Did God commit a sin of omission by creating people with free will knowing they would bring evil to the world?

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Suppose you have foreknowledge that he becomes a clear before your wife becomes pregnant. Would you try to have this kid?
You are suggesting that one can have foreknowledge of something that will never occur.
If it is foreknowledge, it is knowledge of something that cannot but happen.
One cannot undo what is done in eternity.
Once established, one may stop the course of things where it stands or influence it to go in another direction.
What I am saying is that the act of creation is bad act since it leads to sin.
Really, there is only one answer to this, because our Creator ‘Saw and found it was Good’ of Creation. 😇

God’s own words. From usccb.org/bible/gn/1

God saw that the light was good. God then separated the light from the darkness
God called the dry land “earth,” and the basin of water he called “sea.” God saw that it was good.

the earth brought forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw that it was good.
to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good
God created the great sea monsters and all kinds of crawling living creatures with which the water teems, and all kinds of winged birds. God saw that it was good
God made every kind of wild animal, every kind of tame animal, and every kind of thing that crawls on the ground. God saw that it was good
God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed—the sixth day

Commentry from the weblink.
  • [1:1–2:3] This section, from the Priestly source, functions as an introduction, as ancient stories of the origin of the world (cosmogonies) often did. It introduces the primordial story (2:4–11:26), the stories of the ancestors (11:27–50:26), and indeed the whole Pentateuch. The chapter highlights the goodness of creation and the divine desire that human beings share in that goodness. God brings an orderly universe out of primordial chaos merely by uttering a word.
Of course , later on, God ran out of patience with mortal wickedness.

Genesis ch. 6
When the LORD saw how great the wickedness of human beings was on earth, and how every desire that their heart conceived was always nothing but evil,
the LORD regretted making human beings on the earth, and his heart was grieved.
So the LORD said: I will wipe out from the earth the human beings I have created, and not only the human beings, but also the animals and the crawling things and the birds of the air, for I regret that I made them.
But Noah found favor with the LORD.

God said to Noah: I see that the end of all mortals has come, for the earth is full of lawlessness because of them. So I am going to destroy them with the earth

And the Ark was built. Yay for Noah!

So God saw and found creation was good.

Later God saw the wickedness of mortals, not of creation. Maybe He regretted making the great sea monsters too 😇🐳, who knows.

So now, these days , post Noah, Some are trying hard to stop sinning and do the Will of God, look at poor old Abraham, and how far he was prepared to go, look at Stephen, John the Baptist, Padre Pio. Some even become Saints 😇

Even look at the un noticed old lady who sits quietly in Mass daily, or the Priest celebratibg the Mass.
Look at modern day martyrs like the priest captured in ISIS territory, or murdered in France. And lets give a thought to all the underground Masses today.

Its not so bad, STT.
According to the CCC God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive good from it.

I understand that evil doesn’t exist, so it would be impossible for God to create it or even indirectly create it.

My question is reflecting more on what God DIDN’T do instead of what he did. This is a question of a potential sin of omission on God’s part.

-Evil is the absence of Good

-God intentionally created man with free will knowing man would display an absence of good, even though God didn’t will man disobey.

-Whether God likes it or not, he is a contributor to a display of the absence of good taking place, since this wouldn’t have happened if he wouldn’t have made man with free will.

-God, indirectly, has committed a sin of omission due to this absence of good happening due to his negligence by creating man with the ability to sin.

-Thus God is not All-Loving

How do we prove this assertion wrong?
You would have to prove that God cannot have morally good reasons for allowing the possibility of evil. Good luck with that.
What I am saying is that the act of creation is bad act since it leads to sin.
It doesn’t have to. And even if it does, Jesus made it possible for us to repent and forgave us for the bad act, and possibly to be able to fix it.

The Blessed Mother is a prime example of being true to God, she did not sin. And she was human.
I’d question if there was an omission because God created us imperfect, and with concupiscence. As a result, the bugs in the software causes us to crash (sin) and the Great Programmer won’t fix it for some reason.
My original post was like this:“I think he is making a good point. Suppose that you are going to have a kid. Suppose also that you know that your kid put an end on humanity once he grew up enough. Are you going to have this kid? Is having this kid good?” so I didn’t change the model.
This doesn’t work as a model very good because in creation the child didn’t end creation just altered it’s course. But the Son repaired the fracture between God and man.
This doesn’t work as a model very good because in creation the child didn’t end creation just altered it’s course. But the Son repaired the fracture between God and man.
So why we are still here and suffering if the relationship is repaired? Why God doesn’t show up and open His arms for us?
So why we are still here and suffering if the relationship is repaired? Why God doesn’t show up and open His arms for us?
For us to be else where with no suffering would thus mean that Gods judgement was not just and fair.It is repaired one cant see the repair because the fracture that mattered most was on the spiritual level.

