Material Creation is not In Act, except to God, the LORD.
Instead it is, as a whole, in potential moving materially toward completion, and upon completion it will vanish in a puff of smoke, dust, ashes. And individual material things already individually experience this - mountains are eroded, a plant grows and when grown simply withers and dries and is thrown into the fire, and a human upon conception grows to maturity, and immediately begins to decay, and eventually dies and is cremated or buried.
Nothing material can claim, “I am,” as God is ‘I AM’, unless God were to redeem it from this fact of material temporality, to redeem it from the appetite to become complete materially and from the decay of death following that completion.
This redemption is found in God being the God of Abraham, who believed God as his God. And this was accounted to Abraham as righteousness, accounted to Abraham that he already had poured his life back into God in love of God (which is the meaning of justice and righteousness to God - what is owed to God is love, in likeness to the love with which God loves, and that means one’s whole being is given into the other - God reckoned that Abraham did this by believing him). Suddenly in the world was the knowing of relationship with God, in that covenant, “I am your God ‘I AM’” and Abraham saying what Mary would later say with her whole life, "Behold, ‘I am’ the servant of ‘I AM’ ".
A servant has the being and life of the Master, a son the life and being of the Father. It was by servants of a Master that blood was brushed on the lintels and doorposts and the lamb’s flesh eaten that night in Egypt. And that Angel passed by the houses where it saw that death had already visited when it saw the blood.
Whenever we rebelled, under Moses or Joshua, or the Prophets, we left off the relationship of being, where we were the People of God, and went into seeking our being via satisfaction of appetites of body or will. We turned to the non-Act of creation, from the Act of being in relationship to God.
Yet the Prophets prophesied of the One who would turn our hearts to see and desire to be the Children of God, love the relationship, and with a whole heart say, "Behold, ‘I am’ the servant of ‘I AM’ "
There was then the sacrifice where the lamb we consume is the very One who loved his Father, pouring his whole being back to his Father, and giving to us his Flesh and Blood to eat and drink. And in Justice of Love, this Father pours his whole being into the Son he loves, and his Son rises to live, to be, - even his body and blood which we consumed, his soul and divinity united again to his body and blood.
We are the People of our God, relationship of being (the being of relationship), which does not die when our individual bodies die. We are in Act, while our mortal bodies as they are, are not in act.