Did the lying media cost Trump the election?

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So where do you get the information about what is actually going on to be able to determine that?
I use my eyes and ears to watch the mainstream media and what they do. Never a good story about Republicans or Conservatives, but complete fawning for every Democrat. We saw for ourselves major American cities being put to the torch not too long ago by the left and all we were told by the major media is that these were just “peaceful protests”. Come on friend, surely you have not been swayed by the lies from these people?
But where do you go to to get what you say is the truth?
Trump is also the first President since Carter to not invade another country.
This is something which makes him standout as a great President. And of course, there are his appointments to the Supreme Court. BTW, what has 2.5 trillion dollars spent in Afghanistan accomplished? There are so many thousands of Americans, homeless, living on the streets, begging and starving to death. Why not spend a few dollars to help these destitute Americans instead of spending $2,500,000,000.00 on Afghanistan?
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But where do you go to to get what you say is the truth?
I go to
France 24
Al Jazeera
and others.
I use:

ABC (Australian Broadcasting Association
SBS (Special Broadcasting Service - Australian version of PBS)
The Guardian
The Sydney Morning Herald

The first three I consider to be reasonably unbiased (although the ABC tends to the left on some issues). The Guardian definitely leans to the left and the SMH is left of centre. CNN and Fox balance each other out.
CNN and Fox balance each other out.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
No. But I get two alternate views on the same subject. I can listen to two arguments from opposite ends of the spectrum and allowing for my own bias I can try to discern what the facts are. They should be common to both.
Ya think? You’d think Trump was unpopular with the majority of Americans…
Major news outlets, including trump himself on Twitter, have reported that Rudy Guiliani has tested positive for COVID-19. Thoughts and Prayers and his Bless his Heart.
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That is not how our system works. The House of Representatives has the sole authority to impeach the president. Any judgment like “Hey, you lost…” would not be implemented, but would be submitted to the House Judiciary for possible impeachment.

It would go nowhere.
Ah, makes sense.

I think it’s all fantasy. Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris will be installed, and Pres. Trump will continue to work to prove that he won, but it won’t work for him.

I wish it had turned out differently . It just goes to show that you can do all kinds of good things, but if you are difficult to get along with and constantly shooting off your mouth and saying too much without having a ton of friends to back you up–all your good works will be forgotten or even scoffed at.
That too is hypocrisy, just not the only kind. Anytime that which is good for me is not good for thee, then there is hypocrisy, a violation of the Golden Rule.
But see, that’s where the Devil is in the details.
The US population doesn’t even agree on what “good” means.
and constantly shooting off your mouth
The boy who cried Wolf. This is the THIRD presidential election where Trump has asserted “massive fraud” and “rigged election” and collusion of Democrats, poll workers, software and more.

plus the Iowa caucus where Cruz supposedly stole it from him, accused Cruz of fraud and called for a new caucus— well he said election. b/c I don’t think he understood what a caucus was.

One of these “rigged” elections, he won— upon which he doubled down with the lie that he also would have won the popular vote except for all the fraud.

He’s just a big crybaby sore loser and completely delusional. I do not understand why anyone takes his cries of “massive fraud” seriously. He has cried “massive fraud” where there is none for 8 years now.
Trump will continue to work to prove that he won, but it won’t work for him.
The president may continue that work regardless of his chances, thinking that bringing things to light will weaken the next administration politically. Considering parts of their platform, this wouldn’t be all bad. I for one think he could do this from a desire to do what’s best for the country.
If Trump put half as much effort into acting like a semi-sane adult as he did in whining about CNN hurting his feelings, he’d probably have won a second term.
This quote pretty much sums up my feelings on this question. Good observation, Roland.

I will fully acknowledge that the media is, generally speaking, no ally of Trump or conservatism at all. The majority of the mainstream media is controlled by leftists, and even if another Republican candidate such as, say, Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio had been elected, they would have been treated unfairly plenty of times by the media as well. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. are all predominantly made up of progressive-minded people. Not all of them, but the majority. That’s just the way it is.

Having said that, Trump, as I have stated before, cost himself a 2nd term. And really, he probably would not have even gotten a first had he been running against a more polished and likable Democratic candidate. The issue was many voters just did not trust Hillary, and since Trump was promising actual change instead of the same old tried and tired politics, the American people decided to give him a chance.

