Covid19 vaccine, will we know how it's made

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I seem to remember reading that the origins of HIV is from apes…chimpanzees? They aren’t sure exactly how it jumped to humans but the suspicions are either eating the meat or sexual intercourse and they can’t rule in/rule out either…we’d just rather assume eating the meat! 😂😂😂
what if the way it crossed over was human scientists in a lab? think they would tell us?
Let us know what you hear, please.
I will. I know that I have seen their answer, but it has been some years ago and I have a bit too much on my plate to spend the time trying to research the question. As of 4:57 p.m. Pacific time today, no answer; but I presume they, like much of the rest of the US has people operating from home, and that seems to slow down response times.

Such fun.

Not. 🤔
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what if the way it crossed over was human scientists in a lab? think they would tell us?
When the top scientists around the world, the US intelligence agencies and the Trump administration agree it was NOT man made please stop this conspiracy nonsense.
what if the way it crossed over was human scientists in a lab? think they would tell us?
What purpose is served by speculation. There is no evidence for what you suggest. Better to presume the more typical rather than the atypical.
Why do we not have a vaccine for the “common cold” after however many years it has been since vaccines were first developed?
For anyone who has done any basic research into the cost and timing of the approval of any drug or vaccine, the answer is not particularly complex.

There are not a lot of people dying of colds. I don’t know of any charting which indicates the number of people per year who die of a cold - perhaps there is one or more out there; and I would be interested in seeing them.

It takes literally multi millions of dollars to research and to propose, test and re-test any vaccine or drug. And the cost of the drug/vaccine relates at least in part to the cost of developing it. If it is something that anyone would pursue, for starters I don’t know how they would raise sufficient funds to do so, and if they did, it would in essence be a “boutique” drug as it is not necessary. - meaning life saving, or saving from permanent significant physical damage.

I have heard the comment repeated, particularly by people who seem to be of the mindset that we cannot find a vaccine that will actually work. But the comparison is on its face a non-starter.

There was a good bit of chin chatter that no one would be able to find a workable vaccine.

I cant recall the exact number of different drug companies worldwide in the process of attempting to find a vaccine - or more than one - but I believe it was somewhere around 125 or more. Moderna seems to be in the lead at least to some extent; they are now in the process of second round of testing, with 30,000 individuals, with results from that due somewhere around the end of July beginning of August. There may be others, but I don’t keep a close eye on the research news.
What im presuming is not at all atypical today. They have been making frankenstein virus for many years, in research and trying it out, they have to try things out. They have given vaccines and then had too much trouble and recalled them and replaced them. Look up the history of both pertussis and polio vaccines. They are always researching and trying new things and the research of dna has been going on since legal abortions,. The immune system is their primary focus. We have covid19 that causes the immune system to kill a patient. The HIV virus destroyed the immune system. Do your own research.
what if the way it crossed over was human scientists in a lab? think they would tell us?
Are you talking about HIV? Then no, by now we would know if that’s how it came into the human population. Scientists are no better at keeping secrets than Aunt Millie is. In the early days of a novel virus, secrets may be able to be kept for a while but eventually, the truth, if known, comes out.

