Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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As an interesting aside, the Koch brothers have apparently been heard to say they have seen they need to change their strategy. I suspect other wealthy movers and shakers may have come to the same conclusion. By which I mean, Donald had objectives that did not sit well with old line Republicans; but the ground has had a seismic shift. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of Labor and Small Business; it is Big Business (read, high tech). And Trump made serious inroads on both the Black and Hispanic communities as well as Labor; it will be up to the Republicans who have any (name removed by moderator)ut to maintain and grow that base.

There was a movement of Democrats changing parties. It is hard at best to judge how extensive it has been, and I think it is going to be very difficult, if not impossible for the Democrats to gain control over the extremely liberal parts of the party. Failure to do that may result in more defections. Both AOC and gang, plus BLM have said they have absolutely no intention of remaining quiet - if Joe ignores them they will only become more demanding, and if Kamala takes over, it is anybody’s guess if she will move in their direction or reject them.

Further, we hve local jurisdictions which have bought into the BLM rhetoric. Seattle, which was under a federal mandate to change policing was already understaffed with 1400 police; they lost their chief (who had a national reputation for shaping up policing) and are now down to 1200 police, with a likelihood they may go even lower. Portland, which bowed to demands to remove the Gun Reduction Team has had 3 times the number of shootings since June, as compared to the same time last year. And no one seems to know what Minneapolis will do, but they too seem determined to go the same direction. It will be up to citizens, after the damage is done, to see if they can turn things around.
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Joe Biden has a fifty year political history right there for anyone to see.
One that was not played up by the major media for all voters to see. I didn’t see many stories about Biden’s support for the crime bill that sent thousands of black people to jail, nor any reports of how he was against busing children from the inner cities to better schools elsewhere. Everything negative about Biden was buried - and that is a fact!
I kind of miss Walter Cronkite.
I don’t. He was a liberal and having only 3 major television news networks controlling all the information as was the case back then was not a good thing.
CNN didn’t air this circus because it isn’t news.
Yet they aired charge after charge against President Trump concerning the Steele Dossier and the Russian lie. There was nothing there, not one bit of evidence of President Trump and him colluding with the Russians, but that is all the letter networks screamed about for almost 4 years. Journalism is dead, those people are not unbiased as good journalists should be.
So where do you get the information about what is actually going on to be able to determine that?
I use my eyes and ears to watch the mainstream media and what they do. Never a good story about Republicans or Conservatives, but complete fawning for every Democrat. We saw for ourselves major American cities being put to the torch not too long ago by the left and all we were told by the major media is that these were just “peaceful protests”. Come on friend, surely you have not been swayed by the lies from these people?
I love how some people simultaneously argue “CNN is dead, their ratings are in the toilet, no one watches it anymore” and “the reason Trump lost is because CNN was in Biden’s corner.” Which is it? Can’t be both.

Look, who cares? Obviously CNN was hostile to Trump, sometimes cartoonishly so. So what? There were plenty of other media figures who couldn’t slobber over Trump hard enough. Was it “unfair” to Hillary that Fox was generally hostile to her? Is that why she lost in 2016?
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No, it didn’t. President Trump lost fair and square.
So tell me again how the Democrats, who actually lost black and Hispanic support still won? How did Biden, a man who never campaigned and who failed in two previous attempts at winning the presidency now get more votes than the much beloved “Dear Leader” Barack Obama? How did he lose more counties in the nation yet still win the presidency? I smell something fishy here.
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But the GOP? Who’s up next?
I think the GOP will have to become a little less inclusive if they want to win.

What I mean by that is that currently, the Republican Party includes pro-abortion people in fairly large numbers, because politically, it makes sense–Republicans favor the rights of the individual to make their own choices and live with the consequences.

The Republican Party includes racists–and civil rights advocates–again, because the Party advocates an individual’s right to think for themselves.

The Republican Party includes incredibly wealth people (as does the Democratic Party!), but also includes a large number of non-wealthy people; e.g., farmers. Peeps and Mr. Peeps are far from wealthy, but we declare ourselves with the Republican Party, and so do most of the people we are close to (and most of them aren’t rich, either).

These are just a few examples of the diversity of the Republican Party–diversity, which IMO, makes it difficult for the Party to elect their candidates! The very essence of the Party is non-conformity, and conformity is needed to elect a candidate. Everyone has to get on board–but in this last election, many Republicans and those who lean Republican did NOT get on board with Pres. Trump.

The Democratic Party, OTOH, is much more unified, and there is little room for disagreement with the Party Platform. Oh, there are a very few Democrats who still call themselves “pro-life”–but the ones in our state lost soundly in the last election, and pro-life Democrats are almost always considered vulnerable in elections.

The strength of the Democratic Party at the moment is their unity–when they put up a candidate, EVERYONE in the party votes for that candidate. And when you combine all these votes with the Republicans who also vote for the Democratic candidate–well, the Democrats are gonna win.

