So. Do we, as Catholics, have a right to impose our morality on the entire country by law? No. Of course not.
I suppose if the only moral reason you have for opposing abortion is because of your Catholic faith, you might have a point.
What if someone were to oppose abortion for ethical reasons that are not dependent on their faith?
Are they not allowed to oppose abortion, then?
What about if someone happens to be Catholic, but is also a moral philosopher who can provide an extensive set of well-reasoned arguments as to why they oppose abortion? Should they not be allowed to do that merely BECAUSE they happen to be Catholic?
In fact, if we make this issue not about religion, per se, but about world view, with religions being variant species of world views, why should materialism or secularism or atheism or moral relativism as derived from areligious or anti-religious world views be permitted to rule the roost, so to speak, unchallenged?
Are you so insecure about your world view that you cannot defend it in the marketplace of ideas?
If providing good reasons based upon scientific facts or self-evident truths are what ought to determine public policy, why should these be disqualified merely because they come out of a religious tradition? I am fully prepared to discuss and argue any position on moral issues coming from Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, secular, atheistic, libertarian, etc., etc., world views provided those who propose them can provide convincing reasons for their positions. Merely because a proposal or perspective on an issue comes from some religious tradition or other does not make it out of bounds, a priori. That seems to be your perspective.
You must not have very good reasons for believing in the Catholic faith if you think you cannot defend these against other moral perspectives. Aren’t you tacitly admitting that those who support abortion make the better moral or political case than you are able to? Otherwise, why wouldn’t you defend your Catholic world view against those who are pushing to make greater access to abortion the law of the land based upon their own world views?