Danish TV Programme Promotes ‘Body Positivity’ by Showing Children Naked Adults

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My big memory of Amsterdam, apart from all the cannabis shops and window girls, is seeing one of those bicycle beer bar rides going past in broad daylight with a dozen young men pedaling and singing a drinking song as they raised their mugs in a toast and one of them was completely stark naked. I don’t know how he managed to sit on a bicycle seat like that much less pedal. I was like Only in Amsterdam folks.
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If this is a Danish TV series, then I presume Danish taxpayers are the ones who paid for it, and if they don’t like it then they can exercise their rights to complain to whatever government agency is responsible for funding this, or vote for politicians who will do something about it.

As a US citizen, it’s not my issue what Denmark does with its taxes or its TV channels.
Of course. Not my country but I can have my own opinion on it.
But it does raise the bigger issue of how taxpayers’ money should spent. Needless controversial decisions give credibility to the radical low-tax libertarians. Whether that show is controversial in Denmark isn’t known since I’m not Danish. There’s clearly opposition and it’s not just from people flippantly maligned as white supremacists by a particular user on this thread.
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(name removed by moderator) . . .
Probably been influenced by the heavy usage of it by Breitbart but we’ll have to draw our own conclusions regarding that…
OK (name removed by moderator). What IS your “conclusion” about showing nude adults to little kids?

(Frankly, I would have thought the “conclusion” was pretty obvious:
“Heck no!”
But apparently there are many that disagree with my thought on protecting the children from nude adults.)

How bout you (name removed by moderator)?
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To the readers here.

Remember that politics are going to be supreme for some people out in the real world. Like these guys running the Denmark TV program.

They would put political ideology over protection of innocent kids. Probably even over protection of THEIR OWN kids.

And why not (for them in their minds the way they think)?

If they think it is OK to premeditatively murder other younger kids,
or at least “shoulder-shrug” this murder of innocent preborn babies off . . .
. . . WHY NOT have virtual “flashers” exposing themselves to society’s children [as evidenced by their actions])?
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The American judge got it right.


Wisconsin school worker is jailed for exposing herself to student​

‘I should have put an end to it once I realized that the messages being sent to me were from a student,’ she said​

By Louis Casiano | Fox News

A Wisconsin school staffer accused of sexually abusing a 16-year-old student was sentenced to six months in jail last week, with a judge calling her “the nightmare of every parent.” . . .

. . . Under a plea deal, the most serious charge of sexual assault was dropped because she was not a Green Bay School District employee when she had sex with the Southwest High School student she met while employed there. . . .
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