So I think it would be useful for the Republicans to either unify–or find some way to promote their diversity of beliefs in a positive light. I would prefer that the Party split so that I can commit to a Party that is more or less 100% with my beliefs and convictions. But that might not be the best strategy to win, especially with a strong Democratic Party that stands united.
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So I think it would be useful for the Republicans to either unify–or find some way to promote their diversity of beliefs in a positive light
It could never happen - too many RINO’s like Romney, Collins, and Murkowski. Some of these folks should just officially become Democrats and be done with it
So tell me again how the Democrats, who actually lost black and Hispanic support still won? How did Biden, a man who never campaigned and who failed in two previous attempts at winning the presidency now get more votes than the much beloved “Dear Leader” Barack Obama?
  1. Because Trumps relative gains in minority votes didn’t compensate for his loss of support among suburban whites 2) Biden didn’t campaign much because he (correctly) deduced that Trumps personality was turning off voters, particularly suburban whites, without him (Biden) having to do much. When your opponent is punching himself into the face, get out of his way and let him do it and 3) Because a lot of Americans really dislike Trump and came out to vote against him. This isn’t hard.
So tell me again how the Democrats, who actually lost black and Hispanic support still won?

The Democrats lost Cuban votes in FL, which went for Trump. They gained Mexican votes in AZ, TX, and CA, states that either went to Biden (AZ, CA) or decreased Republican margin (TX).

Because voter turnout was very high, Trump’s “increase” in Black voters as a percentage was undercut by Biden’s increase in Black voters in total and in swing states.

Trump lost enough white, college educated voters— me for instance— especially those in the suburbs in swing states where a lot of blue voters have moved for new economy jobs. He also lost some white, non-college educated voters too.

So, Biden won where he needed to win. And groups like Lincoln Project and others, that followed the data and spent money in key areas in key states, knew he could win and they helped him get there.

The Democrats and the anti-Trump coalition worked the electoral map just as Republicans did in the past. The Republicans don’t like it, so they are crying about it. They see a path in FL, NC, and in TX. They aren’t wrong. And they’ll be working it for the next 4 years for sure.
Biden didn’t campaign much because
The type of voter interested in voting for Biden doesn’t need a “rally” to whip them into a frenzy. For sure, I wouldn’t be caught dead at one of those super spreader events and I think a Biden voter would have rightly criticized Biden if he’d tried to hold big rallies.

Biden voters aren’t interested in theater. They are interested in serious policies, which can be and were communicated in other ways.
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Because a lot of Americans really dislike Trump and came out to vote against him.
Then we will get the President we deserve.

The very idea of voting for/against “personalities” rather than policies is so short-sighted.

During the time before WWII, many of the British citizens hated Winston Churchill. I’ve been watching a lot of WWII documentaries while I’ve been quarantined at home (and my husband is in the hospital)–and some of the journalists’ comments, as well as public sentiments, against Churchill were pretty awful! He was seen as a curmudgeon, grumpy, not a gentleman, etc.

Neville Chamberlain was the “gentleman”–urbane, well-spoken, handsome, well-dressed, pleasant.

But history has spoken. Chamberlain resigned once Hitler invaded Poland, and Churchill became the Prime Minister, “bull-dog” and all! Thank GOD!!! The world is still here primarily because of him and God’s work through him.

Being a “gentleman” is not necessarily the best quality for a leader.

Now before anyone goes off on me for comparing Donald Trump to Winston Churchill–please don’t! I am well aware Donald Trump is not and never shall be anywhere near Winston Churchill when it comes to leadership qualities! (And for that matter, Joseph Biden is also nowhere near Winston Churchill–in fact, I don’t believe we have any American leaders anytime in the last 75 years or so that can compare with Winston Churchill–one of the greatest leaders in world history!).

My point is, voting for personality instead of policies is very foolish.
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Biden voters aren’t interested in theater. They are interested in serious policies, which can be and were communicated in other ways.
And I’m still dazed that so many want a return to the policies that devalue the lives of human beings who aren’t born yet, as well as “tax-and-spend” policies that burden working Americans and that, in the long run, do not produce societal improvements.

If I felt like Democratic policies would actually help the poor, the homeless, the immigrants, the marginalized, the victims of racism, the prisoners, the elderly, etc.–I would consider voting Democratic. But the Democratic policies seem to keep those in need permanently dependent on the government, and the cost of the programs is astronomical compared to local outreaches that actually bring about good changes and lasting results.

And the current anti-religion, anti-police, anti-diversity attitude of many of the Democratic leaders is, IMO, dangerous.

Oh, well…we shall see. Hopefully Pres. Biden will surprise a lot of us in a good way.
One that was not played up by the major media for all voters to see. I didn’t see many stories about Biden’s support for the crime bill that sent thousands of black people to jail, nor any reports of how he was against busing children from the inner cities to better schools elsewhere. Everything negative about Biden was buried - and that is a fact!
And that’s a fact.

No, not really. It’s all there. I’m old enough to remember when he was a Senator commuting on Amtrak to Delaware every day.

About the crime bill, by the way. It had bipartisan support, and support from the Black community as well, if I remember correctly. It simply had a slew of unintended consequences. It didn’t do the good that was intended.
Winston Churchill wasn’t called a bulldog because of bad or coarse manners.

He was referred to as a bulldog after becoming prime minister in a political cartoon. It wasn’t an insult, it was to display strength and loyalty. And he could somewhat look like a bulldog.

I also learned he was an artist. He painted.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

This is one of his paintings.
That’s not really the point I was addressing, though. I’m not trying to adjudicate Trump v. Biden on the merits…that’s been done about a billion times on CAF. My point is about why Trump lost. Whether you think that’s a good or a bad thing is kind of beside the point.
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