

Top leaders in politics and business and entertainment often have high functioning sociopathic tendencies and also have high charisma. They are highly competitive predators and they are in it to win.
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Nice guy, but, as you point out, flawed. Who among us isn’t? Back in the day, many men, particularly if they were of a stature that they could “get by with it”, could be kind of forward with women, kind of “hands-y”, and it was just accepted as the natural order of things. Donald Trump made comments along these lines that can’t be repeated here. Men have been told and warned better these days, and I would hope they are listening.
I’m glad you said this. When Trump’s questionable activity / words regarding women have come up, his supporters here have said they support him for his policies, not his questionable moral decisions… the poster you’re quoting is a huge Trump supporter (if I recall correctly). While I wouldn’t support Biden nor Trump, it really bugs me when people are quick to condemn members of the “other party” for moral failures, but will bend over backwards to defend the moral failures of “their guy”.
Can he be “reached” as in???

All things are possible with God, but Joe seems much more closely aligned with man.
If Biden isn’t senile, then why is he pretending to be?

The Dem convention is either going to nominate someone from the floor, as in days of yore, or they’ve already scripted the date when Hillary or Michelle or someone else that they’ve handpicked for the #2 spot will become POTUS. They’ll just be taking the high road, dontcha know, and acting responsibly when they see to having Biden removed for incompetence, senility or whatever they can (I can’t resist . . .) trump up. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Even if Biden gets elected and somehow starts to adhere to the Catholic faith again privately, he will be manipulated by a Democratic White House that moves toward so-called “progressive” and anti-life agendas. He’s a patsy in their hands, a weak man overall as has been seen by his long and very checkered career.
We vote for the candidates ideas , not the person.
I also consider the person, quite a bit, in my decision. I even consider the long-term ramification, beyond the one election, and look at the general direction of the country, or the party. There is a lot to think about. I do not really like these two choices. The only upside is it will be entertaining.
What EXACT “moral failures” are you referring to?

One thing that’s always bugged me is moral inequivalency, where, for example, Joe Biden’s lifelong support for abortion on demand; his support of NARAL, planned parenthood, etc., are overlooked because, well, Trump made some comments some don’t like;
Or maybe his tweets are snarky - as if the two are equivalent. They’re not.
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HSD, it’s interesting that you refer to behavior “back in the day.” With the exception of plagiarism, Joe Biden’s issues have been ongoing through and until the present. His incident of open deceit I referenced (lying and claiming he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela) occured like 2 weeks ago.
It seems that many Christians are looking at our Presidential election like a “beauty contest”. Oh, of course, nowadays we ask beauty queens to “submit a platform” or “adopt a cause”, and they do–helping animals, or fighting drug addiction, or some platform that almost everyone can find some sympathy for. But when all is said and done, a beauty contest winner is “the most beautiful.” The winner will not bring about any drastic changes in policies related to his/her “platform.”

The Presidency of the U.S. is NOT a beauty contest. We need to look past the “beauty” of the candidates–their personal lives, their religion practices, their besetting sins, their voice tones and skill at delivering speeches and mannerisms and fitness and personal relationships.

What we need to look at is what POLICIES will become LAW under the President’s watch, and which of the laws will the President enforce–which is his/her official “job” to enforce the laws.

Who CARES if a President has a habit of nasty tweeting (Pres. Trump), or smoking (Pres. Obama), or swearing (Pres. Johnson), or never attending church (Pres. Obama), etc.?! Who CARES! None of this affects our country’s laws.

But we should care greatly if a President works hard to promote and enforce laws that make it more difficult for so-called doctors to commit abortions and women to procure those abortions.

We should care greatly if the President pursues a foreign policy that protects the United States and those in the world who wish to live in peace and safety rather than living in fear and danger.

We should care very VERY greatly if the President pursues an economic development that creates JOBS–not just really really GOOD jobs that make everyone equally well-off–that’s not realistic! If someone doesn’t even finish high school, and isn’t particularly entrepeneurial, there is no reason that person should make an income like mine that I earn because of my college degree and years of experience in clinical microbiology, a skill that (at least at this time in U.S. history), only a small number of people have!

