Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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Then there is the issue which seemed to pop up and then disappear, that Army Intgelligence seized servers, and which was put out by an Army General, if I recall - and Army Generals don’t usually make statements which can be career ending… but the implication was that it referenced Dominion.
Mind digging up more information on this? Is there a name for the General? Whose servers did they seize?
Last I checked, Georgia was neither the only contested state, nor the only state to use Dominion.
This is true, but it is the only state where wiping the voting machines is an issue. The Republican dominated election officials in GA want to use the machines in an election in 2 weeks, when early voting starts. Republican attorneys want to examine the machines because of unsupported accusations of fraud.

When you accuse Democrats of opposing the request to investigate, you are turning it into a partisan issue. Democrats have no role in this, they may be as divided as Republicans but they have not said much afaik.

This is not a partisan issue. The election is over, with certified results. It is time to move on.

When Stacy Abrams lost the race for Governor in GA 2 years ago, she set to work to correct the injustices before the next election… Trump can do that if he wants, but overturning the election is not a reasonable choice.
I am sorry to hear that the President of the United States is delusional. I thought that America was supposed to be a shining example of democracy to the whole world. Why do Americans choose people who are delusional for President? Is America just a banana republic after all with all kinds of people testifying that the presidential election was one big hoax and a huge fraud?
I do not understand why the American electorate chose a delusional person for President, but they did. And that is different from banana republics etc. because it was the people who chose him, not something that was forced on them. I hope that it never happens again.

If Trump uses his delusion to control who won the election, that would be different. But he used his delusion to convince people to vote for him, and it was the people who chose him; he did not take that away from people. At least not yet.
The President is not delusional. He is fixated on an idea, and refuses to back down.
Isn’t that what delusional is? Being fixated on a falsehood is the same as being delusional.

The jigsaw puzzler is deluded only if they have been told the pieces are from several puzzles and won’t fit together and they decide to prove that is wrong b putting the pieces together anyway.
What happens in the US?
In PA, it is pretty much the same. We have a signature match, the book with names of registrants has a copy of your signature and you sign next to it. If they look too different, you might be challenged, though I have never seen it happen.

We also have provisional ballots, which are used if two people vote under one person’s registration. The second person uses a provisional ballot that is checked later somehow. I don’t know how that works out.
I think these are what he is talking about.
That’s what I found too, but I find instead of just saying “no you’re wrong” which just comes off as combative it’s more helpful to ask someone for a citation or a source of info. For all I know there’s a reliable source showing it happened and if so I’d like to know about it. If there isn’t one then they’ll have the answer as to why the issue went away. Win win.
This is true, but it is the only state where wiping the voting machines is an issue.
Given other states which have used Dominion, you could not be more wrong. If the allegation should prove true, it is true for Dominion and location is not an issue.

I have no idea if the allegations have a basis or not; but when Democrats have said it is not trustworthy then it would simply make sense that they join in any review of the software.

I don’t have a dog in the fight. I would like to see the matter resolved by inspection of the software.
I am not turning anything into a partisan issue; they were the first I have heard of who questioned its reliability; it baffles me when they started a public question you would accuse me of being partisan.
But he used his delusion to convince people to vote for him,
Everybody I have talked with who voted for him did so because of what he has accomplished in the last 4 years. Delusion had nothing to do with it. I doubt delusion had anything to do with him receiving what - 11,000,000 more votes than the last time or the increase in Black and Latino votes.

You don’t like him - fine with me. I don’t either. How about we keep the snide comments out of the discussion?
Yes, she said that as well, which I find offensive and I’m not Chinese or Asian. But we cannot call this woman “racist” because we would get flagged, banned, or suspended. We would not want to offend 74 million people…
Supposedly in Germany; I did not catch the name of the General but the seizure was supposedly done by the 305 MI Battalion.

For all I know, it could be a whole series of the “telephone game”. If so, someone is going to be wearing egg on their face instead of on their cap.

I know where they are based (Fort Huachuca, Arizona) and they are part of the 111 MI Brigade. I have no doubt that there is military intelligence units in Germany but I would be surprised if they were part of the 305th or 111th; normally MI is part of a divisional level with various branches of intelligence work.

In any event, it will play out as it plays out; and like I said above, I am sitting watching as if it were a tennis game.
Yes. It was a hearing before the Michigan State Senate. A govt body.

I think an uninterrupted live feed is pretty trustworthy.
“Packing” is a pejorative term. Changing the number or justices, up or down, is with the powers of Congress. It’s not something the executive branch can do.
This is important information and worth keeping in mind.

The legislative branch can add justices to the Supreme Court.

The legislative branch is subject to the will of their constituents.

Not only can we contact (as many times as we wish!) our Senators and Representatives and express our viewpoints, we can vote for or against them.

