Hi Nancy,There is only ONE baptism (Eph 4:5). That one baptism is water baptism. Water baptism and baptism in the holy Spirit are not two separate things because there is only ONE baptism. When one is baptised with water one receives the holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Water baptism actually does what it symbolizes. Every mention of the word “baptise” in scripture is a reference to water baptism.
Matt 3:11 does not imply that water would no longer be used in baptism but rather that now the water would actually effect something. One would now receive the holy Spirit when one is baptised with water. It would no longer merely be symbolic.
Water baptism is the normative means for receiving the holy Spirit, not the exclusive means. God can do things any way He wants. Some receive the holy Spirit before baptism, which is what happened to Cornelius. Cornelius wasn’t baptised once when he received the holy Spirit and then again when he was baptised with water. That would be two baptisms and scripture is clear that there is only ONE (Eph 4:5). Cornelius was filled with the holy Sprit (not a baptism) and then baptized in water. Well, it must do something or Peter would not have ordered water baptism. Peter didn’t suggest it or say it’d be a nice, meaningful gesture. He ordered it. Why, if it couldn’t do anything?
When one is baptised in water one is incorperated into the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13). It is through water baptism that one is adopted into the family of God. Under the old covenenat that was accomplished through circumcision. Under the new covenenant water baptism replaced circumcision as the means through which one enters God’s family (Col 2:11-12). He does so through water.** **
****This occurs, normatively, through water baptism. There is only one baptism, not two.
Nah, it’s how you interpret scripture. Scripture interpreting scripture only works if your first interpretation is correct.
I’m not the slightest bit confused about baptism. Scripture is clear that there is one baptism through water through which we receive the holy Spirit and become a member of God’s family.
You’ve made your opinion very clear. I completely understand where you’re coming from!
In Christ,
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’
There is no mention of water.
So many posts here have not placed scripture beside their quotes and when you check the passage it is different to the claim. I do hope this is caused by a busy schedule and not for any other reason.
Every mention of the word “baptise” in scripture is a reference to water baptism.
John 1:33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, "Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who** baptizes** with the Holy Spirit.
Nancy are you saying this is a water baptism?
One would now receive the holy Spirit when one is baptised with water. It would no longer merely be symbolic.
**Acts **19:3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you baptized?” So they said,"Into John’s baptism.
These people did not have the Holy Spirit, They had to be baptized in Jesus name to receive the Holy Spirit.
Christ be with you Nancy
walk in love