I think I’ve posted everything of relevance from that website regarding the author’s experience with the Life in the Spirit seminar. But if something else of relevance comes up regarding another subject having to do with CCR, I won’t hesitate to quote this person’s opinion (from the website) again.
First, I ask you to post a link to where this blogger supposedly had 10 years experience in the CCR. I could not find this claim in her biographical blurb she links to. Second, she isn’t talking about all Life in the Spirit Seminars, just the one published by the Word of God community. know the LiSS I took (Msgr Walsh) covered Mary, the Sacraments of Eucharist and Penance as means of healing, etc. And it has an Imptimatur and Nihil Obstat. I don’t know the contents of the Word of God LiSS, but I am aware that it is a shared program, as the community is a mix of Catholics and mainline Protestants. I also am aware that there have been problems with the larger Sword of the Spirit group that Word of God is part of. The Steubenville group was ordered by it’s bishop to separate from the Sword of the Spirit due to the bishop’s objection to the materials used and admission of Protestants to the community as part of an ecumenical experiment. This is one community (Sword of the Spirit, Word of God) and it’s LiSS, not all of the CCR. And I understand that the ecclesiastical authorities have looked into the community and it’s practices, and changes are forthcoming as a result.
Three, she is extremely biased, and obviously has close to zero credibility. Anyone can blog opinionated nonsense on the web, Doesn’t mean anything they write is valid. Plus, she has what, two or three regular followers??? Yeah, a great unbiased source on CCR, NOT! Don’t even bother. Her irrational screeds are attacks that lack any sense of charity, much of it borders on hate speech. Fortunately, she doesn’t have much of an audience, as most that happen upon this waste of bandwidth banish it for the rubbish it is. Worthless biased nonsense. Her rank in search is way at the bottom as well (around 3000 hits?). Basically, her only audience is a handful that think like her. The errors she foments to fit her agenda could be easily taken apart.
Here’s one:" Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap., Preacher of the Papal Household preaches against Catholic dogma", of whom she has the gall to call a heretic. As if JP2 and B16 would put a heretic in the position of Preacher of the Papal Household?
Cantalemessa said “for God to love himself would be narcissism." This is denial of Vatican I, which stated “God first and foremost loves himself.” In this case Cantalemessa contradicted a solemn ecumenical council.(Rome, June 10, 2006 Trinity Sunday - A Close Mystery)
Anybody can take a statement out of it’s context and twist it to mean something it did not. To falsely claim that someone said something they didn’t, is seriously wrong. Yet “Muriel” does this repeatedly in this blog, in her desperation to prove her biased viewpoints. The question to which Father Cantalemessa raised was, “who did God love to be able to define himself as love?” God didn’t have a narcissistic self-love. The answer Father gives is, “God is love in himself, before time, because he has always had in himself a Son, the word, whom he loves with an infinite love, that is, in the Holy Spirit.
In all love there are always three realities or subjects: one who loves, one who is loved, and the love that unites them.” Also, I could not find the statement “Murial” claims to be from Vatican I, “God first and foremost loves himself.” on any of the three websites that contain the documents (This one is at
ewtn.) So what did I find that is Church teaching?
The 255 Infallibly Declared Dogmas of the Catholic Faith. 29. God loves Himself of necessity, but loves and wills the creation of extra-Divine things, on the other hand, with freedom. The 102 Certain Truths Not Yet Defined by the Magisterium. 11. The Holy Ghost proceeds from the will or from the mutual love of the Father and of the Son
The 358 Dogmas of the Catholic Church:
I see no conflict with what Fr. Cantalamessa actually stated, and what the Church actually teaches. In fact, his reply to the question, “who did God love to be able to define himself as love?”, matches Church teaching, and no heresy was ever stated.