If Trump put half as much effort into acting like a semi-sane adult as he did in whining about CNN hurting his feelings, he’d probably have won a second term.
This quote pretty much sums up my feelings on this question. Good observation, Roland.
I will fully acknowledge that the media is, generally speaking, no ally of Trump or conservatism at all. The majority of the mainstream media is controlled by leftists, and even if another Republican candidate such as, say, Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio had been elected, they would have been treated unfairly plenty of times by the media as well. ABC, CBS, MSNBC, etc. are all predominantly made up of progressive-minded people. Not all of them, but the majority. That’s just the way it is.
Having said that, Trump, as I have stated before, cost himself a 2nd term. And really, he probably would not have even gotten a first had he been running against a more polished and likable Democratic candidate. The issue was many voters just did not trust Hillary, and since Trump was promising actual change instead of the same old tried and tired politics, the American people decided to give him a chance.
He subsequently squandered that chance. His Presidency was full of drama and seemed like something you’d expect from a reality television show (which, ironically, is what made Trump so famous right before he ran for President). He had a real opportunity to lead the country during the pandemic and he failed, shifting blame at every turn and never taking any responsibility for his own actions. If something went right (which wasn’t often) he took all the credit. If something went wrong, it was always someone else’s fault.
The media may not have helped Trump along the way, but much of the negative press he got during his 4 years in office was his own doing,
especially in 2020. Trump is a classic example of a narcissist who craves attention and only cares about things that are beneficial to him and his own interests in some way. That’s why he tweets so much and also why he’s going on about a bunch of fraud that doesn’t exist, because A) he can’t relinquish power so easily, and B) he desires the recognition. That’s also why the covid news briefings were more about him talking and less about actual health experts giving us factual details. His handling of this pandemic was just historically awful, and is likely the biggest reason he lost.
And sure the media lies, but so does Trump. So blaming it all on the media is a failure to realize that Trump, unfortunately, is a very flawed individual and president who couldn’t get out of his own way.