But the economy under any President should be growing and expanding, not recessing, so that everyone at least has a chance at living a decent life (if they will take that chance and run with it).

Voting for a 3rd Party candidate with no chance of winning is throwing away an opportunity to elect a President who pursues good polices in favor of voting for a “beautiful” candidate who will never, ever win, ever and whose policies will never become law and be enforced. I think those who do this should consider themselves accountable when/if the “homely” candidate loses to a candidate who embarks upon a systematic establishment of dangerous, foolish, or evil policies.

And of course, voting for the most “beautiful” candidate, even though he/she advocates laws that are foolish, dangerous, not affordable, or evil, is not only foolish, but evil in and of itself.
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I also think we need to take into account the media portrayals of the various public figures, especially politicians. Also, the public relations people who are managing the political campaigns can do a lot to influence our impressions of the candidates.

E.g., I doubt very much that Vice Pres. Biden is as clumsy and vague as the various conservative medias and PR agencies are portraying him.

I think he’s just not a very fluent public speaker. He trips over words, he can’t find the right word, he stumbles, he’s not “graceful” or “athletic”. In other words, he’s like many of the rest of us who trip over our own feet as we are making our way to the front of the room to present a lecture to a group of co-workers, or we forget the name of our CEO during an interview, or we simply get our words mixed up and say that we are in favor of uninhibited drinking on the job instead of saying that we are in favor of inhibiting drinking on the job!

And as for the “niceness” factor–yes, I’m sure VP Biden is a very nice man in private, just as I’m sure that Pres. Trump is much nicer than the media portrays him. Pres. Trump has never been particularly photogenic, and it’s so easy for journalists to find really BAD photos of Pres. Trump that make him look like an ugly dog or a crabby, out-of-shape, bad hair dye job, frumpy old guy in an poorly-fitting suit!

And of course, how often do we get to hear the entire Press Conference instead of just the sound bites that the journalists choose to showcase and rage against?

And incidentally, how many journalists these days report “just the facts” instead of adding a slant that makes Pres. Trump sound like an idiot? Same for the conservative media figures–they will present the President’s speeches and press conferences in a way that makes him appear a saint!

So just be careful out there. It would be more judicious of us to examine what laws are being passed and enforced rather than what the President and the other candidates are saying and what they look like.
As it stands right now, Joe Biden will probably be the Democratic nominee for President. There are a whole lot of people in this country who do not like Donald Trump. I’m not convinced that it is as large a movement as the mainstream media wants us to believe it is (this despite my trust in pollsters, a trust I do not intend to repudiate — the margin of error, which all polls have, means the election could go either way). However, it is “there”, and it’s entirely possible that Biden will win the election. I hope not, but he may. And it is not as though I carry much water for Trump — some of his words and actions have been appalling. Many, though, have not. His pro-life stance, and actions, are about as good as we are going to see out of a leader this side of the prophesied Angelic Monarch of the last days.

But let’s suppose Biden is elected. Putting his zombie-like abortion stance aside — it is almost as though practically all Democratic politicians are golems, parroting what they’ve been told to parrot — he comes across as a truly kind, compassionate, decent man. I have never met him, but on a personal level, I like him. He’s a nice guy.

Is it possible that someone in the Church could “reach” him? Someone of the stature of a Father Frank Pavone? Someone else? (Sadly, both Mother Angelica and Bishop Sheen are no longer with us — they could do it if anyone could!) Due to his age, it’s highly unlikely he’d be running for another term. What would he have to lose? He is getting to the last years of his life, might he want to set things right with God before it’s too late? What would it matter if he told the Democratic leadership that they are wrong and have to change? What would they do, impeach him? For what?

If he is elected, we must pray mightily for him, without ceasing. He came through Catholic school, and Catholic youth, at a time when people knew better, and when there was very little, if any, confusion about what a Catholic is to do and believe. He’s got the germ way back in the back of his mind — he’d have to. Again, we must pray for him.
I don’t honestly know if he could be reached, or not, but I’m betting that he could be touched!

Sorry; couldn’t resist! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😩😩🤣
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