I know, and never claimed they were.
Well, it’s a long thread, but I would say that the Pope’s comment on building walls tells me what I need to know.His immigration stances, I cited the Summa earlier.
Wow. Well, you should head over to Lifesitenews and their “Catholic” section where they reject what the Pope says, but I’m sorry, I don’t take every word from a priest’s mouth as straight from God above as I have found them to be quite human.Now you are rejecting a priest that interesting. I see your not Catholic
This is yet another baseless disparagement against your siblings, MB. A priest has an opinion just like every other Catholic, and some priest’s opinions are not Catholic enough!So now you wouldn’t listen to a priest?
Lol are you Catholic?
This is a damaging assumption you are making, MB, and bordering on calumny. Not agreeing with a priests’ personal political opinions does not equate to “rejecting” that priest. Nor does it indicate that the person is not “Catholic”.Now you are rejecting a priest that interesting. I see your not Catholic
I agree that we did not vote for candidates based upon their saintly behavior, or lack of it. You have failed to produce any support for your assertion that he is a “prayer warrior and loves the bible”. So far as I can tell, this is just wishful thinking on your part. Nice wishful thinking…but without any basis in reality.He doesn’t have to be Catholic.
Plus he has a pro-life conscience, that’s enough for us.
The man is a prayer warrior, loves the bible, talks with the Pope.
Pluscwe didn’t vote for Trump to be pope we voted for him to be president
It is not what you are saying, it is how you are saying it.I’m trying to tell them that when i said voting 3rd party was standing on the sidelines was my OPINION.
So me im a moron lol, just because i give an opinion didn’t make me a shot caller on what sin is.
Well Cmf men actually taking about lifesite and saying they are changing also. UmmmmLifesitenews and their “Catholic”
Still doesn’t kill babies like your votenever have, likely never will, unless he undergoes an astonishing transformation. He is arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant of world affairs, petulant, childish, impulsive, vulgar, intellectually lazy and spends way too much time golfing
There a difference on his comment between building walls and letting terrorist in? HELLOPope’s comment on building walls tells me what I need to know
What exactly does cmf mean?Well Cmf men actually taking about lifesite and saying they are changing also. Ummmm
I see. So, we are going to use the right wing argument that the Vatican has walls from about 600 years ago to reject what the Pope said.There a difference on his comment between building walls and letting terrorist in? HELLO
Have you seen the Vatican, yes it has walls. Have you seen the protection? Huh its not to block church goers its to protect from terrorist.
Why does the Vatican have an emergency medical response on hand? Huh for a flu and headache , no buddy its for emergency for terrorist