Islam and Judaism are in entirely separate categories.I am sorry, but the bishop as you quote him gives a theologically ambiguous statement. Islam and Judaism are both rooted in the revelation of God to Abraham. They have more than a natural knowledge of God, they also know God through that revelation. There is a supernatural aspect to their faith and their love. And that makes their adoration of the one God like ours.
Islam is based on the Koran - Just the history of it: " According to conventional Islamic belief, the Qurʾān was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad in the West Arabian towns Mecca and Medina beginning in 610 and ending with Muhammad’s death in 632 CE. "
How could God, who is a Holy Trinity of Persons, “reveal” Himself and His will for men 600 years after Christ as a different “god” entirely:
NOT in His Trinitarian Truth,
NOT in the Incarnation of the Son,
NOT in His resurrection from the dead,
NOT in His Church empowered and guided into “all the Truth” through the Holy Spirit?
HOW can the god of the koran be anything else than a liar, and this “angel” Gabriel be anything other than one of the liar’s agents?
God cannot lie. Think about this. “Allah” - if he were God - had already revealed Himself VERY differently 600 years earlier. How could a true revelation later be so different - so radically different - be anything other than a confirmation of all that the early Church had been preaching and teaching for 600 years?
God revealed Himself to Paul very differently - how could a revelation to Muhammad be so different from what He revealed to Paul? Islam cannot be supernatural from God - it cannot be.
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