Democrats Launch Smear Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett’s Adopted Children

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yeah, it was about religion
Of course it was, just as Feinstein’s crack was, just as Harris’ crack was, just as Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s were. Progressives can’t stand Catholicism because it is a religion that claims authority to teach what’s right and wrong. Progressives want to invent their own right and wrong, and it’s opposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church in very important ways.
RidgeRunner . . . .
Progressives can’t stand Catholicism because it is a religion that claims authority to teach what’s right and wrong.
I saw this and immediately thought . . . “Yep. The progressives can’t stand that because it clashes with their own religion.”

Then I read the next sentence and saw you beat me to it saying . . .
Progressives want to invent their own right and wrong, and it’s opposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church in very important ways.
Nice summary post on the progressives Ridgerunner.
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is the smear campaign that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be put through
You are predicting the future again. Neither questioning her qualifications nor examining her associations is a smear, by the way.
Wow. You do know that even the Church Herself has been “criticized by former members for being a cult”?
May we stick to the subject? I’m not very familiar with the group.
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Nepperhan (apparently trying to convince me that Amt Coney Barrett will not have to endure a leftist smear campaign against her person) . . .
is the smear campaign that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be put through
Nepperhan’s response?
You are predicting the future again. Neither questioning her qualifications nor examining her associations is a smear, by the way.
There will be much more than questioning her qualifications Nepperhan.

Nepperhan . . .
. . . nor examining her associations . . .
This depends. Is it relevant to her legal performance?
The real “association” the left is concerned about or at least the main association, is of course the Catholic Church.

Bill Maher vocalized this thinly veiled concern when he said . . . .
Maher said. "Religion – I was right about that one too. I’m sorry, but Amy [Coney] Barrett, Catholic – really Catholic. I mean really, really Catholic . . .
Bold mine.
The issue of Barrett’s Catholicism predates her nomination to the Supreme Court.

During her appeals court confirmation hearing in 2017, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., told the prospective judge that “when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you.

“And that’s of concern,” Feinstein added, “when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for, for years in this country.”

Feinstein of course is concerned about the “legality” of murdering innocent pre-born babies. Feinstein wants abortion going on “legally” for all nine months in our country. Just like Joe Biden does.
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I would expect nothing less from the party of death, anti-Catholic/anti-Christian bigots, and communist authoritarians. Make no mistake, Democrats do not want Catholics in this world and if you do not conform to their ideology they will try to eliminate you in whatever way they can.
I see this heading in a very dangerous direction.
It was done during her senate hearing. So yeah, he / they will do it again
My guess is the Dems won’t resort to outright anti-Catholicism in her hearings. There are too many Catholic voters who have not yet learned the Dem party is the enemy of their religion. What they will attack is her association with the charismatic movement.
Most democrats are quite moderate. In the middle. Not like AOC. I am a Republican. Why do you employ the term “radical democrats” when the vast majority are not radical in the least? It is inaccurate, to this humble servant. A dog whistle.

Why not just use actual facts based in reality? As someone with with lifelong bipolar slash schizophrenia slash whatever I have, my brain occasionally deprives me of the ability to stay connected to reality. The other day, I woke up and was scared I was not a human in an actual life, but a character in a giant video game. I had to go ask my loving support people if this was true, or my illness. They said it was my illness and I was able to incorporate that helpful data and I calmed down. They help me a lot. So grateful.

The ability to reliably experience reality is not a gift all humans receive. I strongly suggest treasuring it while we have its wondrous blessing. You never know when God nay take it away. It happened to me at the age of 41, on top of the world. Hugs.
The other day, I woke up and was scared I was not a human in an actual life, but a character in a giant video game. I had to go ask my loving support people if this was true, or my illness. They said it was my illness and I was able to incorporate that helpful data and I calmed down. They help me a lot. So grateful.
I was surprised years ago when my sister, who is a clinical psychologist, explained this to me. At the time she said she had to teach clients by rote to accept certain things and ignore others, both of which seemed equally real. That was before the meds used for it now.
It really is amazing sometimes what psych meds can do, though. Psychiatrists used to spend most of their time doing psychoanalysis. Now it’s pharmacology almost exclusively. A shrink friend explained to me that now the psychiatrist straightens out the brain chemistry and then turns the person over to a psychologist who teaches the patient how to undo the pathological thought patterns he/she developed in dealing with the psych problem prior to treatment. Interesting stuff.
The reason I specified “radical Democrats” is that they seem to be running the show. And the moderates aren’t stepping up and confronting them, or doing much else about it. I specified a certain group of Democrats, hence the word, “radical”.
There will be much more than questioning her qualifications Nepperhan.
How do you know this? You are in effect smearing the senators who will question her.
This depends. Is it relevant to her legal performance?
The real “association” the left is concerned about or at least the main association, is of course the Catholic Church.
Research ‘the appearance of impropriety’ as it applies to jurists.

Trump ‘slams media treatment of Catholicism’? You notice he did not mention who or when, huh? I have not seen any anti-Catholic treatment raising its ugly head. But, of course, you are adept at seeing the future so you can inform me.
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? You are in effect smearing the senators who will question her.
why is giving an opinion smearing anyone? it is a good prediction of what they will do based on what they have done. it isn’t telling the future, it is reading the past.
why is giving an opinion smearing anyone?
Its not exactly giving someone the benefit of a doubt but slamming their professionalism before he or she does a thing. That’s a smear.
it is a good prediction of what they will do based on what they have done. it isn’t telling the future, it is reading the past.
The odd thing is that no one, including Trump has come up with an anti-Catholic smear. That stuff about Durbin asking Bennett if she was an ‘orthodox Catholic’? He was quoting her writing!
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