Did God Create the Best Possible Universe?

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Sometimes it is hard to understand why God doesn’t just give us whatever we ask for, when we ask for it, especially in light of such passages. Clearly Jesus’ earliest followers did not understand him to be saying that, literally, anything they asked for they would get right then and there. They knew that carrying crosses was part of the journey, even sometimes to the point of martyrdom. But still, if God CAN give us anything He wants to and loves us, why doesn’t He just do it?

I don’t have an answer that will clear up your pain and frustration in one fell swoop. God gives some gifts to everyone but doesn’t give everything to anyone, and sometimes those who seem closes to having everything are the most miserable. We aren’t meant to be isolated individuals, and perhaps giving us each unique gifts helps encourage us to work together.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with menial labor, I suspect you are underestimating your potential based on your writing and analytical skills. I don’t agree with your conclusions and I think you could tone down the hostility, but you do communicate clearly and are able to take information and look at what it might mean in another context. Whatever your gifts are, there is good that can be done with them.

I will continue to pray for you. One thing I would suggest is to take your anger and frustration and bring it to God. Go to Church, go before the Blessed Sacrament or the cross or even the top of a mountain and be completely honest with God about what you’re feeling, then spend some time trying to listen. Be respectful, but don’t hold back. At least you’ll be communicating with Him.
I feel like Jesus when he did his speech on what was going to become the Eucharist, and a majority of people left. i thought I was left alone to rant.🙂 I’m no one special, there are lots of people like me, just some unknown human being not equipped to face life, and what happens when you’re forced to face life when you’re not emotionally, intellectually etc. etc. prepared to face it? It’s brutal. A messed-up beyond repair human being apparently not worthy or important, or interesting enough to get God’s attention when it mattered. The only real problem is eternity. If God did not love me so much and did not insist on keeping me alive for ever, I could keep despair at bay and take comfort in knowing I have at most 40-50 years of God’s gift to go through and then I’m done. Nothing is as oppressive as God. But I appreciate your reaching out to me, nonetheless.
Did God the Son have two minds which were not in harmony with each other?
Actually, the Church does teach that God the Son has both a divine and a human will:

