Do they? I would not presume or assume too much if I was you. The topic of this thread is very limited in scope. Of course all you will see here is the one topic the Islam believes in one God. Maybe other are just better at sticking to the topic. It is not about supporting or condemning Islam.Many apparently don’t care what Islam teaches, except that Islam believes in one god
This is an interesting point, and one at which some disagreement might be resolved. There is more than one level, or one definition, to the “same God.” When Jesus walked the Earth, he asked Peter who do men say he was. Remember the different answers? Yet there was only one Jesus. Different people had a clearer, or foggier, understanding of who that man was who walked around preaching.At its most basic level, that statement could be true, in so far as they are talking about the Jesus born of the Virgin, lived, died and was crucified.