Could Joe Biden be reached?

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That said his emergence is no accident and it was voter driven. He has a long time as a public figure and a good reputation as a genuine likeable and decent politician. He was thrust back into relevancy as a healer. To stop the division. Lots of Americans want that.
I don’t think his popularity surge is voter-driven. I think it is a carefully thought-out strategy by the Democratic Party. They know that Sen. Sanders cannot possibly beat Pres. Trump because in spite of his appeal to young people, young people historically don’t vote. But boomers and Greatest Generation members DO vote, and most of us remember the horrors of socialism/communism and would vote for almost anyone rather than Sen. Sanders!

So the Democratic Party needed to get moving and de-rail Sen. Sanders and the best choice was VP Biden. The other candidates simply were not electable this year for various reasons; e.g. Mayor Buttigieg simply doesn’t have the gravitas yet (in 4-8 years, if he has success as a mayor, he could be a front runner).

So the Democratic Party set themselves to helping VP Biden become more visible and appear more “reasonable,” “attractive,” “conciliatory”, “attractive to African Americans,” “experienced,” etc.

One thing that stands out, though, is that although Pres. Obama has appeared in several ads for at least three Democratic candidates (Sen. Sanders, Sen. Warren, and Mayor Bloomberg), he has yet to appear in an ad for his own Vice President, Joe Biden. I find this troubling. But it’s very possible that the Democratic campaign managers have determined that this is not the right time for Pres. Obama to stand alongside of his Vice President, and they are planning on making that appearance at a time and place that they consider most effective; e.g., during the Democratic Convention.

Anyway, I am convinced that VP Biden’s campaign is being carefully managed every hour, and that VP Biden is being kept on a very tight and short “leash,” so to speak. I am also convinced that the Republican campaign managers are diligently digging up any “dirt” they can find on VP Biden–not a difficult task, as he has a repertoire of comments and actions that could be positioned as offensive or even racist/sexist. And of course, several of his actions (e.g., presiding at the gay marriage) will be unacceptable and offensive to many people like me.
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Biden is a genuine and decent man. It will serve him well in the election.
It is a tough case to say the upswell of black voter turn out was establishment. The establishment was caught by surprise and leeped on it. Voters have decided in large numbers they can no longer take the nastiness is my suspicion.
Voters have decided in large numbers they can no longer take the nastiness is my suspicion.
I personally consider VP Biden “nasty.” Also a chicken-heart–he USED to be willing to vote pro-life once in a while, but the Democratic Party Machine apparently whipped that out of him.
But most know him to be down to earth. His habit of riding the public train home to his home from Washington. He was visible and accessible for about 4 decades to everyone who rode. The Auto industry people remember him also.
I don’t need to describe Trump. Res Ipsa
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Genuine and decent men don’t do the things I referenced above.

Genuine and decent men don’t tell voters they are “full of s***” like Joe did today with the cameras rolling.
They go on a revenge rampage? They call Mexicans an " infestation" describe African countries as “SH”? Invent an insult for anyone and everyone who represents political opposition? ( I can go on…)
…but we were talking about Biden, remember?

I don’t see you denying any of the things Joe stands accused of.

For the record, Democrats have been insulting republicans for years. Dems just don’t like when republicans actually fight back.
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Trump picks on those he can bully. I don’t see that he is the person to make the case against Biden.
He will be 131 delegates up. Beating Bernie in 3 states Bernie took in 2016.
Biden will take NY, NJ and FLORIDA. ( THANKS to Trump’s campaign). It looks over
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Trump 2020! I don’t really care what someone calls themselves. Neither one’s a Catholic (Joe’s a CINO). Neither one is a moral giant. Neither one of them would get close enough to shake my wife’s or daughter’s (if I had one) hand. The Democrat party stands for nothing a genuine Catholic could support, i.e. socialism, SSM, abortion on demand, doctor assisted suicide, etc.etc.etc.
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Actually there are 2 democratic parties as there are 2 republican parties. There are the progressives, that while not communists are more socialist oriented. Then there are the moderates which are more sane IMO. The republicans on the other hand also have 2 parties. There are those towards the center that are again more sane, but then there are those who are on the extreme right that are lacking in compassion for their fellow human beings, have no empathy, are sociopaths and narcissists and believe in a dicatatorship.
There is a lot of truth to this, though I think I’ll pass on your characterization of the extreme right — we can disagree with their approach, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call them sociopaths without empathy.

