Your article does not include irascible, but concupiscible (“assaults of the flesh”). One of the three preternatural gifts is absence of concupiscence.
It is quite obvious, however, that Adam and Eve’s desire effected their ability to reason, so again we go back to the question as to why God would not give the couple complete dominion of reason over
all appetite if the objective was to give them ability to transcend their wants and make a wise decision.
Vico, can you see that the story loses its effectiveness on the reader if A&E did not have complete dominion of reason over appetite? The assertion that they had such “dominion” has to be made in order for the reader to remain in a position of blame, “siding with God”, so to speak. Adam and Eve themselves became the antagonists in the story.
If you are asserting that they did not have dominion over their irascible appetites, then the reader can say, “they have an excuse, they did not have dominion of reason over their irascible appetites”, and God’s punitive action may seem unreasonable. BTW, you still have not proven that the article linked in the OP, and the title of this thread, does not include irascible appetite.
Control is not the key element but will to do good.
All people will to do good, Vico. People choose a truly lesser good because they are lacking in ability to reason, there is an awareness deficit. Do you remember back in the dark ages of our conversation about the man who chose to fornicate? He did not have dominion of reason over appetite, his behavior was completely irrational.
Based on the story as written, the couple was completely unaware of the ramifications of their action, it is only with the assertion that they had “complete dominion of reason” that the footnote can be added that the couple was essentially omniscient, therefore their action inexcusable in the reader’s eye.
The more people know, Vico, the more wise they are, the less likely they are to sin. Wisdom can provide the skill to transcend appetite.
Once the decision of non-cooperation is made,
A decision to non-cooperate could be made in a state of grace and knowledge? How can that actually happen? A decision to non-cooperate, when it is not the decision most connected to Truth, will not occur if there is a state of grace and knowledge. Again, wisdom and experience count for something. Wisdom and experience guide the human to refrain from making hurtful choices.
Complete dominion of reason and knowledge over appetite will unquestionably result in a wise refusal to sin.
“I want that, and it looks good, but it is bad, period. Looks are deceiving, my want may effect my mind, so I will avoid temptation, etc.” results in a choice not to sin. A person who says all these things but still sins is completely unaware of what is happening in their mind.
“I want that, and I heard it is bad, but look how good it is, it cannot be so bad” is the result of desire compromising conscience. This is exactly what happened in Eve’s mind.