Every time I see someone get excited about mia- or mono-, etc., it seems to be a matter of not having a comprehension of the languages of the two sides that were having the dispute.
In pretty much every historical case, the “losing” side was not saying what the “winning” side claimed.
Chist was true God and true man. I have a hard time getting excited or even interested in the further details of the technical nature of it, and see no way it would affect me (or anyone else) spiritually.
In fact, I lack the attention span to follow a couple of paragraphs on the issue, my eyes start going glassy the moment I see mia- or mono- . . .
In pretty much every historical case, the “losing” side was not saying what the “winning” side claimed.
Chist was true God and true man. I have a hard time getting excited or even interested in the further details of the technical nature of it, and see no way it would affect me (or anyone else) spiritually.
In fact, I lack the attention span to follow a couple of paragraphs on the issue, my eyes start going glassy the moment I see mia- or mono- . . .