Covid19 vaccine, will we know how it's made

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if you are as savvy as you say about these things then you must know how vaccines are made today and tell us ifyou will what an adjuvant is in a vaccine and how it effects the response of the person immune system?
how come there is no vaccine for the HIV virus after approximatley 40 yrs, hmm? do you know the origin of the hiv virus? It doesnt matter, people dont want to know the truth.
  1. There are a number of reasons HIV is particularly difficult to vaccinate against compared to Influenza, Measles. There are plenty of articles and research papers on this.
  2. There are two main types of HIV. HIV 1 is the source of the global pandemic. HIV 2 is mainly found in Africa. Scientists believe that HIV 1 is a mutation of the virus SIV that effects Chimpanzees (SIV — CPZ). HIV 2 is related to the SIV virus that effects the Sooty Mangabey monkey in western Africa.
HIV 1 most likely is a viral mutation of SIV-CPZ that entered into a person sometime in the early 20th century. Most likely a hunter was exposed to the blood of a Chimpanzee infected with SIV and the virus mutated. Sometime by the 1920s and 1930s it made it’s way into Lepoldville, then capital of the Belgian Congo (now Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic ot the Congo) . It was there it became epidemic. The oldest HIV virus sample comes from preserved blood taken in 1959 in Leopoldville.
Vaccine adjuvants are molecules or compounds that have intrinsic immunomodulatory properties and, when administered in conjunction with an antigen, effectively potentiate the host antigen-specific immune responses compared to responses raised when antigen is given alone. The only vaccine adjuvants listed by the FDA right now are aluminum salts. Vaccines given to those under 5 years of age usually do not have adjuvants added.

What point are you hoping to make here?
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The Church’s stance is the abortion is always evil. That does not change.

The Church also wants doctors and scientists to use other methods to develop vaccines.

However, being vaccinated against a dangerous disease with a vaccine that was developed using cloned cells that originated with an abortion over 50 years ago is so extremely remote from the act of evil.

To quote the Pontifical Academy for Life:
Hence, we believe that all clinically recommended vaccinations can be used with a clear conscience and that the use of such vaccines does not signify some sort of cooperation with voluntary abortion.

Ive read that various vaccines have been tried out in remote places around the earth. I thought HIV seemed to originate epidemic wise in Haiti but it was a french doctor who brought to attention around the world.
Given that the cells in question came from two children who were killed in the 1960s, it is tragic but does not provide any justification for abortions today. No one is making their decision to abort based on future medical research, I assure you.

It really is like organ donation by a murder victim. Yes, the original death should never have occurred and was wrong. But it did happen, we can’t undo it, and at least good has been brought out of evil by saving many other lives since then.
That is actually a good point to bring up.

As you may know, there is another famous “immortal” cell line taken from an adult woman, Henrietta Lacks. Her cells and their descendants have been used to produce a great many medicines, which is awesome – but they have also brought about a great deal of profit. Her family was never even told that her cells were preserved and has never seen any of that money (which would have helped them considerably). They have been understandably angry about that.

So that concern I can understand. But the general situation of an evil that occurred long ago but out of which God (via science) has brought great good is not as troubling to me as it seems to many others.
Given that the cells in question came from two children who were killed in the 1960s, it is tragic but does not provide any justification for abortions today.
So what is your position on the COVID-19 vaccine development using a recently aborted fetus? What do you think of all of the scientists claiming that they “depend” on cells from fetal tissue in order to create more pharmaceutical products? The argument of, “But that happened so long ago!” may get us off the hook for the MMR vaccine. But trying to apply it more broadly is more ethically problematic.
Hmm. I might have my dates wrong, then. But the article to which you link states that the fetuses in question were killed in 1972 and 1985. More recent than the 1960s cases I’d thought were the only ones, but not especially recent.
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I’ve heard this also, PattyIt.
However, early on, there were rumors that it arrived via a vaccine (with intimations that Africans were considered more expendable than others). As you might imagine, such rumors make vaccine delivery in the third world a bit more contentious than it might be otherwise.
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I’ve heard this also, PattyIt.
However, early on, there were rumors that it arrived via a vaccine (with intimations that Africans were considered more expendable than others). As you might imagine, such rumors make vaccine delivery in the third world a bit more contentious than it might be otherwise.
There are so many false rumors going around amongst Africans…especially Muslim Africans that vaccines sterilize them or cause some harm from “Imperialist Doctors” that I have no idea how and why many of these rumors started and what their function would be to claim it…other than fear. I haven’t looked into HIV in years so I’m not up to date on what the claims are recently. It’s fair to ask though, “who would benefit”. Always a good question to ask about conspiracies.
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i was told in nursing school that there are about 100 cold virus and we get colds more often as children because we only get a cold virus once, so our colds start to occur less and lesss because we have developed antibodies against most of them. I ithink only the elderly and compromised people with ooother health problems die of a cold but they would die of many illness under those circumstances.
Is anyone else concerned about the potential of a Covid vaccine being or leading to the mark of the beast? I don’t think vaccine alone can be but if it’s administered by the Quantum dot tattoo method or any kind of RFID chip I think I’d stay far away.
That is the theory promoted by the Tin Foil Hat Brigade, and is truly amazing that anyone would even spend more than perhaps 2 seconds before consigning it - the theory - to the dustbin. The same dustbin that says we have been invaded… and on, and on, and on. 🤣 🤣
About the ony thing that can be taken away from the report might be tht it would be wise to invest in biologic/pharmcologic companies, as booster shots may be needed.

Or not.

Throughout the report are leads indicating a lot is not known.
I’m sorry, I edited to type an explanation of why I posted the article.
There are times I wish a little less was put into the public forum. There are already push-backs by anti-vaxers; we have a terrible problem in some areas among some people who appear to believe that masks are anything but useful, . . . and people are simply not reading what the epidemiologists have been saying consistently about distancing, and places (e.g. restaurants) where long stays and close quarters are grounds for superspreading.

I am not by any means anti First Amendment, a careful reading of the article indicates that there are more than one means of developing resistance/immunity to the virus; but the article basically says that other means may also prevent re-infection: “Your immunity doesn’t solely depend on these proteins.”

So a question not really touched on is this: If a vaccine shot induces antibodies (which according to reports Moderna’s vaccine does), does it also cause a reaction to T cells and B cells sufficient to either prevent re-infection, or result in a lower level of infection and symptoms?

I spoke with a friend in South Carolina, and her observations (which I do not intend to over-qualify) is that most of the people she comes in contact with are anti mask and sloppy about distancing. The clear rise in hospitalizations in many states seems ti indicate that her observations are not exactly overboard.

So the short is that there is a whole lot that we really do not know for sure, and that, coupled with a whole lot of people who do not know how to think critically leaves us in a serious spot.
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As to how the vaccine(s) are being made (there are something like 160 research companies working on a vaccine, with two in level 3 and one in Level 2 and 3), it can vary from company to company.

Here is a commentary on the matter by the NCBC.

I am not sure that this addresses what the moral response may be to a vaccine if all which prove effective are using cell lines of aborted children. I will try oto look further.
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