One has to wonder about the understanding of Catholic Theology a person has who does not recognzie or submit to the authority of the successor of Peter.So because they’re more recent they automatically over rule what the other popes have said and are right, that’s not a very good understanding of catholic theology.
The sovereign pontiff is the most fruitful source of canon law; he can abrogate the laws made by his predecessors or by Ecumenical councils; he can legislate for the whole church or for a part thereof, a country or a given body of individuals; if he is morally bound to take advice and to follow the dictates of prudence, he is not legally obliged to obtain the consent of any other person or persons, or to observe any particular form; his power is limited only by Divine law, natural and positive, dogmatic and moral. (Boniface VIII. c. i, “De Constit.” in VI)
Any Christian, most especially a Christian who claims to be Catholic, yet considers the speeches of the Pope to contain “no authority” is concerning.
It is also curious that all the Charismatics on this thread acknowledge the instructions of the Pope on these matters, and the non-Charismatic does not!