Muddled interpretations of scripture are a direct result of individual interpretations of scripture. With all due respect, there’s really no way that you can be certain that your interpretation is not actually the one that is muddled. The best you can do is hope that it’s not. Simply believing that one’s interpretation is correct is no guarantee that it is.John 3 Jesus could have answered Nicodemus by saying, `Oh, you’re aware of My miracles! Pretty powerful, huh? Quite incredible, eh?’ But instead, Jesus cut through the flattery and immediately drew Nicodemus’ attention to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God has past, present, and future application. If you don’t understand this, your interpretation of Scripture will remain muddled, and your understanding unclear.?
The discussion here seems to be WHEN/HOW being “born from above” takes place. The Catholic position is not that being born again is merely the act of being baptised but rather it’s through baptism that one is born again (dies and rises to new life- Romans 6:3-4). Baptism actually does what it symbolizes.To be born again is not when you are baptised. To be born again is to be born from above.(Greek genao anonthen) = born from above.
In Christ,