Curmudgeons Under Down

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Better to use a spatula. That mold and lichen can be put in the coffee.
Eww,but yes you’re quite right.A natural tonic for growing fungus on ones chin if one is after a beard…
(Goodnight 😁 )
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Maybe you use natural organic vinegar. I bought a bottle of it some time ago and can’t remember why. However I have neither a beard nor a fungus so the mystery continues.
On one of the jobs I did, the people in charge had the marvelous idea of starting the interior construction before the exterior was finished, to save time. It rained, a lot, and rain poured in through all the holes in the unfinished roof and open windows. Black mold quickly grew over all the drywall, creeping up from the floor like the Blob. The contractor said, “No big deal,” but someone called OSHA, and soon an army of laborers were spraying gallons of bleach over all the exposed surfaces that were too difficult to replace. I still have the paperwork I was given, like a small phonebook, explaining all the dangers of breathing those mold spores 😠.
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Ok coffee is up
Mold spores
Miscellaneous fungus
Some lichen
A bucket of dirty sudsy water I found
Scrubbing brush
Some yellowish liquid. Not sure but smelled bad.
Jellyfish stingers
Half a bottle of organic vinegar
I understand they’re a real pest in New Orleans, where they have paid hunters who go out at night to hunt those things. Unless the fur is good for something (replacement for mink? I think NOT), I say just grind everything up and use the result for rose fertilizer or soil amendment for clay soils.
Hmmm. Can you eat Nutria on Ash Wednesday? I suppose you could have a nice rat burger for your main meal tomorrow complete with Lichen salad.
No, because the meat of nutria (does anyone else think that sounds like a diet aid?) counts as “carnem” (Latin for meat or flesh). We can eat seafood because that is NOT part of what the ancient Romans would call “meat” or “flesh”.

This was actually an active discussion on CAF about 10 years ago: would eating “merpeople” (mermaid, merman) count as eating fish, eating flesh, or cannibalism? The debate became very active on which mythical creatures could be consumed during Lent. Whale flesh could NOT be consumed because whales are mammals and so would count as meat.

Maybe I’ll resurrect that thread. It disappeared in the Great Server Crash along with an entire End Times thread (requiescant in pace).
Here’s the link to that thread:
Having Unicorns for dinner during Lent Casual Discussion
About 10 years ago, there was a very spirited discussion on CAF regarding acceptable foods during Lent. The thread was lost in the Great Server Crash along with a number of other threads (requiescant in pace). I’m interested to see if there’s been any changes in how people feel about the different subjects: Does cooked Unicorn meat count as Latin defines “meat” or “flesh” (i.e., “carnem”)? Do Mermaids and Mermen count as meat, fish, or cannibalism, or does it depend on which part of the creat…
Well if you get bored and irritable from fasting Muzhik,and if it looks like we all need some extra penance ,you could always post these questions again 😼
Who knows how I’m going to react to no coffee beginning today 🧐
Who knows how I’m going to react to no coffee beginning today 🧐
Please, please, PLEASE! Make sure you have all edged weapons locked safely away before you go to bed tonight!

(and remember: sporks have pointy ends, so they count as weapons, too.)
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It has begun,the vagueness ,the tired eyes…the gradually building headache …😱
Stand back all…😈
Just remember, you should be over the worst of it after 3 days. When those days are o’er, you can crack the shades on the windows, carefully venture forth into the day …

… and if you see your shadow you can dash back into your burrow and there will be 6 more weeks of hot-n-humid weather!

(“45 degrees and 90% humidity! Isn’t Australia grand!?”)
😅 it’s cold at 20c today …
Our hot day of 43 C was 4% humidity.Enjoying this weather,this reprieve.
I can make it…😩 three days…
I hope giving up Candy Crush counts as high for me as giving up coffee seems to for you coffee hounds.
I’m giving up Minecraft.

My hands are shaking even as I type that…
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