COVID-19 mutation may be evolving to bypass mask-wearing, hand-washing

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That article is about how it may become endemic. It does not say that it is already.
The article suggests it’s likely. It’s more than “may”. There are plenty of other articles. A disease isn’t endemic until it is. Right now, Covid can reasonably be said to be pandemic, but only time will tell if it’s “endemic” in the sense of always being around. Since 20% of “colds” are actually another form of Covid and since that form is endemic, it’s reasonable to expect it. Fauci is not optimistic about the lasting effects of a vaccine even if one is developed, because coronavirus vaccines generally are not.

If so, it will be with us like colds are.

This is called “reversing the burden” and it is a logical fallacy.
This is not a debating society, though I suppose it might seem like it at times. I was serious, not trying to score debating points. Why, as the evidence mounts that Covid 19 is likely endemic, do you think it’s not? It matters, because if it’s endemic, and especially if it’s vaccine-resistant we should be putting the resources into treatment methodologies and not be so focused on lockdowns while awaiting a vaccine.
Ridgerunner . . .
It matters, because if it’s endemic, and especially if it’s vaccine-resistant we should be putting the resources into treatment methodologies and not be so focused on lockdowns while awaiting a vaccine.
Well said.

I hope you don’t mind, but I am going to use this perspective in the future on my posts.
I don’t mind at all. I don’t purport to be an expert on endemic diseases. But I’m not aware of any real expert who thinks CV is just going to go away. I certainly do see the sense in trying to slow down transmission of the disease to avoid hospital overcrowding. But I’m not persuaded the lockdowns do anything more than postpone further spread of the disease. That, I believe, is why we’re seeing “second waves” in places where they seemed to have suppressed the disease.

We probably should radically protect the vulnerable. But I really do think most people who don’t have innate immunity (which may include the very young) are going to get the disease sooner or later.

Unfortunately, lockdowns have become part of the Democrat program, so I imagine we’re going to continue vainly trying to avoid the spread of the disease and neglect development of treatments.
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In epidemiology, an infection is said to be endemic in a population when that infection is constantly maintained at a baseline level in a geographic area without external (name removed by moderator)uts. For example, chickenpox is endemic in the United Kingdom, but malaria is not. Every year, there are a few cases of malaria reported in the UK, but these do not lead to sustained transmission in the population due to the lack of a suitable vector.
So explain your definitions of Endemic.
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