Could Joe Biden be reached?

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The Iranians and much of the rest of the world thought Ronald Regan was a cowboy who would nuke anyone Who stood in his way.
Of course any policy of nuke-ing people who stand in your way is gravely wrong and immoral.
Using or possessing nuclear weapons is immoral and according to His Holiness Pope Francis this will be added to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

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The Pope: not using or possessing nuclear arms will be added to the Catechism…

During the in-flight press conference aboard the plane bringing him back to Rome from Japan, Pope Francis answers journalists’ questions on a variety …
So is it just a matter of technology?

There are some awfully nasty conventional arms in the world. Think of the mass firebombings in WWII and weapons such as the “Mother Of All Bombs”?
If you are seriously advocating for the unilateral disarmament of the US nuclear arsenal we will never agree on anything. Sorry.
That is rather silly never to agree with me on anything. For example, most people would agree with me that Joe Biden is a Democrat and he is 77 years old.
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I’m sorry, I respectfully cannot agree with you on anything of any real substance. I’m so opposed to radical pacifism/“disarm the military” views that I can safely say we will not agree on anything.
I thought this was a Catholic site and was safe. I am very saddened by the reaction to my opinion. I will pray for all of you. I was offended by words that were used and voiced my opinion told my truth. I will never use this site again . From what I read some of you really do not seem love your neighbors as yourself.I did not mean to upset anyone. I was very offended by the words ‘Democrats are baby killers’. One shouldn’t throw stones until their own house is cleaned up. We all live on this great earth together. May love and peace be with you all.God bless Goodbye site
I’m so opposed to radical pacifism/“disarm the military” views that I can safely say we will not agree on anything.
Pope Francis said that possession of nuclear weapons was immoral and that it would be in the catechism. I don’t think i advocated to totally disarm the military. I suggested that the US cut back on the military to the levels comparable to those of other countries such as Russia or Canada.
Thing is, I don’t see Trump trying to legitimize and offer legal protection to any of his moral failings.
Who else do you know has his personal lawyer in prison?

How many crime convictions of his advisors, advisors of his own choosing?

edited to simplify it:…Yes, he has
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When Trump attempts to codify those crimes as acceptable under the guise of “reporoductive freedom” get back to me.

In a topic about Joe Biden (and not anyone else), it shouldn’t be that hard to admit Biden is 100% wrong on that particular life and death issue.

Apparently it is. 🤷‍♂️
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On the topic of pro-life I’ve always believed it was from conception to natural death, and all life in between without one life being more important than other and preferential care for the “poor”.

Definitely not a Trump quality. He has limited the term pro-life to whatever it took to get him elected, and definitely no preferential care of the “poor”…The stock market reigns supreme, all else is lip service or what it took to get elected.

@Dr_Meinheimer you asked the question whether you liked the Truth isn’t my concern.
On the topic of pro-life I’ve always believed it was … and all life in between without one life being more important than other and preferential care for the “poor”.

Definitely not a Trump quality. He has limited the term pro-life to whatever it took to get him elected, and definitely no preferential care of the “poor”…The stock market reigns supreme, all else is lip service or what it took to get elected.
Success and prosperity are very good ways to help lift the poor out of poverty. It is clear that you believe Trump is not a good president and a bad person. Perhaps, Trump’s personal conducts and demeanors re-enforced your opinions. But it’s difficult to dispute the facts that Trump’s economic policies have helped the poor and the US as a whole.