475 Similarly, at the sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III in 681, the Church confessed that Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human. They are not opposed to each other, but cooperate in such a way that the Word made flesh willed humanly in obedience to his Father all that he had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.110 Christ’s human will "does not resist or oppose but rather submits to his divine and almighty will."111 (Cathechism of the Catholic Church, 475)
I feel like Jesus when he did his speech on what was going to become the Eucharist, and a majority of people left. i thought I was left alone to rant.🙂 I’m no one special, there are lots of people like me, just some unknown human being not equipped to face life, and what happens when you’re forced to face life when you’re not emotionally, intellectually etc. etc. prepared to face it? It’s f*cking brutal. A messed-up beyond repair human being apparently not worthy or important, or interesting enough to get God’s attention when it mattered. The only real problem is eternity. If God did not love me so much and did not insist on keeping me alive for ever, I could keep despair at bay and take comfort in knowing I have at most 40-50 years of God’s gift to go through and then I’m done. Nothing is as oppressive as God. But I appreciate your reaching out to me, nonetheless.
There was time when I really didn’t want to believe in an afterlife because I felt “messed up beyond repair,” and I felt like God wasn’t answering my prayers to become a better person. But whether you believe it right now or not, I believe that you are more precious to God than you could possibly imagine. In my case, there were walls I had put up that would have to be knocked down before I could begin to see God in my life and see that He’d been reaching out to me all along, but in ways I was not ready to see.
Did God the Son have two minds which were not in harmony with each other?
Look up “hypostatic union”. newadvent.org/cathen/07610b.htm I’m not a theologian, but if both the human and the divine nature were present in one person, and if both of these natures retained their respective properties, then Jesus was indeed omniscient, among other things. He was 100% human minus sin, and 100% divine.
There was time when I really didn’t want to believe in an afterlife because I felt “messed up beyond repair,” and I felt like God wasn’t answering my prayers to become a better person. But whether you believe it right now or not, I believe that you are more precious to God than you could possibly imagine. In my case, there were walls I had put up that would have to be knocked down before I could begin to see God in my life and see that He’d been reaching out to me all along, but in ways I was not ready to see.
To become a better person is not quite it. I have to carry a load made up of: shyness, difficulty being around people, difficulty connecting with people, rejection and fear thereof, cognitive limitations (you will likely never meet in your life someone who has a worse memory or learning capacity than me) deep-seated sense of inadequacy, mortifying feeling of inferiority, of not measuring up, of not having much to bring to the table, constant need to be someone I’m not because who I am is, with past experiences to back it up, not welcome, acceptable, desired etc. Life has always seemed to me like this hostile, dreary, bleak thing, the future seemed to hold more disappointments, drudgery, stagnation than excitement, vitality, achievement, things to accomplish, maturity to gain, things to be proud of etc. I reject life, God, and myself. I’ve always marvelled at the fact that even though I had next to nothing going for me, I had the same ambitions, desires, needs, heart as a guy who was self-assured, popular, so skilled that he got a scholarship because he excelled in a sport, whereas I was homebound crippled by a sense of inferiority, shame and held back by anxiety, social and otherwise. God’s love for me, whatever it means, and whatever form it takes, took, or will take, is as dead to me as Satan’s soul. All those talks of God’s love sound hollow and meaningless. Can you imagine how much I’d have to fight constantly if I decided to trust God, I’m Satan’s, and I know for a fact he wouldn’t let anyone of his enemy’s creatures go without a violent fight. He’d send all those temptations my way, I’d have to be a chaste, anxious, introvert fighting myself constantly, always fighting back my visceral hatred of God. I fully trust God to exasperate and frustrate me, though, I trust him fully, not a hint of doubt in me about that. Who cares about this tormented, introverted loser, Jesus has been exalted. The damned make up the collateral damage in God’s genius plan. Jesus will say the same thing about me: “It would have been best if he had not been born”. Only instance when both Jesus and I see eye to eye. God created me for his own sake and will discard me because I refuse to serve, obey or worship him. Can’t wait for Jesus to accuse me of filial ingratitude and to tell me: “Away from me you accursed, I never knew you”. People like me should not be born. But God loves me too much to have let that “happen”. But eternity is a cause for concern, as God has arranged it in such a way that it is agony to spend it without him. But I genuinely hate him, probably more than I hate life. Oh well, 1 million more or less souls in hell, God will keep his smile and won’t lose sleep. Who wants a lousy biological father when your Heavenly father is that awesome?😛
. . . God has arranged it in such a way that it is agony to spend it without him. But I genuinely hate him, probably more than I hate life. Oh well, 1 million more or less souls in hell, God will keep his smile and won’t lose sleep. . .
A couple of weeks ago the Gospel Reading was:
Matt 18:15 'If your brother does something wrong, go and have it out with him alone, between your two selves. If he listens to you, you have won back your brother.
If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you: whatever the misdemeanour, the evidence of two or three witnesses is required to sustain the charge.
But if he refuses to listen to these, report it to the community; and if he refuses to listen to the community, treat him like a gentile or a tax collector.
It seems like you’ve jumped to step three. Without step one, it is gossiping. The point of going to the community is not to blast the person but to make clear the injury to him.

Your comments sound like the rantings of a madman. But even the mentally ill, perhaps especially so, can have a meaningful relationship with God. Since you do believe in Him, I am asking the healthy part of you to pray and ask God what He wills you to do. Clearly it is not to be like everyone else, to have merely worldly, illusory success. (I’m not saying this to irritate you.)

What is likely missing from your life is love. You may feel like you have had that stomped out of you, but do small good deeds just for the sake of helping another. If we are to be stuck in misery, should we not at least help one another?

You didn’t ask but here are :twocents:
Did God the Son have two minds which were not in harmony with each other?
Jesus had the limitations of a human mind because He was like us in all things except sin. He was obviously neither omniscient nor omnipotent nor omnipresent. He was tempted but did not give way to temptation. So there is no reason to believe His divine and human natures were in conflict. His mental and physical limitations on earth do not preclude His perfection in heaven:

472 This human soul that the Son of God assumed is endowed with a true human knowledge. As such, this knowledge could not in itself be unlimited: it was exercised in the historical conditions of his existence in space and time. This is why the Son of God could, when he became man, “increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man”,101 and would even have to inquire for himself about what one in the human condition can learn only from experience.102 This corresponded to the reality of his voluntary emptying of himself, taking “the form of a slave”.103

473 But at the same time, this truly human knowledge of God’s Son expressed the divine life of his person.104 "The human nature of God’s Son, not by itself but by its union with the Word, knew and showed forth in itself everything that pertains to God."105 Such is first of all the case with the intimate and immediate knowledge that the Son of God made man has of his Father.106 The Son in his human knowledge also showed the divine penetration he had into the secret thoughts of human hearts.107

474 By its union to the divine wisdom in the person of the Word incarnate, Christ enjoyed in his human knowledge the fullness of understanding of the eternal plans he had come to reveal.108 What he admitted to not knowing in this area, he elsewhere declared himself not sent to reveal.109

Christ’s human will
Similarly, at the sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III in 681, the Church confessed that Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human. They are not opposed to each other, but cooperate in such a way that the Word made flesh willed humanly in obedience to his Father all that he had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.110 Christ’s human will “does not resist or oppose but rather submits to his divine and almighty will.”

