Democrats preparing three-tiered vote fraud scheme to destroy election integrity

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Democrats preparing three-tiered vote fraud scheme to destroy election integrity​

No rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

Tue Sep 8, 2020

By J.B. Shurk

September 8, 2020 (American Thinker) — Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election. . . .

. . . nearly destroyed the Union after the 2016 election. It was the way the Obama White House and an intelligence–law enforcement cabal run by the Democratic Party maliciously and intentionally magnified Russia’s limited hijinks into the greatest political hoax in American history. The Democrats preferred to drag the United States through four years of nonsensical conspiracy theories, needless investigations, and cries of high treason rather than to acknowledge that President Trump had legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton. The Democrats chose an unprecedented campaign of sabotage against an American president . . . The Democrats and the Deep State that has aided and abetted their cause have sold bitter acrimony for four years and birthed our precarious pre-civil war tinderbox today. . . .

. . . A party that is driving the country to civil war cannot be trusted to have the country’s best interest at heart.

Most Republicans (except the “useful idiots” who will look past corruption and fraud for the chance to remove President Trump) understand how the Democrats plan to use “cheat-by-mail” chaos to elevate a man who can’t remember his opponent’s name or even his running mate’s to commander in chief. They have a three-tailed con in play: (1) attempt to win swing states fast and declare victory before fraudulent ballots can be scrutinized; (2) harvest loose ballots after election day until Trump vote leads disappear; (3) throw the whole mess into state and federal courts until a Democrat-leaning judge gives them a Democrat lead. At any time that one of these tails secures a Democrat victory, the “useful idiot” NeverTrumps and hacks in the press will aid the Democrats in quickly declaring the election over and calling for President Trump’s concession. (When executing a good con, it’s always best to have “disinterested” third parties move the con along.) By that point, offending ballots will be “disappeared” before they can ever be scrutinized again. And at any stage of this dangerous game, if President Trump and his supporters fight the outcome, our efforts — not Democrat vote fraud — will be framed as “threats to democracy.”

All the chaos lying ahead was preventable, of course. . . .

Here is The American Thinker link (where the above article originated from) too if interested.
September 4, 2020

Democrat Mail Fraud Will Take Us to the Brink​

By J.B. Shurk

Now that a top Democrat data analytics firm has finally confirmed that Democrats plan to claim victory weeks after the presidential election once enough of their “votes” show up in the mail to be counted, I don’t think any rational observer could view this as anything but a promise to destroy the legitimacy of the 2020 election. The Democrats’ mission to fracture America permanently should be codenamed “Operation Chaos,” because it is chaos they are preparing to unleash. . . .
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Also relevant. From The Heritage Foundation:

Voter Fraud​


The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right, one on which many other rights of the American people depend.

Congress and the states should guarantee that every eligible individual is able to vote and that no one’s vote is stolen or diluted.

Voter fraud is real and hundreds of convictions have been made and documented…

The history of voting in the United States

Contrary to the claims of many liberals, the problem of voter fraud is as old as the country itself. As the U.S. Supreme Court noted…

Different types of election fraud

There are many ways for criminals to steal votes and change the outcome of an election. These include:
  • Impersonation fraud at the polls: Voting in the name of other legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.
  • False registrations: Voting under fraudulent voter registrations that either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually live and is not entitled to vote.
  • Duplicate voting: Registering in multiple locations and voting in the same election in more than one jurisdiction or state.
  • Fraudulent use of absentee ballots: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.
  • Buying votes: Paying voters to cast either an in-person or absentee ballot for a particular candidate.
  • Illegal “assistance” at the polls: Forcing or intimidating voters—particularly the elderly, disabled, illiterate, and those for whom English is a second language—to vote for particular candidates while supposedly providing them with “assistance.”
  • Ineligible voting: Illegal registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote.
  • Altering the vote count: Changing the actual vote count either in a precinct or at the central location where votes are counted.
  • Ballot petition fraud: Forging the signatures of registered voters on the ballot petitions that must be filed with election officials in some states for a candidate or issue to be listed on the official ballot.
Can illegal votes actually affect election outcomes?

Liberal groups often claim that known instances of voter fraud are inconsequential when compared to the total number of ballots cast in American elections. However, as the National Commission on Federal Election Reform has stated, the problem “is not the magnitude of voter fraud. In close or disputed elections, and there are many, a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference.” The U.S. Supreme Court has concurred with this assessment . . .
Yes, this is why we need a voting system with true integrity.

Fighting against a proper voting system could easily result in fraud.
The most divided and already pre-contested with out a single vote in recent history, and massive mail in ballots are pushed? Oy Vey! What can go wrong?
I am not looking forward to the next 6 months that is for sure!!
The Democrats are so sure they’ll win this way that they’re okay letting us peek behind the curtains. We’re being conditioned with help from the media to accept this usurpation. They don’t have to cheat by mail everywhere, just in the battleground states plus key Senate and House races.