Under the 3 years of Trump economy:
—More than 7 millions new jobs were added. More jobs to come… New, better and fair trade deals with Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Japan, India, China (Phase 1), etc… would bring and ensure even more jobs, stability and prosperity for the US. So far, more women got jobs than men. Over 600,000 new manufacturing have come back to the US—whereas Obama had declared they were gone forever and would never come back. Thousands and thousands factories and plants are back.
—Record low unemployment for the US at 3.5%, record unemployment lows for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and near records lows for women. Wages have risen the fastest among the poor.
—Secretary Ben Carson’s Urban Economic Zone initiatives have brought developments and opportunities in the inner cities and urban poor. School choice options have allowed poor parents to enlist their children in better schools with better results.
—Because of Trump’s economic success, millions of people who were dependent and restricted on foods stamps and welfare have now found jobs and opportunities to get out of their poor economic conditions. Whereas, under Obama’s, millions were driven into food stamps and welfare programs.
—ISIS caliphate flourished during Obama’s years—conquering large portions of the Middle East, destroyed people and everything under its reign, beheading christians along the way—has been eliminated.
—Trump are fighting the establishment and the swamp to bring our young men and women home from fighting endless wars.
—And so much more…

You can dislike and despite Trump as you like. But it’s quite a stretch to dispute his success records helping the economy, the country and by extension the poor and women. There is dignity and heathy pride in having a job and earn an honest living. Trump has been a strong, adamant Pro-Life president. Since Roe v Wade, there has not been a stronger Pro-Life President. Mind you that in recent years around 650,000 abortions (helpless, innocent babies were killed) are done per year. Biden has vowed to support all abortions throughout pregnancy.

It’s true there are some of Trump’s advisors have gone to jail and are facing legal issues. Do you also want to open this can of worms to include the Clintons, Biden, former staff of Obama and Clinton, Monica, Hunter, the dossiers, Ukraine, etc…?
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Dear Randolph, you’ve misquoted me by removing a portion of my statement.

Pro-life is and always has been from conception to natural death, that is the part you left out.

Right now NO LIFE is more important than another.

Your idea of prosperity is a wonderful idea, but the deep roots of why that isn’t true for all is where we differ. As Pope Francis said so eloquently, Instead of the trickle from the glass at the top flowing down to the prosperity of others, the glass at the top just magically gets bigger.

We live in an era of concentrated corporate wealth which benefits very few.

Having a job is a dignity with the joy of utilizing ones talent to procure work (to create), a good thing by far!~

Yet even that is overshadowed by Amazonian structures all but eliminating the baker, the butcher, and the candle stick maker. That’s not a solid foundation for which to build a home my friend.

I’m a health care work, (registered nurse) I doubt I’ll be out of a job soon, but there is a great chance that many of your first line front runners wont be there to help if we continue with the nonsense of discriminate C-V-testing in an effort to affront this recession and a failing stock market………….We knew this president sees only through the lens of economics, health and wellness don’t, and further more this virus doesn’t give two shakes as to whether you’re “prosperous”………Common sense will eventually prevail, I have faith, but it certainly isn’t what we have at the helm right now.
Dear Randolph, you’ve misquoted me by removing a portion of my statement.
I ran to the 3200 characters limits on my post.
Here was you full quote.

“On the topic of pro-life I’ve always believed it was from conception to natural death, and all life in between without one life being more important than other and preferential care for the “poor”.

Definitely not a Trump quality. He has limited the term pro-life to whatever it took to get him elected, and definitely no preferential care of the “poor”…The stock market reigns supreme, all else is lip service or what it took to get elected.

@Dr_Meinheimer you asked the question whether you liked the Truth isn’t my concern.“
Right now NO LIFE is more important than another.
I agree. But, are the lives of 650,000 helpless, innocent children less important than yours and mine—to be legally allowed to be killed? Shouldn’t abortion be a high priority when we choose our leaders? What issues can even be comparable to it?
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We live in an era of concentrated corporate wealth which benefits very few.
In all eras, including this one, throughout history, there have always existed the gaps/abuses of the rich toward the poor. That is a problem. But in the end, societies are in better positions to help the poor and the weak when there are widespread prosperity and hope.

You should be reminded that corporations are owned by the American people. They employ American people. It is the American people that invest and buy stocks/shares of the corporation. If you have a 401(k), 403(b), 457, pension plans, IRA’s, etc, you own a part of a corporation. Corporations are a major part of the economy and American life.

You should also reminded that the small businesses currently employ about a half of the workforce. See attached.