Thank you Ben. Back to topic. There are many reasons to believe this world is not the best possible. Many people have already mentioned that God, as a sovereign entity, enjoys a great deal of freedom. He is not bound by anything but to be consistent with his own nature, which is self-giving, love, goodness, perfection, and justice. Those are the main attributes of God. Omnipotence also. God could create the best possible universe, but I think it’s crystal clear he did not. The main problem with God’s system is that it is binary, you are either for or against him, one’s eternity is either “spent” in hell or heaven, absolute bliss and contentment, or absolute terror and agony. It sometimes seems like someone gives you a gun and asks you to either shoot your wife or one of your children. There are people who are not cut out for life, people who don’t want to be alive, people who spend much of their lives sharing Jeremiah’s state of mind when he had a particularly trying time. The mere existence of these people prove that something leaves to be desired in God’s system, because God having foreknowledge, knows who are going to cherish and value his gift and who will not. Giving life to those who don’t want it shows a hole in God’s claimed attributes: a gift which you know will make someone miserable, you either give because you are malevolent, at least partially, or you did not know the person was going to abhor it, which means you are not prescient, which means you are not perfect as your knowledge is not complete.
If the good of humanity had been a priority, means would have been employed to keep suffering to a minimum. Eternal existence would have been conditional on obeying God's rules and him finding every person worthy or not of an eternity with him. If you are found unworthy, you return to where you were before God snatched you to cram his gift down your throat or gracefully give a gift like no other, depending on how you view life. If you are happy with just one life, not interested in pursuing a relationship with God, you live life on your own terms, God judges you when your alloted days are over. No tragedy, no gnashing of teeth, no smoke of anyone's torment, the elect in heaven with their darling Creator, the others back to oblivion. God is impassible, no sin, however grievous can alter his happiness, his joy, therefore he would need to learn forgivenesss and to let go of his wrath and let the impenitent souls cease to exist. If he refuses and clings to his justice, then a temporary hell with sentences of up to a million or a billion years could be considered.
No matter how one looks at it, the fact of the matter is that w ehuman beings are placed in a situation where we are conceived with a sinful nature, and that we need to fight that sinful nature. Jesus did not have to bear the burden of having two natures at odds with each other. To avoid hell, organized by God to be a “place” of agony and great suffering, one must avoid sin, live a virtuous life devoid of sin, except that sin is, as it were, written in our very DNA, concupiscence, the appetite for sin is an integral and inalienable part of our nature. Hell is God punishing man for living according to his nature. That sinful nature did not naturally flow form our first parents’ sin, God determined that as a result of our parents’ sin, all of humanity would be poisoned by the damned stain of Original Sin. Mary was spared the curse of the stain of Original sin, according to Mary of Agreda, so was John the Baptist, so God chose to stain all of humanity, but he could have chosen otherwise. God is not bound to give us the best possible universe, just like he was not bound to give me a life worth living, or to equip me with potential. He was free to take Bathsheba form David, or to let them enjoy an enjoyable sex life, even though Bathsheba’s husband’s days were cut short by David himself. So God enjoys a great deal of freedom, and is not bound by basic decency, as shown in David and Bathsheba’s marriage. Which goes to show God is overly lenient with some and overly harsh with others. An optimal world would be one with an impartial God, two men who are both adulterers, fornicators and murderes are treated with the same severity. David could also enjoy unlimited sex with mutliple women, wives and concubines, nowadays youn men with raging hormones wonder if they’ll go to hell for looking at a fully clothed attractive woman. David was born in the right period i guess, but God treating him like a rich man’s lustful brat son is perplexing. What one must do to be a man after God’s own heart, be rich, have a full-blown harem of beautiful ungodly women, dance in underwear while people cheer you on and be able to get away with murder, literally? I want that.
Jesus had the limitations of a human mind because He was like us in all things except sin. He was obviously neither omniscient nor omnipotent nor omnipresent. He was tempted but did not give way to temptation. So there is no reason to believe His divine and human natures were in conflict. His mental and physical limitations on earth do not preclude His perfection in heaven:

472 This human soul that the Son of God assumed is endowed with a true human knowledge. As such, this knowledge could not in itself be unlimited: it was exercised in the historical conditions of his existence in space and time. This is why the Son of God could, when he became man, “increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man”,101 and would even have to inquire for himself about what one in the human condition can learn only from experience.102 This corresponded to the reality of his voluntary emptying of himself, taking “the form of a slave”.103

473 But at the same time, this truly human knowledge of God’s Son expressed the divine life of his person.104 "The human nature of God’s Son, not by itself but by its union with the Word, knew and showed forth in itself everything that pertains to God."105 Such is first of all the case with the intimate and immediate knowledge that the Son of God made man has of his Father.106 The Son in his human knowledge also showed the divine penetration he had into the secret thoughts of human hearts.107

474 By its union to the divine wisdom in the person of the Word incarnate, Christ enjoyed in his human knowledge the fullness of understanding of the eternal plans he had come to reveal.108 What he admitted to not knowing in this area, he elsewhere declared himself not sent to reveal.109

Christ’s human will
Similarly, at the sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III in 681, the Church confessed that Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human. They are not opposed to each other, but cooperate in such a way that the Word made flesh willed humanly in obedience to his Father all that he had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.110 Christ’s human will “does not resist or oppose but rather submits to his divine and almighty will.”

Some people delude themselves, thinking of Jesus as someone who is much closer to our human experience as creatures deprived of the preternatural gifts and gracefully endowed with concupiscence. This contradicts your ideas about Jesus:

"The only real objection to this belief is based on the human idea that a baby is born knowing virtually nothing. How, people ask, could Jesus be a baby and yet know that He is God? The answer is that it is just as easy for God to be a baby as it is for Him to be an adult man. In each case, the infinite God takes on a limited, weak human nature at the same time that He is infinite God.

Pope Pius XII taught, in his Encyclical Mystici Corporis (“The Mystical Body” - 1943): “By means of the Beatific Vision (the sight of God in Heaven), which He enjoyed from the time when he was received into the womb of the Mother of God, He has for ever and continuously had present to Him all the members of His mystical Body, and embraced them with His saving love.” (N.D. 661).

In other words Jesus possessed, in His human soul, the same immediate vision of God which all the saints and angels in heaven have. This means that Jesus was, at the same time, both a pilgrim on earth like us and a possessor of the immediate vision of God. Even His human nature is endowed with an abundance of supernatural gifts. He knows all things - past, present and future."

From ewtn.com/faith/teachings/incaa3.htm

The Catechism is very much, in some respect, like a law book, Way too complex for your average reader. Law books are best left to lawyers to interpret.

On another topic, but still pertaining to Jesus, hematidrosis is not that unusual an occurrence. Makes one wonder, though, why Jesus was so afraid to suffer and die. I’m sure many martyrs have died without having experienced such fear and anxiety. Jesus told us so many times to not be afraid, to trust in God, to surrender oneself serenely to God’s unfailing providence, and when trial approaches, his stress level was through the roof? Where’s the faith? Living a sheltered life with mom until you’re well into adulthood does not make one a fearless warrior, that much is evident.
A couple of weeks ago the Gospel Reading was:

It seems like you’ve jumped to step three. Without step one, it is gossiping. The point of going to the community is not to blast the person but to make clear the injury to him.

Your comments sound like the rantings of a madman. But even the mentally ill, perhaps especially so, can have a meaningful relationship with God. Since you do believe in Him, I am asking the healthy part of you to pray and ask God what He wills you to do. Clearly it is not to be like everyone else, to have merely worldly, illusory success. (I’m not saying this to irritate you.)

What is likely missing from your life is love. You may feel like you have had that stomped out of you, but do small good deeds just for the sake of helping another. If we are to be stuck in misery, should we not at least help one another?

You didn’t ask but here are :twocents:
👍 It pays to be positive and creative rather than negative and destructive.