In many Western democracies these would be four separate parties, and there would be a couple of other smaller parties. These are countries with parliamentary systems and they often have to build ruling coalitions, with the leader of the majority party being the head of government. If the US were like this, Nancy Pelosi or Steny Hoyer would be “prime minister”.

Switzerland really mixes things up, with a seven-member Federal Council from which a different president is selected for a one-year term. That wouldn’t work here.
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There is a lot of truth to this, though I think I’ll pass on your characterization of the extreme right — we can disagree with their approach, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call them sociopaths without empathy.
I think a lot of the “extreme right” become Libertarians rather than Republicans. Or they just don’t vote, but simply rage against everything and everyone.
In many Western democracies these would be four separate parties, and there would be a couple of other smaller parties. These are countries with parliamentary systems and they often have to build ruling coalitions, with the leader of the majority party being the head of government. If the US were like this, Nancy Pelosi or Steny Hoyer would be “prime minister”.
I’m not able to dissect the “politics” behind this, but I suspect that the multiple political party system that seems to work in other countries would not work here in the U.S., and I suspect that the reason has something to do with the fact that we are not a true democracy, but rather, a federation of 50 sovereign states. Just a theory–I cannot support this surmise.

Maybe someone with more knowledge of political science can comment on my theory, which I am more than willing to admit may be incorrect. But it seems like this “sovereignty of the states” is the reason behind the electoral college, and I think it might be the reason why political parties tend to remain set at “2” in the U.S.
It is funny, I look at the GOP, and other than abortion, I see very little that Catholics should support.
I think it unfair to judge Biden’s CATHOLOCISM out of hand. We are all works in progress.
I agree with your assessment of the GOP in many ways. Unfortunately, however, abortion is the killing of innocent human life, life made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, it underlies Catholic social teaching–the right to life is a priority over any other social concerns, because it is ludicrous to enact social policies when you are also killing people.
I agree with your assessment of the GOP in many ways. Unfortunately, however, abortion is the killing of innocent human life, life made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, it underlies Catholic social teaching–the right to life is a priority over any other social concerns, because it is ludicrous to enact social policies when you are also killing people.
Around 650,000 innocent, helpless babies are killed via abortion each year in the US alone. The most dangerous place for a baby to be in is in his/her mother’s womb. Just take a moment to think about the magnitude of this human travesty… What could possibly top that???

Biden is now owned by the Democratic establishment—which decrees rights to late term abortion including even partial birth abortion.
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I look at the GOP, and other than abortion, I see very little that Catholics should support.
I believe you know too well that you are not being objective and fair.There are many issues in the Republican platform that Catholics with conscience can fully support: Smaller government, market based economy, school choice, private healthcare, strong military, pro-life, anti euthanasia, public prayers, religious liberty, sovereignty, border wall, illegal immigration, due process, adherence to the constitution, law enforcement, draining of the swamp, lower taxes, pro-business policies, etc… These things can be debated and are not contrary to Church teachings.

But abortion is an intrinsic evil…
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Not all of those things are necessarily a part of Catholic social teaching.
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Other than the life issues I see nothing that is " Catholic."
Free market Capitalism is the equivalent of Secularism, RELATIVISM and consumerism. That’s just a fact.
Strong military? I don’t recall that in the Sermon.
Border Wall? How is that welcoming the stranger? The least of my brother?
Low taxes and business builds mammon for certain. That is the purpose. Wealth. The rest is incidental.
Free markets have benefits and duties for a Catholic.
Our founders created a system of rights and not the concomitant duties. That was the big change.
How can any people who own Chattel slaves claim adherence to the Gospel.
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