Then we can forcibly baptize some Muslims?if you have the truth, you share it, you try to save others.
We should practice the respect of ensuring freedom of religion to all.
Then we can forcibly baptize some Muslims?if you have the truth, you share it, you try to save others.
who says forcibly baptize anyone? we share, the Holy Spirit does the rest and people can reject HimThen we can forcibly baptize some Muslims?
freedom of religion doesn’t stop us from preaching to others.We should practice the respect of ensuring freedom of religion to all.
Why stop at preaching? Forcibly make them listen to our religious teachings. Forced baptisms are next!freedom of religion doesn’t stop us from preaching to others.
It is a prayer to the FatherIt was the Lord’s Prayer…definitely not a Jewish prayer
In his book Jesus and the Judaism of His Time, University of Toronto scholar Irving Zeitlin cites line-by-line parallels between the Lord’s Prayer and the Jewish mourner’s prayer, the Kaddish (“May (God) establish His kingdom during our lifetime and during the lifetime of Israel”), the Eighteen Benedictions (“Forgive us our Father, for we have sinned” is the sixth blessing), Talmudic prayer (“Lead me not into sin or iniquity or temptation or contempt,” goes one) and other Hebrew scriptures in which we find “Give us this day our daily bread.”
because we are followers of Jesus.Why stop at preaching? Forcibly make them listen to our religious teachings. Forced baptisms are next!
It’s a traditional Christian prayer. It’s not a Jewish prayer. It’s not the words that are the problem…it’s that it’s a command from Jesus.what is wrong with the prayer?
yes, that is often the excuse, even though it is very similar to Jewish prayer.It’s a traditional Christian prayer
if the words are acceptable, it doesn’t matter who the author is.Consider if your children were forced to say a Muslim prayer even if the words are acceptable?
it was part of teaching morals.It was the forced nature of school prayer that was the big issue.
That’s laughable. Consider how many folks wanted to prevent the teaching about Arabic numerals in the schools.if the words are acceptable, it doesn’t matter who the author is.
Some people, because of their allegiance to God, do not pledge to the flag.It’s indicative of the Democratic Party’s hostility towards religion.
And what does that have to do with the original statement?Some people, because of their allegiance to God, do not pledge to the flag.
I acknowledge what I think you are pointing out. It is barely related.And what does that have to do with the original statement?
it is better than teaching anything-goes as we see in our schools today.The Lords Prayer doesn’t teach much in the way of morals,
do you think a prayer should be judged by something other than its words?That’s laughable.
From your perspective, certainly not mine and millions of others. That’s why religion belongs in the home and at church but not in a multicultural secular society. Not everyone feels the need for salvation in spite of Christians saying we do. Keeping secular and religion separate is what makes it possible for us to live amongst each other. Start crossing the lines and nothing good comes of it. You’ll wind up saving a few souls for the price of chaos.the seed should be planted early, everyone needs salvation
You don’t think atheists should have a freedom from religion? Everyone must have a religion, no one may be free from it? Or, did you mean something else? Could you explain?I’d be wary of those who also wish to take God out of the public arena, we have freedom of religion, not from religion.