The hypothesis that this isn’t the best possible universe implies that God is a diabolical Creator incapable of love and inferior to the creator of the hypothesis!
The claim that God shouldn’t have created people who wish they hadn’t been born is absurd. It is impossible to know what non-existent persons will choose to believe.
As Lear said, nothing shall come of nothing…
The claim that God shouldn’t have created people who wish they hadn’t been born is absurd. It is impossible to know what non-existent persons will choose to believe.
As Lear said, nothing shall come of nothing…
It is said that we are on God’ mind from all eternity. Past, present and future is all one big present to God. Nothing I ever did or thought or been tempted by, none of these was not known to God well before they happened. When my parents procreated on that fateful day or night (which I curse), God knew that soulfree, was going to be created when the sperm reached the ovum (alas for me). If that sperm reaches the ovum on that specific day, soulfree is created. if my parents are kept from procreation that day or if the sperm which was going to meet the ovum does not meet the ovum, then soulfree is not going to be created. I trust your intelligence to know exactly what I’m talking about. If this sperm reaches the ovum, it,s going to be a stillbirth, if that sperm reaches the ovum, a girl will be born 9 months later, if another one sperm out of the billions of sperms in one ejaculate ends up reaching the ovum, the mother will miscarry two months later, if another sperm reaches the ovum, you have an outstanding athlete, a great musician, another sperm will create a man with Down’s syndrome, another sperm will create a sub human with no potential, no gifts, no talents, nothing to face this brutal life and to become a happy, well adjusted and thriving human being. Plus ADHD, enuresia past the age of 10, the deep-seated, intimate knowledge, conviction that you are a joke of a human being and if you are not very careful, people WILL find out. If a mother emasculates her son and pecks out his eyes, she wil have given him a gift not as poisoned as God’s gift of life to me. Born with a triple serving of the curse of Original sin, a birth defect wondering why the hell he is even alive. Charisma of the character in the movie “The Man Who Wasn’t There” , the cognitive might of a bird. And hypersensitivity as God’s final nail in my coffin. With God and his parody of love.
The claim that God shouldn’t have created people who wish they hadn’t been born is absurd. It is impossible to know what non-existent persons will choose to believe.
As Lear said, nothing shall come of nothing…
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, God is omniscient:

That God is omniscient or possesses the most perfect knowledge of all things, follows from His infinite perfection. In the first place He knows and comprehends Himself fully and adequately, and in the next place He knows all created objects and comprehends their finite and contingent mode of being. Hence He knows them individually or singularly in their finite multiplicity, knows everything possible as well as actual; knows what is bad as well as what is good. Everything, in a word, which to our finite minds signifies perfection and completeness of knowledge may be predicated of Divine omniscience, and it is further to be observed that it is on Himself alone that God depends for His knowledge.

Therefore, He does know what choices we will make before we make them, and knew what choices we would make even before He created us. Yet, I do not believe that knowing that someone will waste the gift He is given necessarily means that the gift itself is bad. Each of us is created with the capacity to love and the capacity to respond to God’s grace in our lives. That ability is itself a good thing. That we might not avail ourselves of its goodness does not change that fact.
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, God is omniscient:

That God is omniscient or possesses the most perfect knowledge of all things, follows from His infinite perfection. In the first place He knows and comprehends Himself fully and adequately, and in the next place He knows all created objects and comprehends their finite and contingent mode of being. Hence He knows them individually or singularly in their finite multiplicity, knows everything possible as well as actual; knows what is bad as well as what is good. Everything, in a word, which to our finite minds signifies perfection and completeness of knowledge may be predicated of Divine omniscience, and it is further to be observed that it is on Himself alone that God depends for His knowledge.

Therefore, He does know what choices we will make before we make them, and knew what choices we would make even before He created us. Yet, I do not believe that knowing that someone will waste the gift He is given necessarily means that the gift itself is bad. Each of us is created with the capacity to love and the capacity to respond to God’s grace in our lives. That ability is itself a good thing. That we might not avail ourselves of its goodness does not change that fact.
When you examine if something is good, don’t you have to look at what will come out of it? God’s gift of life cannot be said to be inherently good. It may have stemmed from the best intention, from benevolence. Peanuts are legumes, not nuts, but they are a pretty good food both in terms of taste (highly subjective, though) and in terms of nutrition. If I have 10 hungry children who speak a foreign language in front of me, let’s say a handful of peanuts is all I have to offer. Let’s say one of them, unbeknownst to the child and to me, is severely allergic to peanuts. He will perish in terrible pains right in front of me. My intention was good, the gift is not inherently bad, rather the contrary, but the consequences horrible for this child. The child would have been best to not have been given that “gift”. The only difference with the gift of life is that some will essentially misuse that gift, but that they choose of their own volition their course of action does not make the gift any less terrible for them. If i have two sons, want to give them both a motorcycle, if I know one tends to be reckless and not have a very good judgment, I might decide not to give it to him. If God miraculously grants me foreknowledge of what will be and what could be if I buy that particular son a motorcycle, if I see a serious crash, my son permanently disabled and with a severe brain trauma, I will not give him the gift that will be his downfall.

