Democrats Launch Smear Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett’s Adopted Children

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Being against adopted kids. Any reason that that would be upsetting to some?
Indeed. I am an adopted “kid” if you can call a 62 y.o. a “kid”. I’m glad I was conceived in 1957 and not now! My unwed biological mother gave me up for adoption.
No. Feinstein commented on the judge’s writings which is appropriate, not on the judge’s religion. Can’t you tell the difference?
in the questioning, it was about religion

Durbin was more direct.
“Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?” Durbin asked.
what does being an orthodox catholic have to do with being a judge?

again Durbin
“I prefaced my remarks by saying that going into a person’s religion is not the right thing to do in every circumstance,” he told TheDCNF. “But she’s been outspoken. As a law school professor at Notre Dame she has taken on the tough challenge of how a person with strong religious beliefs becomes a judge and looks at American law.”
“So I think she has fashioned herself somewhat of an expert and I didn’t feel uncomfortable asking that question,” Durbin added.
yeah, it was about religion
what does being an orthodox catholic have to do with being a judge?
Durbin was quoting the judge, I think. He’s Roman Cahtolic.

"Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois took issue with Barrett’s use of the term “orthodox Catholics” as it appears in her article, to the extent that it brands Catholics who do not hold certain positions on capital punishment or abortion as heterodox or possibly heretical.

“Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?” Durbin asked."

See what a difference selective editing makes?
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Nepperhan . . .
Do you have any Democratic OFFICIALS conducting a smear?
Do you have any comment where it doesn’t change my premise?

I never said “Democratic OFFICIALS” did this.

I said this was a trial balloon to gauge public reaction and THEN jump in the “Shark feeding frenzy” if politically expedient.

Here it is again . . . . .
This smear by a lower level Democrat is a trial balloon on this sensitive issue.

The Democrats will watch and see how the public reacts to this smear
and all jump into the “shark feeding frenzy” if they think it will help them politically.

These are the same type of people running around pretending and telling everybody they can,
that pro-life people don’t care about children AFTER they are born. (Yet Amy Coney Barret is adopting and helping.)

Don’t be fooled . . .
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Jeanne_S reminding us of Senator Feinstein’s interrogation . . . .
The Dogma Lives Deep Within You…
I read the remarks and I could see that they did focus on her Catholicism. You’re just correct here. Checking a nominee’s religion in this manner is bigotry.
And isn’t Durbin a Catholic?
Somehow it’s okay to be Catholic if you’re proabortion. NPR waxes unabashedly over Joe’s Catholicism. A play to get it’s Catholic listeners to come around.

Biden, who carries a rosary in his pocket and attends Mass every Sunday, is known as a deeply devout person of faith, and his campaign sees electoral implications in that — in part because Biden has tried to frame this election as a clear moral contrast between Trump and himself.
The following is typical of Biden’s approach to his faith. This view of faith has always bothered me. It seems more of a philosophy than the cross which Jesus says we must take up. Cheap grace. (Bolding mine)
When Joe Biden seeks to inspire or comfort, he turns to his faith. He speeches are woven with references to God, biblical language or the pope.
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Somehow it’s okay to be Catholic if you’re proabortion. NPR waxes unabashedly over Joe’s Catholicism. A play to get it’s Catholic listeners to come around.strong text
To the media and those on the left, the only good Catholic is one who primarily serves leftist ideals, and God secondarily. They want a Catholic willing to stand up for abortion rights, embryonic stem cell research, same sex marriage, and willing to force fellow Christians to violate their consciences.
Catholic public figures who consistently act contrary to their faith publicly are lauded, while those who don’t hold such heterodox views are excoriated.
To the media and those on the left, the only good Catholic is one who primarily serves leftist ideals, and God secondarily. They want a Catholic willing to stand up for abortion rights, embryonic stem cell research, same sex marriage, and willing to force fellow Christians to violate their consciences.
Catholic public figures who consistently act contrary to their faith publicly are lauded, while those who don’t hold such heterodox views are excoriated.
Dick Durbin, John Kasich, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden…
I never said “Democratic OFFICIALS” did this.
OK, then why should we worry about what any yahoo on the street says? You somehow see this as evidence of a smear campaign starting which will infect the nomination process? That’s not what the title of this thread states – in someone’s view the Democratic smear campaign is underway. Then you use a cynical prediction to state what Democrats will or will not do.

All of this is just inappropriate and irresponsible journalism.
These views need to be examined. I hope more information come from Judge Barrett during the hearings on her nomination:

"[Barrett’s] a member of People of Praise, a charismatic covenant community in South Bend, Indiana, that has been criticized by former members for being a religious cult. Though most of its members are Catholic, its practices, including speaking in tongues and faith healing, draw more from fundamentalist and evangelical Christianity than the Vatican. One of its most notable features is the submissive role played by women, some of whom were called “handmaids”—at least until the Handmaid’s Tale aired in 2017, At that point, the group started referring to them as “women leaders.”

Barrett has written and spoken publicly about being a devout Catholic lawyer, even saying that during her confirmation hearing that she would not enter an order of execution if she were a federal trial judge because it would conflict with Catholic Church teaching. In 2006, she gave a commencement speech at Notre Dame law school in which she told the grads, “Always keep in mind that your legal career is but a means to an end, and…that end is building the kingdom of God.” But Barrett has not publicly addressed her involvement with People of Praise."

Abner Mikva was criticized for being a federal judge and at the same time being involved with sections of the ABA, a lawyer’s organization. Judges traditionally tend to avoid membership in anything that gets close to politics.
Nepperhan . . .
why should we worry about what any yahoo on the street says?
Because we’ve seen this leftist ploy play out too many times before to ignore it.

But if you are so inclined, you can ignore it on your own but
you have seven of the forty posts here
so it looks like you are interested in this thread too.

Nepperhan . . .
All of this is just inappropriate and irresponsible journalism.
I think it is just the opposite.

Look no further than the Brett Kavanaugh smear campaign (and how the conservatives saw that one coming too) to validate what I am thinking over this.

I stand by the thread.
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Nepperhan . . .
I like to point out shortcomings.
Go ahead and point one out then.

But the people at Breitbart News, have to have that same freedom you want (and “like”) for yourself.

They want to point out shortcomings too.

And a leftist shortcoming
is the smear campaign that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be put through by the leftists in the Senate, the social media GIANTS, and the leftist “news” media that they are already embarking upon.
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charismatic covenant community in South Bend, Indiana, that has been criticized by former members for being a religious cult.
Wow. You do know that even the Church Herself has been “criticized by former members for being a cult”?
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