He subsequently squandered that chance. His Presidency was full of drama and seemed like something you’d expect from a reality television show (which, ironically, is what made Trump so famous right before he ran for President). He had a real opportunity to lead the country during the pandemic and he failed, shifting blame at every turn and never taking any responsibility for his own actions. If something went right (which wasn’t often) he took all the credit. If something went wrong, it was always someone else’s fault.

The media may not have helped Trump along the way, but much of the negative press he got during his 4 years in office was his own doing, especially in 2020. Trump is a classic example of a narcissist who craves attention and only cares about things that are beneficial to him and his own interests in some way. That’s why he tweets so much and also why he’s going on about a bunch of fraud that doesn’t exist, because A) he can’t relinquish power so easily, and B) he desires the recognition. That’s also why the covid news briefings were more about him talking and less about actual health experts giving us factual details. His handling of this pandemic was just historically awful, and is likely the biggest reason he lost.

And sure the media lies, but so does Trump. So blaming it all on the media is a failure to realize that Trump, unfortunately, is a very flawed individual and president who couldn’t get out of his own way.
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Trump will continue to work to prove that he won, but it won’t work for him.
I for one think he could do this from a desire to do what’s best for the country.
I won’t say my jaw literally dropped reading that. But it certainly became dissasociated with my upper jaw.
He’s just a big crybaby sore loser and completely delusional.
I am sorry to hear that the President of the United States is delusional. I thought that America was supposed to be a shining example of democracy to the whole world. Why do Americans choose people who are delusional for President? Is America just a banana republic after all with all kinds of people testifying that the presidential election was one big hoax and a huge fraud?
The president may continue that work regardless of his chances, thinking that bringing things to light will weaken the next administration politically. Considering parts of their platform, this wouldn’t be all bad. I for one think he could do this from a desire to do what’s best for the country.
The problem is, this plan doesn’t stand a chance and was dead on arrival.

First of all, much of what Trump has “brought to light” is fabricated, discredited, unproven, or at best, debatable. There is no single smoking gun of evidence he or his legal team have that will alter the outcome of the election or “weaken the incoming administration”. He does not have the evidence, the media, or even the support of his own party on his side to accomplish that.

At this point, what Trump is doing is hardly what’s best for the country. He’s only doing what is in his own best interest. He knows he has no chance to win now, and the point I’ve tried to make that his supporters seem to keep glossing over is that he said LONG before the election that he would contest the results no matter what if he did not win. Does that really sound like a case of someone seeing evidence of fraud and reporting it, or someone who knew ahead of time that lying and getting the courts to hand him a victory was the only way he could maintain power?

It flies in the face of American democracy. Obama did not throw such a fit or speak ill of then president-elect Trump after the 2016 election, nor did Bush do it when Obama won. I’m sure neither Bush nor Obama were thrilled with the ideological shift of their successor, but they put their differences aside so as to maintain a peaceful transfer of power.

That is even more critical in the midst of the worst health and financial crisis the country has seen in a long, long time. If Trump truly believed there was fraud that handed Biden an illegitimate win, he would be within his rights to pursue legal action. But does anyone think Trump actually believes that? He just can’t accept losing. That is why he’s so determined to behave this way.

The ideology of Biden and his party are dangerous, make no mistake about it. But so are Trump’s actions and his massive ego and narcissism.
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I watched the testimony too. NOTHING credible at all.
I’m guessing you didn’t see the whole thing. It was several hours long. I only watched an hour of it myself, but the three witnesses I saw were very credible. The Indian woman particlarly. I doubt you saw her. If you did and thought she wasn’t credible I don’t what more to say.
Yeah, no agenda there. 🤨
Good to see that you don’t use any media that might be biased…
Here’s the whole quote: “I saw it on OAN. No major media that I’m aware of showed it.

Did you see it anywhere else? I checked several channels and OAN was the only one streaming it in it’s entirety and uninterrupted (Fox was cutting in and out). Might as well have been C-SPAN. Do you think it’s biased to show a govt hearing live without commentary or interruption? The point is the other major media just swept it under the rug.
CNN didn’t air this circus because it isn’t news.
CNN didn’t air it because it’s an anti-Trump propaganda network and it didn’t fit their narrative. Better for them to have a talking head tell you there’s nothing to see.
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