Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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It was a huge factor. But you know what, the big media lies virtually about everything so this isn’t a novelty.

And no, I am not a Trump supporter.
But you know what, the big media lies virtually about everything so this isn’t a novelty.
This is exactly as ridiculous as Hillary’s old assertion has been about a “vast, right wing conspiracy”. There is no “conspiracy”.
He lost because of how he handled the virus if he had taken it seriously he would still be President the biggest political blunder of the century the virus brought him down. No other president would of handled it the way he did they would know it would be political suicide.
Today’s major media are nothing less than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party - so remember that every time you see a newscast or read a newspaper. They only give out the what they want you to hear and effectively deny you the truth of all that is going on in the political world.
Today’s major media are nothing less than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party - so remember that every time you see a newscast or read a newspaper. They only give out the what they want you to hear and effectively deny you the truth of all that is going on in the political world.
This is the most odious lie of all.

And it defies logic as to how anyone can believe this lie.
This is the most odious lie of all.
I guess you must of missed hearing the recordings of CNN head Jeff Zucker telling his employees to bury the Joe and Hunter Biden story concerning the Ukraine and Burisma. Meanwhile, over at Facebook and Twitter they likewise tagged any posts or tweets of it. Wake up friend, there is no longer any major media that is either independent, fair, or tells the nation all the truth about all Democrat involved situations. The people who work there are no longer journalists, they are propagandists.
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The media did not cost Trump the election. Donald Trump just lost. There is no need to invent a conspiracy to explain it.
The media did not cost Trump the election. Donald Trump just lost. There is no need to invent a conspiracy to explain it.
The fact that no negatives of Joe Biden were allowed to be widely disseminated by them had to have had an impact, and then all they ever put out were negatives of President Trump, Biden was portrayed as the 3rd coming. (Obama was the 2nd of course). Good grief, Biden basically stayed in his basement for the whole campaign!
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Everybody has an opinion as to why Trump received fewer votes in key states.

Trump, with no political positions, came in and pretty much made mincemeat of the career politicians running in the Republican primary, and he p/o-ed some serious “players” in the Republican Party. He then ran against Hillary, and we know the saga of the attempts at “Russian conspiracy” and the three years spent trying to find something with which to impeach him.

For some years there has been an increase on the “liberal” wing of the Democratic Party, and if one has been paying attention, there have been numerous reports of college and university students parroting a series of issues (“safe space” and “hate speech” among others, including mouthing slogans of the need for socialist policies without the slightest clue as to what the end result would be.

And there you have the makings of people who hate Trump.

Coupled with the antipathy well before his election, there are two other issues. 1) he had no political experience and 2) he has been a very successful businessman in New York. The two left us with an individual who for lack of a better term, did not “act Presidential” - he tweeted constantly; he trolled, he was abrasive, abrupt, rude, crude, and lacked most of the dignity of the office (with the exception of how he treated the military representatives coming and going - he knew how to salute and remembered to do so).

In short, even for people who strongly appreciated what he accomplished, he was an embarrassment; and for those who did not appreciate (or outright hated) his accomplishments, it further pushed their attitude toward him.

He also screwed up. I thoroughly understood what he was saying about needing to keep the economy going, but his treatment of the virus overroad his message that we had a fine line to walk between shutting down and spreading the virus more. in short, he did a crappy job of walking the line between capitulation to the virus and ignoring it. He was right about schools - and Fauci has admitted he (Fauci) was wrong, but Trump garnered no praise for how he handled it.

The debates may have moved a few people, but after 4 years, most people had their minds made up. And it is entirely possible that a lot of young people, who often do not vote, turned out to vote.

Was there fraudulent voting? Absolutely, but nowhere has it yet been shown that there was sufficient fraud to change the results; unless there was something really hinky about Dominion (which is still not settled) it appears he will not be sworn in come January.

