People often attribute their own vices to others, such as thinking highly of their own opinions.God thinks very highly of himself, you kind of expect that any worthless crumb that he will give away, he expects eternal praises for.
We couldn’t care less about irrational **opinions **about the Creator who has given us everything. Crude vulgarity reveals nothing more than filial ingratitude and lack of appreciation of our freedom to choose what to believe and how to live, of taking everything for granted and expecting to have everything for nothing. It doesn’t require much intelligence to criticise but to create a universe is a vastly different proposition…I’ll take your compliment, but it doesn’t further the discussion. Personally, I think God’s gift of life to me is actually not a gift according to how most people with 2 cents of good faith would define “gift”. I actually think that you ought not to go to jail for a distant cousin of yours who commits a serious crime, likewise I see no reason for God to plunge me in a filthy bowl with “original sin” written on it at the time of my conception because he doesn’t understand that i am not Adam, do not know him and had no say in his personal choice of disobeying God once (slight overreaction BTW). Call that what you like, i could not care less.