Well i acctually meant to say that way. I had to show you a different side. Was i rude about it? Ummmm yeah
But i also want you to think about next time you vote, so sometimes we have to be firm.
Go ahead cast me a stone.
Accusing people of wrongdoing is not the most effective way to get them to rethink their behavior. You have leveled charges here against people that do not apply to them. I agree, it is important for all Catholics to vote, and to do so in an informed way, with an informed conscience.
Lets not forget the word “Repent”
Billions of people do that. Even t
One of the greatest in the bible. St Paul.
Yes, repentance is good. But some people don’t feel they need to repent, and may only wave around their old Sunday school bibles to curry evangelical votes.
This is a man who will do or say whatever he must to get where he wants to get.
He will talk about prayer, and wave a bible, if that will curry favor with the evangelical base. These links do support that. I would call them “proof”, but it is evidence.
You guys aaked to prove if Trump loves the bible and if he prays.
There is the proof.
Ofcourse your going to Say " well he could say that but doesn’t mean that" right.
Signing proclamation for a day of prayer does not equate to being a “prayer warrior”. Waving a bible at a rallly to gain support from evangelicals does not equate to reading it.
All that being said, I hope your wishful thinking becomes true- that he will pray and read his bible.
In this video he seems just as enamored of having “big crowds” as anything else.
He was asked point blank in an interview what his favourite passage/part of scripture was and couldn’t name one.
He admitted in the interview that he asked someone for a verse. He wants the support of evangelicals, and this is a key way to get it.
I would go so far as to say someone like Trump who claims to be Christian but never either seeks or feels they need God’s forgiveness is extremely deficient as a Christian
Let us pray for his deficiencies. It may be, now that he has entered the twilight of his lifetime, that he will be open to a different kind of relationship with God.