Yes, that was the point that I was trying to say. That’s why the rhetoric of Pope Francis “disastrousness” don’t make sense to me.
They are for their local Churches (and always have been) as Lumen gentium 27 notes. But the Pope is for the universal Church as well. Lumen gentium uses the term “Vicar of Christ” for the Pope as more than a title, but the substance of his office:By the way, every single Bishop now holds title “Vicar of Christ” as per Vatican II.
That being said, Pope Francis has never been shy about flexing his jurisdictional muscles all over the universal Church, titles or not.In virtue of his office, that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church.
Jesus didn’t need to be top heavy with titles to have authority.It’s weird. Why are all the titles listed as “historic” but “Patriarch of the West,” one of the actual historic titles, is not?
If not the bishop of Rome, which bishop is now the Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province? Which is the primate of Italy? These are not just honorary titles, but deal with hierarchical organization and prerogatives.
He actually had/has many titles, below is a link with over 150 of them found in Scripture. Many are very “top heavy,” like “King of kings” and “Lord of all.” In fact, He was crucified because He bore some of these titles.Jesus didn’t need to be top heavy with titles to have authority.
He didn’t sign off with any of them alluding only to being the Son of God. He was a very simple Shepherd walking among the people without any airs and graces. Tradition has added titles to Him down the centuries but they were later add ons.Emeraldlady:![]()
He actually had/has many titles, below is a link with over 150 of them found in Scripture. Many are very “top heavy,” like “King of kings” and “Lord of all.” In fact, He was crucified because He bore some of these titles.Jesus didn’t need to be top heavy with titles to have authority.
From this Orthodox’s perspective Pope Emeritus Benedict’s suppression of “Patriarch of the West” does not help ease the Orthodox attitude towards the Papacy and the Latin Church. It would have made more sense to keep the title, “Patriarch of the West”, to show his historical continuity with the Patriarchs of the Eastern Church.It’s weird. Why are all the titles listed as “historic” but “Patriarch of the West,” one of the actual historic titles, is not?
If the 150 titles are ALL found in Scripture, and Scripture is “God-breathed”, and Jesus is the Second Person of the GodHead, then he did “sign off” on all of them.Genesis315:![]()
He didn’t sign off with any of them alluding only to being the Son of God. He was a very simple Shepherd walking among the people without any airs and graces. Tradition has added titles to Him down the centuries but they were later add ons.Emeraldlady:![]()
He actually had/has many titles, below is a link with over 150 of them found in Scripture. Many are very “top heavy,” like “King of kings” and “Lord of all.” In fact, He was crucified because He bore some of these titles.Jesus didn’t need to be top heavy with titles to have authority.
I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I will make them lie down, says the Lord God. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with justice. (Ez 34:15-16)
You don’t understand. I am everything that you think is a sycophant Uber Papalist. I’m not ashamed of that but that is not how I would describe myself. My entire life and faith have a foundation on the authority of the Pope regardless of his flaws and failings. If he decrees a focus or gives ideological guidance, I trust in that implicitly. So much so that if Cardinal Burke were elected the next Pope, decreed the installation of the Tridentine Mass as the Ordinary, brought back all the pre Vat II Church practices, I would humbly conform and would never publicly question or denounce that. I do not like or trust Burke but if he was elected Pope, I would obey without any other agenda.I did not and will not ‘accuse’ you of anything, least of call sycophant Uber Papalist.
Since when do ‘simple’ shepherds claim the authority to judge all the nations at the end of time? Coming on the clouds of heaven and sitting at the right hand of power doesn’t exactly translate to “without any airs and graces,” does it?Scripture conveys a the very clear reality of Jesus as a simple shepherd without any airs and graces. It is not out of step with tradition to represent Jesus in that light by the modern papacy.
I dunno. Not exactly a 'simple shepherd" being portrayed there.“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. (Matt 25:31-33)
I trust in the Pope.Everyone has the authority to question the Pope.