Did any Eastern Catholic churches cancel Divine Liturgies

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Ohio banned gatherings of 50 or more today. I don’t know what that will mean for churches.
The nearby Ruthenian Byazantine Catholic mission cancelled its Divine Liturgy, as I believe all Ruthenians did.
The nearby Ruthenian Byazantine Catholic mission cancelled its Divine Liturgy, as I believe all Ruthenians did
I’m Ruthenian. We had Divine Liturgy this morning, and for now, our liturgies are still scheduled.
As far as I know, the Eparchy of Phoenix has only canceled in Seattle and Olympia, WA.
The Maronite Churches in the U.S. have NOT cancelled divine liturgies!
Bishop Gregory didn’t cancel them. BUT Bishop Elias sent a letter to our priests telling them that since the Eparchy is so large (everything west of PA, basically) he defers to the local RC diocese, since they have a better handle on the local situation.

If the local diocese cancels masses, we are to cancel liturgy.

In my area we are still having DL on Sat. vigil and Sunday only, no daily liturgy and no other services or functions (lots of lost revenue on fish fries, but what can you do) but we are being encouraged to stay home (per the statement the RC diocese issued).
UPDATE: The Ohio Bishops have just issued a statement that they have cancelled all Masses until Easter. I assume that the Maronites in Ohio, per Bishop Elais’ previous instructions, will follow suit.
UPDATE: The Ohio Bishops have just issued a statement that they have cancelled all Masses until Easter. I assume that the Maronites in Ohio, per Bishop Elais’ previous instructions, will follow suit.
This is correct for Roman Catholics. Nothing has come out yet regarding the Byzantine Church.
Keeping in mind that I am canonically a Latin, my diocese, the Diocese of Charleston has decided there will be no liturgical celebrations for a couple of weeks. (And I broke down in tears after reading it). The adjacent diocese, the Diocese of Savannah has canceled all public Masses. So far as I know, the Eastern Catholic church near where I live, which is under the jurisdiction of the Eparchy of Newton, has not cancelled public liturgical celebration.
This from youtube…

His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch and Catholicos of Tbilisi and all Georgia Elijah, to combat Coronavirus in Georgia, has ordered all churches in the country to ring bells at noon, and all priests to sprinkle streets with the holy water after Divine Liturgy. The Disruption of Divine Liturgy is out of the question.
“We would like to point out that the church is a special place of worship, and the Liturgy celebrated there is the most important ministry on earth. A person who believes in prayer will go to the living God, Jesus Christ, Who is Himself the source of life and peace, hope, and joy, and we must not depart from this grace.”
The Church will prescribe prayers to the Most Holy Mother of God for the defeat of the virus.

Sounds like the old Latin Church fighting the Plague in Europe, processing through the streets - I heard they took the sick with them, processing the sick - Many of them died, but the plague stopped… The state of Christianity is very weak in the face of this little burp…

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This is correct for Roman Catholics. Nothing has come out yet regarding the Byzantine Church.
Yes, that’s what I meant because of my previous post. But since they were separate posts I should have elaborated.
So my wife and I are teachers and all public schools in our state are closed for the next three weeks. It seems God may be using this crisis to impose a “forced” Sabbath, if you will. With our busy lives we often forget to give ourselves a break.

I feel this is an opportunity for us laity to rediscover the importance of praying the Liturgy of the Hours.

The Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has just announced suspension of all Liturgical Services until further notice.

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It seems God may be using this crisis to impose a “forced” Sabbath, if you will. With our busy lives we often forget to give ourselves a break.
I thought the same thing. The roads are virtually empty. It is almost like Christmas Day. If the reason for it weren’t so tragic, it would actually be kind of nice.

(But that is easy for me to sit back and say — I am retired, as are my parents, and our income doesn’t depend on a place of employment being open. My son is homeschooled. We have a ton of food stored, because I believe in preparedness and this is just a ramp-up from what I do anyway. The electricity and water are on — most disaster scenarios have to allow for one or both being cut off — and gasoline is dirt-cheap, I saw a price of $1.649/gallon today, but it doesn’t matter, because there’s really no place to go.)
The Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has just announced suspension of all Liturgical Services until further notice.

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This makes me sad and worried that our Eparchy will follow suit soon. I am praying that we get just one more Presanctified Lturgy tomorrow. And Pascha.

Do you have a copy of the attached sheet that was referenced in the letter? The one with a listing of live streaming services?
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