Did Job suffer, Did he lose all his children? Seven sons and three daughters, and a very large household. All murdered. Over history thousand of prophets. Where is your wisdom to decide how God will judge all ? I dont make that judgement, but you have placed some mary at the head of all these gallant saints. Mary lost one Son, someone she knew was destined. Is her suffering greater than Job’s wife who lost 10 children. Does any one know how Mary died? Dont misunderstand me. I am asking you where your balance is?
Yet none of these great and holy people you mention is mother of God the Son. That’s the difference. Mary has greatest honour for many reasons:
- She is mother of God the Son, Jesus Christ.
- She therefore has the rank of Queen Mother to the heavenly King of the line of David.
- She has a pivotal role in salvation history as the woman whose obedience counterbalaned the disobedience of Eve.
- As mother of Jesus. She is also mother of his adopted Brethren, who are the Church.
Paul is not healing people in his name today. Neither are Luke or Peter. None of these people claimed to do any supernatural work by their own hand then or now. Just your mary.
The cases of Peter, Paul and Luke are different to Mary in that they do not appear as “great signs” in scripture as Mary does in Isaiah 7 and Revelation 12. Nor were they assumed bodily into heaven like Moses and Elijah, who appeared to Jesus and the Apostles at the transfiguration.
As for supernatural work “by their own hand”, we see the apostles performing healing and other miracles in Acts 5 - 10, without pronouncing specific formulas saying “This healing is from God, not me.” The same goes for Moses. We even find Peter’s handkerchief curing people!
So Mary is close to the foreground on 4 occasions. I am not asking for an answer but can you name more than four occasions for Moses, for Paul, for Peter, for John, for Abraham, for Samuel, for David …
I was just responding to your point that Mary is always invisible in the background.
And like Eve, Mary’s appearance in scripture is pivotal. I think some people believe that just because, say Paul, wrote a lot, that makes him more important than others.
1John 4:2 By this you know the Spirit of God; Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. Well, I dont know and I doubt you know if this spirit which leads you to Jesus is one who confesses this. It seems odd to me that if you are led to Jesus why are so many dry. Why was Mother Theresa dry. Something doesnt jell.
No. You are making assumptions. Many people go through **periods ** of spiritual dryness. This can be known as “The Dark Night of the Soul” discussed by St John of the Cross. Even Jesus had a period when He felt separation from God. As did the Apostles. Not everything is always happy-clappy.
Even evil spirits believe in Jesus. All of the miracles here seem to be performed by mary. How I wish I was wrong.
Do you not know that the charge that the pharisees made against Jesus - was that His healing power came from evil spirits?
Jesus says this:
Mark3 25-26 "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come."
In all the approved Marian appearances She calls for prayer and repentance, and for people to follow Jesus. As we can see from the above, Satan cannot do this.
How else are we told in the Bible to discern whether things are of God or not?
1 Cor 12.3:
You know when you were pagans somehow or other you were influenced by and led astray to mute idols. Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says “Jesus be cursed”. and no one can say Jesus is Lord" except by the Holy Spirit."
At Guadeloupe Mary proclaimed Her Son, Jesus, as Lord. At Fatima, She gave the Children a new prayer: ** “Oh my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need.”**
The teachings, messages, and also the fruits of the approved Marian Apparitions have been overwhelmingly for good, for healing, spiritual growth and the increase of Faith.