Of course it hasn’t happened. You don’t just walk into an appellate court and start arguing a case which has not been presented by briefs. In the normal course, after a notice of appeal is filed, it may take months before one is even scheduled for hearing.But the decision of a judge is final, unless overturned in appeal, which has not happened.
A decision does not stand if it is overturned on appeal - and given that it may take months to even prepare the briefs, it may or may not “stand” - meaning that execution of the decision may or may not go forward.
A preliminary decision was rendered in the case seeking to have access to Dominion software for the purpose of determining what happened. Whether that decision was effective (meaning that the data was not erased) I have not heard.
There have been allegations that the software was neither safe from outside sources nor accurate; and those allegations were made by Amy Klobuchar and other Democrats long before the election was held.
Given that it would be in the best interests of the Democrats to show that the software is safe and accurate, one has to wonder what the haste is to erase what it contains - it should be a no-brainer to simply say “Let’s examine it”.
Anyone can question whether or not Dominion software is trustworthy. When significant players in the Democratic Party have openly questions the software (and she was by no means alone), and then when the Republicans want access to it and the Democrats’ position looks and sounds like “Move on, nothing to see here”, it does not take a strictly partisan individual to say - hey, let’s slow down, you brought it up first.
There are allegations floating around all over, and I would presume that some of them are figments of overactive imaginations. All of them? Then why were nationally known Democrats questioning the software months ago, if not longer?
The greatest way to put a stop to all of the allegations would be for the Democrats to step up and also demand transparency of all of the elections.