What is clear is that nationally, the Blue Wave, which was going to flip governors, state legislatures, and the House and the Senate, flopped Which is another way of saying that, short of showing some massive fraud, people wanted what Trump accomplished, but did not want Trump - and that is not the same as saying that they wanted Joe Biden. Kamala is not a centrist Democrat, and likely was put on the ticket as a peace-making move to the radical Left.
tldr: Trump beat himself.
The fact that no negatives of Joe Biden were allowed to be widely disseminated by them had to have had an impact, and then all they ever put out were negatives of President Trump, Biden was portrayed as the 3rd coming. (Obama was the 2nd of course). Good grief, Biden basically stayed in his basement for the whole campaign!
Joe Biden has a fifty year political history right there for anyone to see.
And it defies logic as to how anyone can believe this lie.
I don’t know how in 2020 you can believe it’s not the case. The major media has always been biased leftward, but the great achievement of Trump was that he brought them out from behind their cloaks. It’s not about journalism, it’s about the agenda.

I watched some of the MI election fraud hearings this week. Witness after witness delivering credible testimony of shenanigans. I saw it on OAN. No major media that I’m aware of showed it. If it were 2016 and just one witness had delivered testimony that compelling alleging Russia had helped Trump it would have been “bombshell” news that was the only thing talked about. Yeah, I don’t know how in 2020 you can think the major media isn’t in the tank.
So if you think conspiracies don’t exist, I suggest you talk to someone that works with high level politics (other than me; someone you trust) and start asking him/her questions about this.

Besides, there are the fraudulent journalists who lie for a number of reasons, some even particular (hating some public figure, f.i.). And finally, to add up, there are the errors due to ignorance or misunderstandings. Although these aren’t lies, they add up to this already unfavorable picture of the media)
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Question: Who said, “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper”?
Was it (A) Sean Hannity, (B) Glenn Beck, © Rush Limbaugh, or (D) None of the above?
I believe the answer is (E) Nononony

😉 Perhaps not the official answer, but that’s exactly what I said to myself after they informed us in journalism school that each outlet had an agenda that, as a reporter, you had to adhere to regardless of your feelings on the matter or you would be unemployable.

After being flatly informed that the media is used for the manufacture of public thought and belief I’ve not been able to believe anything which is seen in a newspaper… on the radio… or television… or facebook… or Fox News… or CNN…

I never worked in the media because of that one moment in class… which caused some tremendous upset amongst my family who thought I was over-reacting and wasting my education and talents… but I must say, after careful observation of 2020, I’ve never been MORE proud of my 20 year old self.

I don’t have any comments on the actual topic as it was presented in the original post.
Witness after witness delivering credible testimony of shenanigans.
I watched the testimony too. NOTHING credible at all.

It really indicates only a large number of people don’t know how elections work.

And some witnesses were just way out there loons. Such as their “star” witness the IT worker.

CNN didn’t air this circus because it isn’t news. We are over 50 lawsuits and counting tossed by the courts because they are not credible, accurate, or demonstrating fraud. This isn’t news, it’s a total farce and money grift.
I must say, after careful observation of 2020, I’ve never been MORE proud of my 20 year old self
Ah… So you’re as old as Bush v. Gore … (Smile… I wish I was 20 again!)
No, I’m closer to a Carter v. Ford age but Bush v. Gore… those were some fun years… I’d do 20 again too, no doubt, but on the second go I’d spend much less time worrying about my parent’s opinions regarding my career choices. They didn’t know what they were talking about. 🙂
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I watched the testimony too. NOTHING credible at all.

It really indicates only a large number of people don’t know how elections work.

And some witnesses were just way out there loons. Such as their “star” witness the IT worker.

CNN didn’t air this circus because it isn’t news.
I disagree with your conclusion. It absolutely is news, if it was full of ignorance and loons then it’s even more important to air it, and not airing it plays into the narrative that the major news networks are packed with liars who are in the tank for leftist politics (which narrative I’m entirely sympathetic to, given what I’ve seen over the last fourty years).
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