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The “Annuario Pontifio”, the annual yearbook of the Vatican with all information about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which appears every year at this time, has in its latest edition for 2020 relegated the name of the Pope “Deputy Christian” as a “historical title” to a footnote . So far this page dedicated to the current pontiff, which precedes the sections on the College of Cardinals, the Bishops of the World and the Vatican Dicasteries, appeared under the heading “Vicario di Gesù Cristo”. Then followed the other titles of the Pope: successor of the prince apostle, supreme pontiff of the universal church, primate of Italy, archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman province, sovereign of the state of the Vatican City, servant of the servant of God. These titles have a different or no dogmatic meaning. The fact that the Pope is Christ’s converter is evident from the Scriptures in which Jesus gave Peter the key power in the Church.
(continued in next post)
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Once upon a time was a “representative of Christ”
The new yearbook of the Vatican classifies the papal title “Vicarius Christi” as a historical footnote.
Pope Francis kisses a crucifix at the entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica during his extraordinary blessing “Urbi et orbi”, which was carried through Rome in 1552 to stop the great plague. Photo: Yara NardiThe “Annuario Pontifio”, the annual yearbook of the Vatican with all information about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, which appears every year at this time, has in its latest edition for 2020 relegated the name of the Pope “Deputy Christian” as a “historical title” to a footnote . So far this page dedicated to the current pontiff, which precedes the sections on the College of Cardinals, the Bishops of the World and the Vatican Dicasteries, appeared under the heading “Vicario di Gesù Cristo”. Then followed the other titles of the Pope: successor of the prince apostle, supreme pontiff of the universal church, primate of Italy, archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman province, sovereign of the state of the Vatican City, servant of the servant of God. These titles have a different or no dogmatic meaning. The fact that the Pope is Christ’s converter is evident from the Scriptures in which Jesus gave Peter the key power in the Church.
Formerly “Vicario di Gesù Cristo”, now “Jorge Mario Bergoglio”
After the listing of the papal titles, the name of the current incumbent, a short biography and the dates of the election and taking office followed on the page dedicated to the Pope. In the latest edition of the Pontifical Yearbook, however, it now reads as a heading on the page, where the words “Vicario di Gesù Cristo” used to be: “Jorge Mario Bergoglio”. The biography of Francis follows immediately, then the days of the election of the Pope and taking office. Finally, after a line that should clarify the beginning of the “footnotes”, the - literally - “historical titles” of the pontiff are named: Deputy Jesus Christ, successor to the prince apostle, chief pontiff of the universal church, primate of Italy, archbishop and metropolitan the Roman province, sovereign of the State of the Vatican City, servant of the servant of God.(continued in next post)
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