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You can’t serve God and Mammon. Yup it is hard in a system that conditions us to know no better
Then, what economic system should we be in? What system that would ensure everyone would not serve Mammon?
At its most basic, the human moral reality is based upon two fundamentals: moral autonomy and justice. Both are held at the apex of Catholic moral and social teaching along with being threaded through the entire Bible as tying together the stories of Genesis, the history of Israel, the Law, the Prophets, the coming of the Messiah.

At its most basic human moral life and interaction is founded on free exchange, entered into voluntarily and honestly with justice (to each his due) as the principle governing interchange.

When human beings are forced to do what is otherwise supposed to be a voluntary moral act, that interferes with the basic premise of human relationships and commerce.

Now, humans can and should be compelled to stop immoral and unjust actions, but they are not compelled to undertake moral actions. They can be persuaded, informed, educated, even cajoled, but not forced under penalty of law. God doesn’t even do that. He fully respects our freedom, but makes it known that ultimately justice will hold us accountable for the evil and unjust acts we commit.

Socialism is, at ground, a system that attempts to impose (often by force) a certain involuntary morality. That is the point where socialism ought to be discounted and disowned.

Free market economies are preferred precisely because they respect both human autonomy (and therefore human dignity) and the rule of justice. That said, there is nothing to stop a political system from imposing laws to counter unjust and immoral acts. That does not mean a political system can impose laws that are fundamentally unjust or absolutely undermine human moral autonomy.
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He has limited the term pro-life to whatever it took to get him elected, and definitely no preferential care of the “poor”…
I think we need to be very careful with what we mean by “preferential care for the poor.”

The Commandments against coveting your neighbor’s wife, ox, or goods has, with it, the presumption that your neighbor has possessions and a wife that are preferred (by you) to those you currently have (or don’t).

In fact, the Gospels call the poor “Blessed” by God — although not with material goods — in a way that the rich are not.

There are laws in the Old Testament where judges (Elohim Cf Ex 21:6) are severely cautioned NOT to show deference to the poor in a dispute.
…if the slave declares, “I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out a free person,” 6 then his master shall bring him before God.[a]
[a] Exodus 21:6 Or to the judges
23 You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with the wicked to act as a malicious witness. 2 You shall not follow a majority in wrongdoing; when you bear witness in a lawsuit, you shall not side with the majority so as to pervert justice; 3 nor shall you be partial to the poor in a lawsuit. (Ex 23:3)
Built into the Old Testament is the idea that the justice system is not there to do social work, but to render justice in a completely fair manner.

That means that if a rich man and a poor man come to court, the judge’s job is not to relieve the rich man of his wealth to equalize his position vis a vis property with the poor man. The judge’s role is to render justice regarding the merits of particular claims, not overall distribution of wealth. If a poor man stole what does not belong to him from the rich man, justice means it must be returned because the property belonged to the rich man.

No where in creation is there an equitable distribution of goods. Some animals have great advantage over others in terms of resources.

The inequality is there to help us as individual moral beings to choose voluntary human acts to fix injustices. It isn’t there to create a human State that forcibly imposes equality on everyone by taking away their very freedom to make their own choices.

We each, as moral beings, are to have a “preferential option” in our own choices for the poor. That does not mean the state ought to relieve us of that responsibility by levelling the playing field, so to speak. That simply implies we have no preferential option, because the state has taken it away from us.

Jesus also agrees — 😉 — with the Old Testament.
13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.” 14 But he said to him, “Friend, who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you?” 15 And he said to them, “Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:13)
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I’m sorry, but this is the most sensible post I have seen in a long time.
He certainly does. Have you ever seen this particular part of the country where he surrounds himself in a life of luxury? It is breathtaking. Oh, and because he has his own security detail (which means he believes HIS life is worth defending, but not YOURS), they get to live on the grounds with him, in a 2500 per month rented cottage, all at our expense.

He is an elitist, avid supporter of FREE abortion on demand, criminal, while pretends he’s not. He’s no more a catholic, or any kind of Christian than a KKK member, just like their hero, the late democrat grand master Senator Robert Byrd.
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