Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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For all I know, it could be a whole series of the “telephone game”. If so, someone is going to be wearing egg on their face instead of on their cap.
In any event, it will play out as it plays out; and like I said above, I am sitting watching as if it were a tennis game.
I genuinely try to remain open minded but every single source I can find on this suggests it was entirely made up. It looks like the claims were made by a retired general who has a history of making questionable, unfounded allegations, and is being denied by every official source. If actual evidence shows up fine, but a lot of details just don’t seem to check out, including that the company many sources cite as being the target doesn’t have offices in the city this supposedly happened in.

You can keep watching the tennis but on this specific one, my instinct is it’s just one side playing tennis against a wall, and the ball bounced back and hit them in the head.
Sorry but that’s just nonsense.
No it isn’t.
Oh, my, what a powerful and detailed rebuttal. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
How is it that Biden underperformed Clinton in New York, Chicago and LA, but won in the swing states cities of Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia
Gee, maybe individual voters had their own opinions, and made their own decisions about how to vote, without referencing who won their area in 2016?
How un-American of them! :roll_eyes:
Given the move to mail in voting, the backwoods people don’t need to be transported anywhere. But given the number of community organizers, I am sure any transportation coud be arranged.
Patty’s talking about the process of getting an ID. For a lot of people it’s not as simple as it should be because government records can be spotty depending on when/where you lived. My family did everything the ‘normal’ way I’d say and I still just had to pay $50 to dig up a different version of my birth certificate because the one I had which has been good enough for every other purpose wasn’t good enough to renew my license this year. I had the $50, but a $50 expense is a lot for many Americans. In some less connected areas I may have had to travel to the town I was born in to do this in person, which depending on how far that is could have been an extraordinary expense.
Here’s the thing…he took it seriously! He had daily conferences WITH doctors and scientists and created task force and got government to work with private businesses and the media failed to give credit but instead gave an award to the governor of NY their darling!!! Just because the media keeps saying DJT dropped the ball doesNOT make it true!
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Trump won. Period.
He was cheated out of the election.

Yes, fake news played a huge roll, but ultimately, that fact that certain operatives in certain states cheated and threw the election to Biden is beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Democrats are people who burn down cities, murder cops, terrorize neighborhoods, have roving Nazi brownshirts (BLM and Antifa), shut down churches, impose Nazi curfews, and so much more. Do any of you think for a moment that a little thing like election fraud bothers them? Lying about an election is peanuts compared to the crimes against humanity they happily commit.

I have said it before:

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

I am still praying that the courts deliver justice and give Trump his second term.
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Gee, maybe individual voters had their own opinions, and made their own decisions about how to vote, without referencing who won their area in 2016?
How un-American of them! :roll_eyes:
Or maybe the Democratic Party, knowing that they wanted to flip Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, focused resources there because they knew that California, New York, and Illinois were safely blue?

Again, this isn’t hard. This is essentially the 2016 election in reverse.
Or maybe the Democratic Party, knowing that they wanted to flip Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, focused resources there because they knew that California, New York, and Illinois were safely blue?
No, That is not what happened. What happened is that operatives in certain states cheated and threw the election to Biden. See my previous post.
Questions, just plenty of questions - queries that do not sustain your opinion of how Biden won. I smell a rat!
Of course you do- because you’re determined to smell a rat. This is confirmation bias unfolding before us
You sound like you’ve been watching Fox and Newsmax, as you are saying practically word for word the same talking points.
Aliens. I’m not saying it was the aliens, but it was the aliens.
Aliens. I’m not saying it was the aliens, but it was the aliens.
“I’ll believe anything before I believe that the Most Perfect Man who Ever Was might have actually lost. 😖

Cults are fun.
You sound like you’ve been watching Fox and Newsmax, as you are saying practically word for word the same talking points.
You sound like you watch Fake News CNN and other leftist propaganda as you are saying practically word for word the same talking points.
I saw dozens of yard signs supporting Trump and yet somehow “millions” of people voted for him? If this isn’t evidence of mass voter fraud then I don’t know what is!
I saw dozens of yard signs supporting Trump and yet somehow “millions” of people voted for him? If this isn’t evidence of mass voter fraud then I don’t know what is!
Maybe if you copy-paste the same litany of talking points over and over it’ll help? Not sure. 🤔
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