Could Joe Biden be reached?

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In Canada we elect on the whole person and believe that they will reflect their believes as best they can in government. Watching "all " the news is quite unbelievable. Number 45 is no saint and does ,and says ,disgusting things. The world is watching in horror. The misinformation is astounding. Who is spreading the conspiracy regarding Biden? Who originally started the dossier? Did the prime minister of Australia inform the government about issues? Search your heart and vote for someone you can be proud of. Get news from reliable sources and verify. The world is looking on in horror. God bless us all
So is the US supposed to scrap our tanks and missiles, disband the military, and Voluntarily destroy our entire nuclear arsenal?
BTW, I’m very proud to have Trump as my president. I would be ashamed to have Joe Biden as such.

The world looks on in horror? Since when should we elect a president based on how the world perceives him?
I’d rather have the best man for the US, not the world.
So is the US supposed to scrap our tanks and missiles, disband the military, and Voluntarily destroy our entire nuclear arsenal?
Yes, I would say so for at least 90% of it. Compare what US spends on defense with what other countries spend on defense. The money saved can be used to help out the homeless who are now sleeping in the streets. It is no wonder that illness is spread easily with thousands of homeless people using sidewalks as toilets. Can you tell me why it was necessary for the US to spend all that money to burn children alive in Vietnam by dropping napalm on them. What did those children ever do to deserve that. And in the end, the US let the communists take over anyway.
Annual defense spending in the US: $934 billion.
Annual defense spending in Russia: $69 billion.
Annual defense spending in Canada: $21.6 billion.

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That is exactly what I expected you to say.

It will be a wonderful paradise (for some, like those who get taxpayer funded largesse) up until the moment the godless Chinese communists; Islamic terrorists; and whoever hates us, destroy the US.

Your strategy: scrap our military and throw the money at social problems - is remarkably shortsighted.

It also forgets that throwing money at the homeless never works in the real world: the more places like LA and Seattle spend fighting the homeless, the worse the problems become.

Some historical perspective might help: what won the Cold War with the USSR? Largely, US military spending, which the Russian economy couldn’t match and still can’t (as your article notes).

Essentially the entire free world has slept soundly at night since 1945 thanks to the US military. No combination of the U.K., France,
Germany, or anyone else scares anyone at all. The german army these days is so broke their soldiers use vans for transportation rather than military vehicles and their helicopters are grounded for lack of spare parts.
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One further point: where exactly would Israel be without a military?

There wouldn’t be an Israel any more.

Why would it be any different for the US?

It wouldn’t be.
Oh, and another thing: let alone all the people the US military employs, what happens to all the people who get laid off from companies like Lockheed Martin; Northrop Grumman; etc., who supply defense goods like high-tech jet fighters to the world, When we retool and disband the military as suggested? I guess those folks all get laid off…

Suddenly this nation you’re proposing doesn’t sound too hot, does it? But to circle back to Joe Biden, I guess those folks can just learn to computer code, can’t they?
And none of those countries can defend themselves - they largely rely on the US military and membership in NATO for their defense.

The only exception is russia, which has a huge nuclear arsenal and a conventional military of enormous size. If they spend less, it’s because of a lack of quality equipment. Soviet sailors used to say their nuclear navy was so poor quality their sailors glowed in the dark.
Essentially the entire free world has slept soundly at night since 1945 thanks to the US military. No combination of the U.K., France, Germany, or anyone else scares anyone at all.
This is quite right. I’m reminded of the old quote about how you and your children can sleep peacefully at night because rough men stand guard for them. I think a very strong case can be made for the United States (along with her allies) serving the role of katechon for the world, basically keeping all hell from breaking loose (or at least mitigating it).
The world looks on in horror? Since when should we elect a president based on how the world perceives him? I’d rather have the best man for the US, not the world.
That, too, is quite right. I realize that the rest of the world would pick presidents for us who are non-threatening and perceived to be men (or women) of peace. The rest of the world was tickled to death to see Obama be president. They felt quite differently about Trump. I’m sure they’d be very pleased with Biden.

But they don’t get to do the picking. I wouldn’t know what to tell them.
And by the way, you know I sit on the stand and it’d get hot. I got a lot of — I got hairy legs … that turn blonde in the sun," Biden said struggling to find the right words. "And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches and I learned about kids jumping on my lap. I love kids jumping on my lap.
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Honestly, at this point, I think he could be reached only if Someone were to smite him. A Saint Paul type conversion.
Folks old enough to remember the 1980 Iran hostage crisis remember that Jimmy Carter scared no one. The Iranians and much of the rest of the world thought Ronald Regan was a cowboy who would nuke anyone Who stood in his way.

Within a very short time of Regan’s election the hostages were all freed.
It also forgets that throwing money at the homeless never works in the real world
I would rather throw money at homeless people, than to throw napalm at children and burn them horribly.
Further, it is a matter of having a plan to prevent homelessness, and not to throw money. For example, Jordan. Japan, Hong Kong, Portugal, Switzerland, Russia Estonia, Croatia, Norway, and many other countries have extremely low rates of homelessness due to their internal programs which help to prevent this.
The only exception is russia, which has a huge nuclear arsenal and a conventional military of enormous size. If they spend less, it’s because of a lack of quality equipment.
Elon Musk doesn’t agree with you. He says: “Russia has excellent rocket engineering & best engine currently flying,”

The American defense budget is 12 times more than the Russian defense budget. The US can safely cut its huge defense budget and still spend ten times more than Canada or the UK.
Pope Francis teaches us that it is immoral to possess nuclear weapons.

IMHO, it is time for people to listen to Our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
If you are seriously advocating for the unilateral disarmament of the US nuclear arsenal we will never agree on anything. Sorry.

But please answer me this: who will protect you when the Islamic terrorists come for you (and come they will)?
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