Did Pope Francis remove his title of the vicar of christ?

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Your decision to trust the Pope is your decision. But it doesn’t mean you have no authority to question him.

Let me ask you, do you trust every Pope, or only this one? If only this one why? And if all Popes, why would you trust this particular one if he contradicted a previous Pope?

The Pope, like all popes, has no authority to gainsay established truth, because the truth is one and indivisible, and impervious to the date.
Let me ask you, do you trust every Pope, or only this one? If only this one why? And if all Popes, why would you trust this particular one if he contradicted a previous Pope?
I would trust every Pope.

I would never blindly trust him. And I promise you that if any Pope flatly contradicted Church doctrine, then I would not obey.

But, to my knowledge this Pope has not done so and I do not think that he has contradicted any previous Popes. The Truth is Eternal. Pope Francis has not changed the Truth.

It is the job of priests, bishops, and Cardinals to question His Holiness if they think he is wrong. Not my role, unless I see him do something wrong.

But I do not think we will have a Pope in the next few decades who says things against Church doctrine.
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Scripture conveys a the very clear reality of Jesus as a simple shepherd without any airs and graces. It is not out of step with tradition to represent Jesus in that light by the modern papacy.
Since when do ‘simple’ shepherds claim the authority to judge all the nations at the end of time? Coming on the clouds of heaven and sitting at the right hand of power doesn’t exactly translate to “without any airs and graces,” does it?

And coincidentally, Jesus uses that word “shepherd” while he “comes in glory” with “all the angels” as he sits on the “throne of his glory.”
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. (Matt 25:31-33)
I dunno. Not exactly a 'simple shepherd" being portrayed there.
Back up a bit here. This thread questions why Pope Francis has simplified the papal sign off titles in the Vatican yearbook referring to a number of them as historical titles. Now some are suggesting that is ‘problematic’ and ‘haphazard’ or alluding to demoting the authority of the Pope and the divinity of Jesus or whatever.

I’m sharing the fact that Jesus was a shepherd that didn’t demand the airs and graces of titles to shore up his authority on earth. Those things are supplementary to true authority.
Give me an example of a person that you would see as a sycophant uber papist. I’m quite sure that I tick those boxes under your description. People are so aware of my love for Pope St John Paul II that I’ve been gifted many things that relate to him during my adult life. I have a photo of Pope Francis in my kitchen and a little plague of Pope Benedict on my kitchen window sill. The Popes are my earthly fathers.

I can’t even imagine how it is to doubt and reject the authority of a Pope as a Catholic.
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I can’t imagine doubting or rejecting the authority of a Pope either, nor do I believe I have ever done so.

As far as the Uber Papalist goes, it is simply an abstract concept. I don’t make labels or judge people, but well how about thinking of an abstract concept like ‘the perfect 50s housewife?” Most people have an idea of June Cleaver in pearls and the little lady all deferential to hubby. . . But we know because our mothers and grandmothers were housewives in the 1950s that the ‘perfect housewife’ was some PR concept never meant to represent an ACTUAL person.
But instead of taking this for what it is: a big NOTHING BURGER, the likes of “Life Site” led with the headline that the Pope “disavowed” the title Vicar is Christ. Which is a complete lie and those people should be ashamed of themselves and repent of their evil ways.
Another interesting thing about the “pro-life” cause. They are a pro-life organ, but they attack the Church. So they are working to make it harder for salvation for children who are saved from abortion. Which is hypocritical.
I disagree. What makes it “harder” to get the message of salvation across to the world is when the Gospel message becomes muddied, unclear and compromised for the sake of “getting along” with the world. What is most needed now is the clarity of truth, not confused and half-hearted renditions of the message that make it indistinguishable from the current progressive ideologies.

What, precisely, are those children you speak of, being saved from or to when the message of salvation looks exactly like the current social justice weltanschauung?
False dichotomy.
Satan is the divider, the accuser, and the deceiver.
Factions are not Catholic.
I disagree. What makes it “harder” to get the message of salvation across to the world is when the Gospel message becomes muddied, unclear and compromised for the sake of “getting along” with the world. What is most needed now is the clarity of truth, not confused and half-hearted renditions of the message that make it indistinguishable from the current progressive ideologies.

What, precisely, are those children you speak of, being saved from or to when the message of salvation looks exactly like the current social justice weltanschauung?
False dichotomy.
Satan is the divider, the accuser, and the deceiver.
Factions are not Catholic.
Where is the “false” dichotomy?

It isn’t clear to me what point of mine you are addressing.

My point was that the Gospel message can become muddled, unclear and compromised when Catholics and Christians begin to adopt the values of the current culture, especially when those values take on the patina of social “justice.”

Isn’t it possible that the deceiver, divider and accuser might use the pretext of “justice” — i.e., levelling the playing field through equality of outcome, to present a “rendition” of the Gospel that isn’t quite authentic.

The current social justice program appears to be providing for the “needs” of all irrespective of their contribution to society — look after everyone equally. Yet how does that align with the first temptation of Christ: " Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.’” Socialism appears to be to turn over all allegiance to the state in return for being “taken care of from cradle to grave.” Where does God come into that?
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