On the topic of pro-life I’ve always believed it was … and all life in between without one life being more important than other and preferential care for the “poor”.
Definitely not a Trump quality. He has limited the term pro-life to whatever it took to get him elected, and definitely no preferential care of the “poor”…The stock market reigns supreme, all else is lip service or what it took to get elected.
Success and prosperity are very good ways to help lift the poor out of poverty. It is clear that you believe Trump is not a good president and a bad person. Perhaps, Trump’s personal conducts and demeanors re-enforced your opinions. But it’s difficult to dispute the facts that Trump’s economic policies have helped the poor and the US as a whole.
Under the 3 years of Trump economy:
—More than 7 millions new jobs were added. More jobs to come… New, better and fair trade deals with Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Japan, India, China (Phase 1), etc… would bring and ensure even more jobs, stability and prosperity for the US. So far, more women got jobs than men. Over 600,000 new manufacturing have come back to the US—whereas Obama had declared they were gone forever and would never come back. Thousands and thousands factories and plants are back.
—Record low unemployment for the US at 3.5%, record unemployment lows for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and near records lows for women. Wages have risen the fastest among the poor.
—Secretary Ben Carson’s Urban Economic Zone initiatives have brought developments and opportunities in the inner cities and urban poor. School choice options have allowed poor parents to enlist their children in better schools with better results.
—Because of Trump’s economic success, millions of people who were dependent and restricted on foods stamps and welfare have now found jobs and opportunities to get out of their poor economic conditions. Whereas, under Obama’s, millions were driven into food stamps and welfare programs.
—ISIS caliphate flourished during Obama’s years—conquering large portions of the Middle East, destroyed people and everything under its reign, beheading christians along the way—has been eliminated.
—Trump are fighting the establishment and the swamp to bring our young men and women home from fighting endless wars.
—And so much more…
You can dislike and despite Trump as you like. But it’s quite a stretch to dispute his success records helping the economy, the country and by extension the poor and women. There is dignity and heathy pride in having a job and earn an honest living. Trump has been a strong, adamant Pro-Life president. Since Roe v Wade, there has not been a stronger Pro-Life President. Mind you that in recent years around 650,000 abortions (helpless, innocent babies were killed) are done per year. Biden has vowed to support all abortions throughout pregnancy.
It’s true there are some of Trump’s advisors have gone to jail and are facing legal issues. Do you also want to open this can of worms to include the Clintons, Biden, former staff of Obama and Clinton, Monica, Hunter, the dossiers, Ukraine, etc…?