Delatinizing the Syro Malabar Church

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Shlama to all!
Now I don’t think I’m being too radical or anything but I do think it is time we delatinise the Syro Malabar church. The Syro Malabar church is so latinised that it’s often called the Roman Catholic Syrian church.
What would be some ways for us to return to our east syrian traditions?
Now I don’t think I’m being too radical or anything but I do think it is time we delatinise the Syro Malabar church.
You’re not being radical! This is what Rome wants of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
What would be some ways for us to return to our east syrian traditions?
Good question. Starting small. Engaging in traditional Eastern liturgical practice such as replacing the rosary before Liturgy with Orthos.

a starting point would be, with catechesis, to replace one western practice (rosary, stations, etc.) at a time with the eastern practice it replaced, and to wait months or even a year before moving on to the next.

Look at the backlash for the RC from doing everything at once . . .
If you must “delatinize”…
If we must? We shouldn’t have needed such a command, but Rome itself has commanded us in very clear and certain terms that we must delatinize. In doing so, we’re not only being true to ourselves as churches sui iuris, but we’re also being obedient to Rome.
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Because the Blessed Virgin asked not only the Latin Church but all Christians to pray the rosary everyday.

Also, I would like to see this command. This is the first time I’m heard of it. Would you kindly please give me a link to the Vatican telling the non Latin churches to do this?
The Blessed Virgin’s revelations at Fatima are private revelation, and are, therefore, not binding on any Catholic, Eastern or Western. That being said, we Eastern Catholics have are own devotions to the Blessed Virgin that, for us, ought to take precedence over the rosary. This isn’t to denigrate the rosary, but only to recognize its proper place within the universal Church as a devotion of the West.

In terms of the command to delatinize, the best place to start is by looking at paragraph 6 of Orientalium Ecclesiarum. There are other places you can find this command as well, but that’s the first that jumps to mind for me.
Orthos?What is that? And removing the rosary would be an extremely difficult task
Orthros is the Greek word for Matins or Morning Prayer from the Divine Office.
Do not take this the wrong way, but perhaps if you want to delatinize the Eastern Catholic Churches maybe don’t force them to accept Latin dogmas? However I understand that RC notions about ecclesiology don’t really allow for this so the Eastern Catholic Churches, including the Syro-Malabar Church, will always be Latinized to some extent. I suppose if they didn’t have to submit to Roman dogma then we all might be in communion again. (Attempting to paint the dogmas over with an Eastern brush doesn’t really fix it, especially from an Orthodox point of view, since its still Roman dogma.) But hey, that’s just my 2 cents from my Orthodox point of view on a Catholic forum.
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But what to do if priests are trained with western theology? I personally don’t accept the latin views of Purgatory and nor do I accept the fact that Eastern Catholic churches are even NAMED after the Immaculate Conception. I myself believe the Miaphysitism is not heresy and even compatible with Catholic teaching! But again, most people are not educated to know this and therefore are heavily latinised
I personally don’t think so if u want to,sure! We East Syrians already have a long standing devotions to Marth Mariam in form of fasting and prayers known as Yama Parthana,so the Rosary isn’t nesscary but I do think that it should be kept
If you must “delatinize” please keep the rosary at least.
First, you are DIRECTLY contradicting clear papal teaching.

Second, until you’ve adopted the public devotion of the Akathist to the Theotokos, asking us to adopt this private devotion is condescending and offensive.

And, again, which of our practices do you request we drop to make room? The Akthaist? something else?

Third, “if we must”???

Again, directly contradicting papal teaching, . . .

It is just as offensive as if we demanded that you replace your cherished western practices with ours.

Quite seriously, other than condescension, and leaving aside the papal teachings you reject to do so, how can you possibly suggest that it would be better that we keep latinizations?? . . .
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Second, until you’ve adopted the public devotion of the Akathist to the Theotokos, asking us to adopt this private devotion is condescending and offensive.
Why would a Syro-Malabar parish have a public Akathist? This is a prayer of the Greek Rite.
Yes. Thank you. I’m Maronite, so I’m used to calling it Safro. Same reality, different dialect. 😉
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