Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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I find it interesting how many people claim to be dissaffected conservatives,because of Trump.Yet posts on other issues reflect nothing that would indicate they are in fact what they say.My gut feeling is this is an attempt to add credence and an air of objectivity to their extreme irrational dislike of PresidentbTrump.I for one see through it.
Or they could just be telling the truth. Conservatives are digging their own grave right now.
They could be but like are not telling the truth.One can be whatever they want to be via the internet.
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My gut feeling is this is an attempt to add credence and an air of objectivity to their extreme irrational dislike of President Trump.
I’m a conservative, not disaffected at all, if anything my conservative convictions have been strengthened over the last four+ years, and I don’t see at all how it’s irrational to dislike Trump. I don’t see that he’s a very likeable guy at all, quite the opposite… but likeability is very low on my list of reasons to vote for someone.
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I find it interesting how many people claim to be dissaffected conservatives,because of Trump.
Well, I’ve been on CAF for 16 years. My posting history isn’t a secret.

What about my 16 years here says I am not a political conservative?

And I guess I should add, what about Trump’s policies and actions makes you think he is actually a political conservative?
extreme irrational dislike of PresidentbTrump
I have Trump’s entire public life informing me about him, his own words and actions. Basing my choices on the facts of what he says and does is hardly “irrational”.
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Today’s major media are nothing less than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party - so remember that every time you see a newscast or read a newspaper. They only give out the what they want you to hear and effectively deny you the truth of all that is going on in the political world.
So where do you get the information about what is actually going on to be able to determine that?
I watched some of the MI election fraud hearings this week. Witness after witness delivering credible testimony of shenanigans. I saw it on OAN.
Good to see that you don’t use any media that might be biased…
Better not. place you’re hopes on Joe Biden or any politician in that case.If it’s a saint you are looking for in your president you will always be disappointed.I judge Trump on his actions as POTUS. What he may or may not actually believe in his heart is irrelevant. Joe Biden professes to be a devout Catholic Weekly Mass attendee carries a rosary.Yet he is corrupt as the day is long,endorses infanticide.I’ll take President Trump ,peccadillos and all any day of the week.
tldr: Trump beat himself.
I would not give him total credit. I watched a non-official survey of someone asking people who they voted for; then following up on the more recent information concerning Joe’s son and the info from the laptop emails; and to the last person, they said they had not heard it, and might not have voted for Joe.

The media when it did do an interview of Joe played “soft lob” with their questions and Joe’s handlers, to their wisdom, kept him out of the media spotlight.
Call me crazy, but I have a notion that President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris won by a whopping 7,000,000+ popular votes (51.5% or so of the total vote and the greatest majority in decades) and a landslide in the Electoral College, 306-232.
Indeed. He lost both the popular vote AND the Electoral College by a landslide in both.
That was pretty much my position as well. I never much liked Trump personally. I didn’t like his TV show. I didn’t like the news reports of his business deals. I didn’t like to hear him talk. When he announced his intent to run for president, I thought it was some sort of a joke or publicity stunt. I was astonished that he alone survived the GOP primary debates and got the nomination.

But it was impossible to vote for Hillary or any Democrat, given the party’s dedication to abortion and many other policies inimical to Catholicism.

When Trump was elected I was happily surprised by his pro-life stance, his reversal of the Obama war against the Little Sisters of the Poor, his advocacy of education choice and other things. I still don’t like to listen to him talk, but I like his policies better than the Dems.

Now Biden will put the nation back on a firmly pro-abortion and anti-religion stance, and the Little Sisters will have to once again head back to court.
Now Biden will put the nation back on a firmly pro-abortion and anti-religion stance,
It’s amazing to hear from Catholics here on CAF that they voted against Trump because they didn’t like his personality. Very few Trump supporters liked his personality, aside from the fact that he fought back against media who were clearly out to destroy him at any cost.

To vote for a political party that openly supports the destruction of the family because you don’t like the personality of the other candidate is misguided.
I have met a number of business people who have been exceedingly successful in business, and there has not been a single one of them who has not had business failures, lawsuits, and bankruptcies.

And every one of them has been successful for, among other reasons, daring to take risks, often high risks.

Your post has several different objections, and for the last paragraph, I have no question that he has angered many conservatives; he has also gone down paths parts of the Republican Party would not go. He appealed to the “lost and forgotten” of the unions who have been ignored now for at least a decade and a half, if not more, and union voters were a significant part of his election; they openly mocked Hillary afterwards for her almost total lack of interest in anything they had to say - and specifically, the move by both Democrats and Republicans to move as fast as they could to either move businesses overseas, or to enable other business leaders to do so.

And in both elections, particularly in this last election, Trump obtained greater support among both the Black and the Latino communities; and I have yet to see anything in the past where a Republican President went so far as Trump did in making progress supporting minority businesses.

And neither of those moves were taken from the Obama playbook.

Part of why he has been hated so much by some Republicans is that he has been a populist, a term that was applied to President Clinton when he found himself saddled with a legislature not to his liking - or his party. And this comment is not directed to you - but the Republican Part has for ages been considered “lily white” - a move that at lest in terms ovf voting seems to being put into our past.

Sadly, we have a two party system and the results appear, from a long distance view, to be most effective when the Administration is in one party, and the Legislature in the other. Given the internal struggles within the Democratic Party of the centrists vs. the socialists left win, I am not entirely sure that will continue, especially in light of the US elections (as in, votes for the Legislature, state governors, and state legislatures the target of the Blue Wave that resoundingly flopped).

Me - I am hoping and praying that Nikki Haley runs for President this next time.
I know people who refer to that, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbats, and even Epoc Times ( the media arm of Falun Gong). I know this personally, and in one example, a Lutheran Pastor who has referenced all of the above at one time or another. The latest thing he posted was an hour-long news broadcast of the TV network arm NTV, maybe) of Falun Gong, half of which was devoted to the unfounded reports of voter fraud.
He said that he didn’t care if anyone ( referring to AG William Barr, numerous state’s secretary of states, and courts of law) said that there was “no evidence of widespread fraud that would change the outcome of the election” (Herr Trump’s own hand-picked Republican AG William Barr’s exact quote), that all the evidence was in the video testimonies brought to the hearings state legislatures (by Rudi Guiliani, who, incidentally, had NO evidence to bring before a court of law).
If he puts his trust in Falun Gong rather than the will of the American people who duly elected Joe Biden by a landslide vote in both the popular vote and Electoral College.
Falun Gong as a source of information, really?
No, I’m closer to a Carter v. Ford age but Bush v. Gore… those were some fun years… I’d do 20 again too, no doubt, but on the second go I’d spend much less time worrying about my parent’s opinions regarding my career choices. They didn’t know what they were talking about. 🙂
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 I was born when Harry Truman was President.

You do remember who he was, right?
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