For all I know, it could be a whole series of the “telephone game”. If so, someone is going to be wearing egg on their face instead of on their cap.
I genuinely try to remain open minded but every single source I can find on this suggests it was entirely made up. It looks like the claims were made by a retired general who has a history of making questionable, unfounded allegations, and is being denied by every official source. If actual evidence shows up fine, but a lot of details just don’t seem to check out, including that the company many sources cite as being the target doesn’t have offices in the city this supposedly happened in.In any event, it will play out as it plays out; and like I said above, I am sitting watching as if it were a tennis game.
You can keep watching the tennis but on this specific one, my instinct is it’s just one side playing tennis against a wall, and the ball bounced back and hit them in the head.