Now we’re talking temporal considerations, eternal separation from God and the ensuing chronic misery should be an even bigger deterrent, because the terrible consequences associated with the gift are eternal. God is sovereign, can choose among a myriad of options as long as they don’t contradict his nature/attributes, we human beings are not entitled to the best possible universe, what we have is what God chose to give us in terms of living conditions and the economy of salvation. God is not restricted in his choices, Heaven could have been more accessible, sin could have been less enticing, belief in and love for God could have come naturally to us all, while still maintaining our free-will to choose a lesser good than God (sin). God could have very well placed a stricter limit to how much a human being can suffer both on earth and in hell. God could have chosen to miraculously heal the wills of the damned and demons after they’ve s"spent" sufficient “time” suffering in hell, and allow them to live in a state apart from him, but less painful than hell. The possibilities for God were countless.

The giving of life to someone who will misuse it to the point of losing their soul seems to violate God’s goodness.:confused: I see no other way to put it. A good parent would never give anything to his child, however good, if they know for a fact it will render their child miserable. Whether it’s the child’s fault or not is immaterial: bad things will happen if you give this seemingly good gift. Wisdom would tell that parent to not give it, to give it later on or to never give it. What could be the motive for God to create a soul when he has foreknowledge that hell will be its final destination? :confused: Is there any consideration for the good of the soul itself behind that motive? Or is it a classic case of someone being “sacrificed” for the common good, for the greater good of everyone else? Does God want to set a precedent, so to speak, even if it costs the soul eternal agony and misery?
The Son wasn’t omniscient on earth because He chose be a man like us in all things but sin.
That seems to contradict the following:
“If anyone says that the one Jesus Christ, true Son of God and true Son of Man, was ignorant of future things, or of the day of the last judgment … let him be anathema.”—Pope Vigilius, Against Nestorians, May 14, 553 (Denzinger, 29th ed., No. 419).
That seems to contradict the following:
“If anyone says that the one Jesus Christ, true Son of God and true Son of Man, was ignorant of future things, or of the day of the last judgment … let him be anathema.”—Pope Vigilius, Against Nestorians, May 14, 553 (Denzinger, 29th ed., No. 419).
It’s very complex but at the same time if Jesus is 100% divine and 100% human, which he was, then he kept the attributes which he enjoyed in Heaven. What would it mean to be 100% divine but not have the attributes inherent to one’s divinity?
It’s very complex but at the same time if Jesus is 100% divine and 100% human, which he was, then he kept the attributes which he enjoyed in Heaven. What would it mean to be 100% divine but not have the attributes inherent to one’s divinity?
I thought that Jesus did have all the divine attributes since according to the creed He is true God from true God.
Christ’s soul and his human knowledge
471 Apollinarius of Laodicaea asserted that in Christ the divine Word had replaced the soul or spirit. Against this error the Church confessed that the eternal Son also assumed a rational, human soul.100
472 This human soul that the Son of God assumed is endowed with a true human knowledge. As such, this knowledge could not in itself be unlimited: it was exercised in the historical conditions of his existence in space and time. This is why the Son of God could, when he became man, “increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man”,101 and would even have to inquire for himself about what one in the human condition can learn only from experience.102 This corresponded to the reality of his voluntary emptying of himself, taking “the form of a slave”.103
473 But at the same time, this truly human knowledge of God’s Son expressed the divine life of his person.104 "The human nature of God’s Son, not by itself but by its union with the Word, knew and showed forth in itself everything that pertains to God."105 Such is first of all the case with the intimate and immediate knowledge that the Son of God made man has of his Father.106 The Son in his human knowledge also showed the divine penetration he had into the secret thoughts of human hearts.107
474 By its union to the divine wisdom in the person of the Word incarnate, Christ enjoyed in his human knowledge the fullness of understanding of the eternal plans he had come to reveal.108 What he admitted to not knowing in this area, he elsewhere declared himself not sent to reveal.109
Christ’s human will
475 Similarly, at the sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III in 681, the Church confessed that Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human. They are not opposed to each other, but cooperate in such a way that the Word made flesh willed humanly in obedience to his Father all that he had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.110 Christ’s human will "does not resist or oppose but rather submits to his divine and almighty will."111
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