Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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Kind of like the non stop mischaracterization of the views of and relentless sneering at even middle of the road people by some conservatives. Think that might have something to do with it?
I know, speaking from experience, being derided as a socialist and Marxist, or even worse being accused of ‘warping’ Church teaching, merely for citing encyclicals by popes or common economic sense has driven me away from the conservative movement for the most part.
Sorry but that’s just nonsense. And I didn’t say anything about liberals anyway.
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I’m as conservative as they come, although not a Republican (I’m not American and dislike some of what the Republican party is about currently and historically, although I’d align more closely with them than the Democrats, certainly), however I’ve seen really ugly behaviour from Republicans on social media, behaviour that is almost as bad as anything on the left (I say almost because I’ve not seen anything like ANTIFA tactics from the America right). There’s a very unhealthy groupthink and inability to tolerate any questioning or debate of consensus opinion. Insults, ridicule and name calling are to be expected if you disagree with the herd. The tribal, two party system results in two extremes, and when you enter into extremes, there’s not much difference between the extreme right and the extreme left. The middle ground seems to have disappeared. It’s a tad scary.
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Or that he was nominated by the parliaments of three European countries for the Noble Peace Prize?

A) The Nobel committee does not release names of nominees or who nominated them.

B). Six people said they nominated him. A member of parliament (NOT “the parliament”) of Sweden. A politician in Norway. And a group of four lawyers in Australia.

So no, he was not “nominated by the parliaments of three countries.”
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Everybody has an opinion as to why Trump received fewer votes in key states.

Trump, with no political positions, came in and pretty much made mincemeat of the career politicians running in the Republican primary, and he p/o-ed some serious “players” in the Republican Party. He then ran against Hillary, and we know the saga of the attempts at “Russian conspiracy” and the three years spent trying to find something with which to impeach him.

For some years there has been an increase on the “liberal” wing of the Democratic Party, and if one has been paying attention, there have been numerous reports of college and university students parroting a series of issues (“safe space” and “hate speech” among others, including mouthing slogans of the need for socialist policies without the slightest clue as to what the end result would be.

And there you have the makings of people who hate Trump.

Coupled with the antipathy well before his election, there are two other issues. 1) he had no political experience and 2) he has been a very successful businessman in New York. The two left us with an individual who for lack of a better term, did not “act Presidential” - he tweeted constantly; he trolled, he was abrasive, abrupt, rude, crude, and lacked most of the dignity of the office (with the exception of how he treated the military representatives coming and going - he knew how to salute and remembered to do so).

In short, even for people who strongly appreciated what he accomplished, he was an embarrassment; and for those who did not appreciate (or outright hated) his accomplishments, it further pushed their attitude toward him.

He also screwed up. I thoroughly understood what he was saying about needing to keep the economy going, but his treatment of the virus overroad his message that we had a fine line to walk between shutting down and spreading the virus more. in short, he did a crappy job of walking the line between capitulation to the virus and ignoring it. He was right about schools - and Fauci has admitted he (Fauci) was wrong, but Trump garnered no praise for how he handled it.

The debates may have moved a few people, but after 4 years, most people had their minds made up. And it is entirely possible that a lot of young people, who often do not vote, turned out to vote.

Was there fraudulent voting? Absolutely, but nowhere has it yet been shown that there was sufficient fraud to change the results; unless there was something really hinky about Dominion (which is still not settled) it appears he will not be sworn in come January.

What is clear is that nationally, the Blue Wave, which was going to flip governors, state legislatures, and the House and the Senate, flopped Which is another way of saying that, short of showing some massive fraud, people wanted what Trump accomplished, but did not want Trump - and that is not the same as saying that they wanted Joe Biden. Kamala is not a centrist Democrat, and likely was put on the ticket as a peace-making move to the radical Left.
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Of course - the media is predominantly made up of activists. They occasionally report, but nearly always advocate (subtly to blatantly) - which of course violates one of the primary tenets of journalism. I suppose that a few of them are capable of critical thought, but they do precious little to demonstrate that.

For that reason, I found a use for the asinine cancel culture: I cancelled the media.
Much of the news is beyond bias and is now pure propaganda and blatant lies. At these news outlets there are a bunch of cowardly sheep huddled together like trained seals. They have to make a living and are all looking out for their own behinds, so the safest way is the path of least resistance: group think, ideological conformity, succumbing to peer pressure, afraid to even question the narrow orthodoxy. Many are a bunch of corrupt fools who are fooling nobody but themselves and the ill-informed.
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with the exception of how he treated the military representatives coming and going - he knew how to salute and remembered to do so).
That’s an exceptionally low bar. Privates in the army generally have the hang of that by day 3 in basic training.

Not to quibble: I agree with a lot of your post, inasmuch as Trump was his own worst enemy.
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What failures? He was highly successful .
Perhaps if Mr. Trump had put as much energy and focus into national leadership on Covid as he has trying to undo the election results, fewer people would have died - and he might even have been re-elected. As it is, he has been “highly successful” in abdicating all responsibility and moral leadership in the current health crisis.
The reference was to a prior President - sorry if I was too obscure in my reference.
I mean, I’d quibble with the idea that trump was respectful of the military, but I don’t want to derail the thread.
he has been a very successful businessman in New York.
Multiple bankruptcies, lawsuits, and failure to repay loans is definitely not the definition of “successful businessman”.

I really do not understand how he is able to run this con right out in the open, years on end.
His current “legal defense fund” grift is reprehensible.

All the lies, gaslighting, attacks, and ridiculous statements that have come out of his mouth over the last 4 years, let alone the last 4 decades, are exactly why so many of us who identify as conservative want NOTHING to do with Don the Con.
Gee, I am glad you are so proud of him. 🙂

Everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon of his bankruptcies. I suspect he could buy everyone here in the forum out of his pocket change. Meaning, he has been more successful in business than the average bear - or even the big bear. He takes risks; not all of them come together, but he is far more successful than his critics choose to acknowledge.

That said, I can’t stand him; but I don’t let my emotions control my decisions or my research.

I have never met anyone who is exceedingly successful (and I have met son) who didn’t also have a trail of lawsuits and opportunities which turned upside down - but in spite of that they have been successful.

So now you get Biden - who over his career in politics has been on the wrong side of decisions so many times it boggles the mind Hope you will be happy with the trade.

I’m not.
I’ve heard this before but never fully realized it until this year. I don’t think I can ever respect the media again.
Blah blah blah…

To paraphrase Rick James, “Hate is a hell of a drug.”
It also has not shortage of dealers. I do not know if I have seen more hate peddled by the left, or the right. It seems a rather non-partisan plague.
Hmm I don’t know when it’s been insinuated you literally voted in a racist Hitler or Mussolini and riots are thrown burning and pillaging innocent people’s property, I think I will go with the Left being more hateful.
Those were failures by Democrat governors who put COVID patients in nursing homes.
No doubt everyone on the right thinks the left is more hateful, and all on the left thinks the right is more hateful. Jesus said that before we can move the speck from a brother’s eye we must first remove a log.
Those were failures by Democrat governors who put COVID patients in nursing homes.
As Harry Truman said, “The buck stops somewhere else, probably with Democrats somewhere because I am not responsible for anything.”
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