So they revised so that it actually had something to do with Catholicism instead of being generic (until 2006) so that it would appeal to Protestants? Interesting.
Your prejudice is leaking out again, Denise. There is nothing “uncatholic” about the charisms of the Holy Spirit. They were given to the Catholic Church on her birthday, and belong to her birthright. The fact that Protestants have taken the birthright of the Catholic Church (including the Scriptures, the Eucharist, and the charisms) and misused them do not make them any less Catholic. The Bible is a Catholic book. No amount of twisting it’s contents can make it 'generic" in nature.
Surely you can see, though, how the previous booklet could be mistaken for being Protestant?
Absolutely. The best reason for revision.
More information from website about the activities of the Life in the Spirit seminars:
Actually, the reference you gave is from an anti-charismatic site…
“People are instructed to open their mouths and start babbling like babies…”
I would be interested to see where this is published.
And…"The word ‘empowerment’ is used often. Type ‘empowerment’ in a search engine - a surprisingly large number of un-Godly stuff will come up.
I am not claiming that God will not speak through the lips of the unwilling, because obviously he can speak through the mouth of a donkey. But this particular gift requires the participation of the recipient. I have no doubt that the gift of tongues sounds like “babbling” to many people. The New Testament accounts this.
Yes, of course there are many ungodly forms of empowerment. Human nature is always seeking empowerment. Unfortunately, most humans do not seek it by being animated by the Holy Spirit. It was the empowerment that came upon the Apostles at Pentecost that was sought by the first Catholics to have the experiences at Duquesne, and that is still sought by those of us who came along later. We do not want to be cowering in a room, afraid, but able to speak God’s wonders in the marketplace.
Yet they teach it at the Life in the Spirit seminar that Baptism in the Spirit results in empowerment.
You might want to give Acts. 2 a quick read.
They make promises of some dymanic, immediate God power, slaying in the Spirit, speaking in tongues type of empowerment…"
God can empower His people however He sees fit. Of course our expression of HIm in our world is to be “dynamic”. This is the basis for the Gk word. It is where we get the word “dynamite”. Our expression of Him in the world is to be an explosive and powerful witness for the Gospel, not the lukewarm expression that is possessed by most American Catholics.
God’s power is, and can be, “immediate” in our lives. This is what it means to walk by the Spirit, and not fulfill the desires of the flesh.