Actually I didn’t start the thread, but I suppose that facts can sometimes get in the way and just be ignored. Since it appears that you totally misunderstood what I wrote I’ll take the time to explain it to you, Hows that?
What I said was that it appears that some members of the CCR or heck,maybe the whole movement believes that if you do not embrace the CCR then you are rejecting and ignoring the Holy Spirit and denying the existance and validity of the charisms.
I think there are some overly zealous and poorly catechized Catholic Charismatics that may believe this. However, it is NOT the teaching of the Church, or the Renewal. Invalidating something because certain persons do not understand it properly makes no sense. It is like saying that, since Judas did not accept Jesus’ teaching, everything He taught is wrong.
Since nothing at all of any substance whatsoever is being said why keep it going except as a soapbox for airing yours and other viewpoints?
This may come as a shock to you, but the purpose of a discussion forum is to provide a venue for expressing a variety of viewpoints.
It is indeed nonsencical to the highest degree. Nobodys views are being changed and the endless repetitive nature of the postings gets very tiring indeed. Once evrything has been said,why keep repeating it over and over again ad nauseum?:confused:
You are free to avoid participating…
Also there seems to be the belief or at least the impression given is that only through the CCR can the charisms be unlocked.:eek:
I don’t know where you are getting this, but it is erroneous.
In fact the CCR really isn’t necessary at all in conjunction with the charisms at all,a fact that some of the supporters apparently don’t realize or choose to ignore…
I think it is up to the Holy Spirit to decide what is necessary. However, I do agree that having a Charismatic experience or being part of the “renewal” is not necessary to have a Spirit filled life in Christ.
And in conclusion I submit to you. Show me an encyclical,a Papal Bull,a catechism entry,anything coming from the Popes that states the Church as a whole should embrace the movement.
I thought we agreed that this was not necessary?
The CCR not the charisms. They are two totally separate things. Something that shows the CCR itself is to be embraced. Speeches given to private audiences comprised of charismatics don’t count because only they were being addressed.
I agree that the Charisms are not restricted or embedded in the “movement”. In fact, it seems, especially in the light of what has been expressed on this thread, that people really object more to what they think the “movement” is than they do the Charisms, though some seem to object to both.
To say that instruction from the Holy Father “doesn’t count” seems to reflect an attitude of rebellion. Of course, he may not be addressing you directly, but how does that invalidate what he has to say?
Neither do totally unfounded statements which claim this Pope or that Pope spoke or prayed in tongues in concert with the CCR. Something hard, cold and factual.
Why does it seem so impossible that the Pope would want the Holy Spirit to act powerfully in the Church?
And please don't bring up Corinthians. Remember why that was written in the first place. To address errors that had arisen in which some apparently felt that they were spiritually superior,to others just as apparently do some of the supporters of the CCRas well as sadly some traditionalists on this very thread
It is a mystery to me why Scripture has to be avoided in any discussion about faith and practice. I guess it is necessary to abrogate it in this case because there are so many passages present that validate the Charismatic experience. Did it not occur to you that the Holy Spirit made sure this letter was included for future reference?
There have been abuses. I have seen as many gross liturgical abuses. I don’t claim there is no such thing as a valid Eucharist because of the abuses.