How else to explain the Democrats’ acceptance of Biden as their frontrunner? They knew from the beginning that he had senior issues and women issues, but they wouldn’t let Sanders in and outside of that they never coalesced behind another candidate. But they expect to win with him all along. Even with the riots.

How else to explain the Democrats’ acceptance of Harris as their president-in-waiting? The worst kept secret in DC is the opinion of nearly everyone that Biden won’t finish his term should he win. So a vote for Biden is essentially a vote for Harris. A candidate who got beat down in the very first debate and never recovered from that. A candidate who never got more than 5% of the vote. A candidate whose state is already in the bag for Biden. Have to go back to Palin to find the last VP candidate to make so little sense.

How else to explain the rhetoric in recent months from such luminaries as Hillary Clinton who are on record as advising Biden to never concede the election?
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Zzyzx_Road . . .
They don’t have to cheat by mail everywhere, just in the battleground states plus key Senate and House races.
If Democrats cannot litigate a Democrat into the White House they will use this anarchy they are setting up, to try again to attempt to undermine and de-legitimize President Trump’s re-election by the American people as they did with his last election victory.


Biden Campaign Expands Legal War Room for General Election Battle​

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin


14 Sep 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is expanding its army of election lawyers and experts in preparation for what is likely to be an intense legal battle leading up to Election Day and afterward, if the general election is close.

Biden’s campaign, which has been assembling lawyers and volunteers for its election integrity efforts since the summer, announced on Monday that Dana Remus and Bob Bauer would helm the effort, as reported by The New York Times .

Remus, who until now has served as the campaign’s general counsel, and Bauer, a former Obama administration official, will be responsible for building out a “special litigation” unit within the campaign. The unit, which will serve as a legal war room for election issues, will “focus on the state-by-state 0ver vote casting and counting rules.” It will be led by two solicitors general, Donald Verrilli and Walter Dellinger, from the Obama and Clinton administrations, respectively.

Also involved in the effort, according to the Times , are former Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder and Marc Elias, a Democrat superlawyer who was the general counsel for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign. Holder, in particular, will focus on liaising between the Biden campaign and outside progressive groups mobilizing to fight legal challenges over voting rules and balloting. . .

. . . Most notably, this was exhibited in July when PrioritiesUSA, the largest super PAC aligned with the Democrat Party, announced . . . The Super PAC’s effort is targeting six battleground states–Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida–considered pivotal to Biden’s hopes of taking the White House.
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I think, like Obama, Harris is who they really want, but they are hiding her behind Biden since she did so poorly during the primary debates. They know Biden will not be able to serve for 4 years. Kamala is their pick. Like Obama, she will be obedient and push through the agenda they want.

Over 1,600 Uncounted New Jersey Ballots Discovered in a ‘Mislabeled’ Bin from July Primary​

Over 1,600 Uncounted New Jersey Ballots Discovered in a ‘Mislabeled’ Bin from July Primary World News
Over 1,600 Uncounted New Jersey Ballots Discovered in a ‘Mislabeled’ Bin from July Primary 43 [King County Election workers collect ballots from a drop box in the Washington State primary, Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in Seattle. Washington is a vote by mail state. (AP Photo/John Froschauer)] AP Photo/John Froschauer HANNAH BLEAU 15 Sep 202041 2:36 Over 1,600 primary ballots hailing from New Jersey’s Sussex County were discovered in a “mislabeled” bin last week and subsequently added to the fi…
The point here is that the 1600 votes were not enough to change the result in any election affected.

That generally is the point. Our election counting mechanisms are not capable of precise accuracy, but they almost always are accurate enough to identify the correct winner. Except for a rare case like Bush v Gore, the errors are smaller than the margin of victory.

This is also true of fraud. Any fraud large enough to sway a statewide election will be noticed in most cases. Trump’s fantasies of 3 million or more fraudulent votes in the last election are ridiculous.

Trump’s active fantasy life is what creates things like the Democrats’ war room filled with legal experts. Trump is very litigious, turning to courts whenever he feels slighted. He drags out disputes and often ignores rulings against him. He is the one setting up claims of a fraudulent election, not the Democrats. He is the one with distorted ideas that get challenged in courts.

Have all “mail-in” ballots go to the same address at a USPS location in each state. Count them there by feeding them into voting machines just as they would be with in person voting.
I heard a half million mail in ballots were already disqualified because the signatures didn’t match.

Each mail in ballot must be reviewed for authenticity.
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Actually, this is not “news”.

It is a degradation of the CAF world news forum to simply post an opinion article full of false accusations against one party with absolutely no substance whatsoever.

It’s simply slander.
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