Citizens who disagree with changing the number of Supreme Court justices can vote out anyone who is advocating changing the number–and Representatives are only elected for a 2-year term, so it’s not that hard to get one of them voted out, since they often don’t have much of a “resume of accomplishments” if they’ve only been in the House for a few years or a few terms.

Senators are a little harder to vote out, since their term is 6 years and overlaps a Presidential election. But it can be done!

It’s the will of the majority of the voters–if the voters strongly disapprove or strongly approve the “packing of the Supreme Court”–they will speak up at the Voting Booth and dump the Senators and Representatives who aren’t in line with their will.

After all, we elect our Senators and Representatives to speak for us and enact legislation that will make our lives and our country better! They are not in charge of the country–WE ARE!
I am sorry to hear that someone who is completely delusional with undiagnosed mental illness was chosen by the American electorate to be President of the United States. I don’t understand how America can claim to be any kind of example for world leadership with such a situation
This is ridiculous.

We can’t walk around claiming that people who we disgree with or people who have personalities that upset us have “an undiagnosed mental illness.”

That’s awful! That’s what has happened in the past when women who didn’t fit a certain personality type were accused of witchcraft!!

Or it’s what happened when people of color or of a certain nationality were accused of crimes simply because of their color or nationality (e.g., the “sex-crazed black men who were high on marijuana raping helpless white women!”).

Nowadays, we are seeing children “diagnosed” by non-trained relatives as “autistic” just because they are quiet and uninterested in socializing!

These claims had/have no basis in reality, and neither does a claim of “undiagnosed mental illness.”

In the past, people who are accused of mental illness could be institutionalized and locked away from their family, friends, and society!

This is really and truly a terrible thing to accuse someone of, and since it’s “undiagnosed,” you don’t even to prove it! Just say it enough and people will start believing you.

No no no! We cannot and should not accuse ANYONE of having an “undiagnosed” mental illness just because they have a personality that isn’t pleasing or acceptable to us. It’s especially bad to accuse someone who can’t defend themselves because they don’t live near us or associate with us. At least travel to where that person is, set up a meeting with them, and say it to their face.
She said:

“Like, a lot of people think all Indians look alike,” she says. “I think all Chinese look alike. So how would you tell? If some Chow shows up, you can be anybody, and you can vote. And if somebody with my name — you can’t even tell my name — anybody can vote on my behalf. So ID should be the basic requirement.”
Because Trumps relative gains in minority votes didn’t compensate for his loss of support among suburban whites 2) Biden didn’t campaign much because he (correctly) deduced that Trumps personality was turning off voters, particularly suburban whites, without him (Biden) having to do much. When your opponent is punching himself into the face, get out of his way and let him do it and 3) Because a lot of Americans really dislike Trump and came out to vote against him. This isn’t hard.
Yeah, sure. None of what you stated panned out in the swing states on which the election was decided, so I have more questions. On election night, why was the vote counting stopped in several of the swing states? Why were observes not allowed to be right up close and observe the counting of ballots as required by law? Why were signatures not matched to ballots? Why were windows boarded up in Detroit so people could not see what was going on? Why were 18 of the 19 bellwether counties historically indicative of a presidential win won by Trump and not Biden? How is it that Biden underperformed Clinton in New York, Chicago and LA, but won in the swing states cities of Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia, each known historically for voter corruption? Why is Joe Biden the first candidate to lose Florida and Ohio and still become President? Questions, just plenty of questions - queries that do not sustain your opinion of how Biden won. I smell a rat!
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Everyone is in favor of voter ID until we start talking about paying for it and assuring that hard to reach citizens are given a way to get them. There’s where the issues are. Republicans want to require the ID but not pay to transport the backwoods people or the handicapped people nor are they willing to cover the costs to do so.
This isn’t really the issue.

There are a number of people in this country that actually can’t prove their date of birth or place of birth, and therefore their identity.

With resources to pay for lawyers and a little research, one can overcome this. But, poorer people tend to note be able to do this.
However, how people think a justice may rule on cases is not necessarily how they actually end up ruling.
And don’t Republicans know that! Justice Souter was anything but a conservative and now Chief Justice Roberts is a big disappointment.
And it was Ruth Bader Ginsberg who publicly said she felt the Constitution needed to be rewritten.
So much for Democrats and the left saying they love and respect the Constitution.
I do not understand why the American electorate chose a delusional person for President, but they did.
We have a history of choosing poor leaders. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, LBJ - and that is only from the list of modern Chief Executives.
So much for Democrats and the left saying they love and respect the Constitution.
The Constitution is really great. It gives us a way to Amend it or totally rewrite it.

Saying a 250 year old document could be revised a little isn’t a bad thing.
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