I am sorry to hear that the President of the United States is delusional. I thought that America was supposed to be a shining example of democracy to the whole world. Why do Americans choose people who are delusional for President? Is America just a banana republic after all with all kinds of people testifying that the presidential election was one big hoax and a huge fraud?
The President is not delusional. He is fixated on an idea, and refuses to back down. Haven’t you ever seen anyone like this; e.g., the person who absolutely REFUSES to give up on the jigsaw puzzle until it’s finished, and ends up sitting there for 24 hours straight (except for bathroom breaks) and finishes the darn thing! Meanwhile, all the other people around are shaking their heads and saying, “She CRAZY!”
(Hint: Peeps is that jigsaw puzzle maniac, so we don’t keep jigsaw puzzles around our house or take them to family outings anymore!")
Americans don’t choose someone who is delusional for President. We choose people who advocate policies that we support, and we assume that someone who seems to be stubborn or set-in-their-ways has a strong will and therefore, will succeed.
And American is not a “banana republic.” We demand justice in all situations, and we want to know the truth. The President and other people that we respect (some of us still respect Pres. Trump) are claiming that the election was not conducted fairly. We are willing to see this claim investigated and either proven or disproven.
There’s nothing wrong with a passion for justice. If you were an American accused of a dreadful crime, and you insisted that you didn’t do it, wouldn’t you want people around who were willing to at least thoroughly investigate your claim of innocence (and hopefully prove that you are telling the truth so that you could be set free and totally absolved of the accusation–and also, of course, so that you could SUE YOUR ACCUSERS and become wealthy!–this is America after all! Did you know that around 85% of Americans expect to retire with money won in a frivilous lawsuit?!
The President has every right to have the election investigated thoroughly. Most of us are willing to admit that he will probably not be able to prove anything. Some will continue to believe that the “truth” is being suppressed and will never come out, but most people will accept the results of the investigation and move on.