He will but me thinks there will too many of us that won`t like it though.
For us to be else where with no suffering would thus mean that Gods judgement was not just and fair.It is repaired one cant see the repair because the fracture that mattered most was on the spiritual level.
Justice? What is the fault of an innocent person, a kid? Why s/he has to suffer in here?
He will but me thinks there will too many of us that won`t like it though.
Why we should accept Him? He left us here for no specific purpose.
For us to be else where with no suffering would thus mean that Gods judgement was not just and fair.It is repaired one cant see the repair because the fracture that mattered most was on the spiritual level.

He will but me thinks there will too many of us that won`t like it though.
How would God’s judgment be not just and fair if he took away suffering? Hello? Something bad happened, he fixed it and the bad stuff goes away. THAT is just and fair.

Instead, God holds back and we are held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors. How is that loving?
Justice? What is the fault of an innocent person, a kid? Why s/he has to suffer in here?

Why we should accept Him? He left us here for no specific purpose.
it looks like you might be one of the not happy ones when He comes back.
the issue of suffering has plagued many a person, simple solution accept it as life
How would God’s judgment be not just and fair if he took away suffering? Hello? Something bad happened, he fixed it and the bad stuff goes away. THAT is just and fair.

Instead, God holds back and we are held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors. How is that loving?
god the vending machine oh hum.
you think God is unjust no wonder you you have issues.
god the vending machine oh hum.
you think God is unjust no wonder you you have issues.
Never said he was the vending machine, that was nowhere said nor intimated in my post. Can you answer my question without uncharitable personal attacks?
How would God’s judgment be not just and fair if he took away suffering? Hello? Something bad happened, he fixed it and the bad stuff goes away. THAT is just and fair.

Instead, God holds back and we are held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors. How is that loving?
No Bob this is not true. Jesus came and took away the sins of our ancestors. One Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus wiped out Original Sin.
According to the CCC God is in no way, directly or indirectly, the cause of moral evil. He permits it, however, because he respects the freedom of his creatures and, mysteriously, knows how to derive good from it.

I understand that evil doesn’t exist, so it would be impossible for God to create it or even indirectly create it.

My question is reflecting more on what God DIDN’T do instead of what he did. This is a question of a potential sin of omission on God’s part.

-Evil is the absence of Good

-God intentionally created man with free will knowing man would display an absence of good, even though God didn’t will man disobey.

-Whether God likes it or not, he is a contributor to a display of the absence of good taking place, since this wouldn’t have happened if he wouldn’t have made man with free will.

-God, indirectly, has committed a sin of omission due to this absence of good happening due to his negligence by creating man with the ability to sin.

-Thus God is not All-Loving

How do we prove this assertion wrong?
Have you read Isaiah 45: 7?
No Bob this is not true. Jesus came and took away the sins of our ancestors. One Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus wiped out Original Sin.
Jesus took away the spiritual and most temporal consequences of sin.

We are still held TEMPORALLY responsible for the sins of our ancestors. The proof is simple: When is the next flight to the Garden of Eden? The answer is none, because there are none.

We still have concupiscence, and Christ didn’t take care of that.

God held back.
Jesus took away the spiritual and most temporal consequences of sin.

We are still held TEMPORALLY responsible for the sins of our ancestors. The proof is simple: When is the next flight to the Garden of Eden? The answer is none, because there are none.

We still have concupiscence, and Christ didn’t take care of that.

God held back.
No we are left with the stain of original sin. But God gives us grace. There is no sin out there that cannot be overpowered by the grace of God. All we have to do is continue to ask and trust him. So by his grace he indeed took care of it.
Justice? What is the fault of an innocent person, a kid? Why s/he has to suffer in here?

Why we should accept Him? He left us here for no specific purpose.
God never said that the innocent would not suffer, and why people suffer is a mystery God did not reveal to us, it is by faith that we trust in him.

We accept and trust in him, because we want to live with him forever in the everlasting life unending life in heaven. He left us with a purpose to serve him and do his works by loving and helping others,
How would God’s judgment be not just and fair if he took away suffering? Hello? Something bad happened, he fixed it and the bad stuff goes away. THAT is just and fair.

Instead, God holds back and we are held temporally responsible for the sins of our ancestors. How is that loving?
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