Thanks, yeah Fr R says something about an event in ones life that literally can change a person, and it can feel like one is losing faith, but if acknowledged and journeyed through one can progress.You are very welcome, Simpleas. If I am educated, (it literally means “led out of”–presumably ignorance,) it is through necessity of understanding myself as a phenomenon and as an awareness function. I hold with Einstein and Picasso that all children are geniuses, only to have it overlayed by consensus view made necessary by local ways of dealing with things. Those ways are not necessarily correct, and because they are local and survival oriented, they have trouble when they meet.*
Yes, I like Fr. Roher, having communicated with him on a matter relative to this discussion some years ago. You might then enjoy this book.
Yes, I was brought up Catholic. I was very active as such until and incident in my lifel literally pulled the rug out from every perception I had thought true about myself and the world. Nothing changed, and yet my world was destroyed and rebuilt in a flash. I’ve been exploring the majesty of that newness ever since!
Part of that is a radically different understanding of what Jesus was about, as well as a different understanding of the “Christ.” The way you phrased the question, from here, it goes by the point.
Thanks for your kind note.
I can get that about our saying we are this or we are that, I’ve often thought are we really anything at all, no we are just humans trying to find the inner “person”.