Is true that right now we aren’t certain how the virus crossed from animal to man but there are genetic markers that show when DNA is manipulated…and this Covid does not have any of those markers. We are pretty certain it’s a natural virus, not made in a lab. We aren’t certain exactly where and when it crossed over to humans but we do know it’s not man made.
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What im presuming is not at all atypical today. They have been making frankenstein virus for many years, in research and trying it out, they have to try things out. They have given vaccines and then had too much trouble and recalled them and replaced them. Look up the history of both pertussis and polio vaccines. They are always researching and trying new things and the research of dna has been going on since legal abortions,. The immune system is their primary focus. We have covid19 that causes the immune system to kill a patient. The HIV virus destroyed the immune system. Do your own research.
You have just produced hot air and speculation. Provide us with solid evidence to support your conspiracy theory that covid-19 is man-made. Your view is just ridiculous.
I am not sure exactly how your post is related to the quoted statement. That line of mine was in reply to a nonsensical assertion that there is something nefarious about our inability to produce a vaccine against HIV by comparing it to the fact that we have not produced a general vaccine that works against all forms of rhinovirus. And the actual reason is, as you say, not particularly complex, but isn’t really related to the essentially nonexistent mortality rate of rhinovirus.
Fully agree. Regardless how we got the tissue, it creates a demand for future foetal remains and promotes abortion.
they took a corona virus and manipulated it with dna from what appears to be protozoa dna. my guess because of trying to use malaria medication. Its a protozoa carried in a virus that causes malaria. Anyway, trust me they dont broadcast what they are doing look how upset people get only being given superficial imformation. Parents who allow their kids to get vaccines routinely just trust based one a simple form hand out sheet the doctor hands them about the risk of the vaccine, They dont ask and wouldnt be able to understand much of the actual insert sheet imformation placed in ever dose container of each vaccine. This covid19 is not just a coronavirus, think of the virus as being the part of the machine that can carry something into the body, but its what t hey added to it that is causing the immunesystem to cause respiratory distress.
So much incorrect (and easily checked) information. Just for an example, it is not possible to fit a protozoa into a virus, which can be easily verified by looking at the relative sizes. And still no evidence for any of the “haberdashery by Reynolds” type misinformation. You earlier said to do our own research. Well, we have been all along and the real evidence doesn’t support your assertions.
my understanding about the church is that it says if the vaccines help people its not a sin to take vaccines that use them particularly the mmr vaccine which is using the same original cell source voluntarily taken from a fetus in the 1960s from an unwanted pregnancy of a prostitute. This can be verified easily even in the church. The churches stance is that we are not guilty of the abortion itself.
Sounds very scary, doesn’t it? Too bad it’s not true. First. Protozoa are huge compared to a virus…you could put the virus in a Protozoa but not the other way around.

We have isolate the Covid virus and have examined its entire DNA. We even know the mutated area from the animal vector virus. It’s all entirely natural. We can’t mimic a natural mutation in DNA. We aren’t that clever yet. When we insert DNA into something, we can tell it’s not natural.

Please, just stick to what the medical community is saying…not any one specific doctor and certainly not a site that has an agenda…any agenda…even if you don’t know what that agenda is…believe me, they have one when they try to bring more fear into an already scary situation.
And the actual reason is, as you say, not particularly complex, but isn’t really related to the essentially nonexistent mortality rate of rhinovirus.
I was replying to your statement re: the common cold because it has appeared elsewhere, particularly among the chatter concerning stocks in the areas of biological and pharmaceutical companies, as a "why not to buy stock in any company investigating…

Rhinovirus includes the common cold and the flu;there are vaccines for the flu, but I am not going to hold my breath waiting for one for the common cold.

As to “non existent mortality of rhinovirus”, the death rates for H1V1 are established, as well as vaccine.
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they are dealing with dna now , i know its hard to imagine what they are able to do now and how to engineer dna and take it and transfer it and its very scary and very risky. Look at us now.
Mary, I don’t think you and I are going to agree on this subject. I’m somewhat knowledgeable about DNA and ongoing studies of it and what they can and cannot do but I’m also not an expert. Your views tend towards conspiracy theories and I have big issues with conspiracies. They just don’t pan out when you seriously look into them.

If you want to impune nefarious reasons that researchers are doing, I’ll leave you to it and you can live in fear and trembling to your hearts desire. I won’t. I’ve known many researchers and as a rule, they are not in the least interested in ruining America or unleashing evil unto the world. They are hard working people that love their children, just like you and I do. I think people sometimes assume they can do far more with DNA than they actually can. I just won’t live this way…it’s not in my DNA! 😂😂😂
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