Do you feel a sense of impending doom?

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Dear friend

Hi Whitedove the Queen of Polls. I’m not totally sure what you mean. I know I feel doom when a bill falls through my letter box.😃 .

Do you mean are we pesimists?


Do you mean that there is an impending doom for humanity the world etc…

Sorry dear friend I’d rather have a bit more info before I reply to another one of your fantastic polls.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you as always

“I sometimes have a feeling of the inevitability of suffering in this life.”

Even the most optimistic Pollyanna goody-two shoes that ever lived could not deny the truth of this statement. All sane human beings know that this is true, but that does not mean that we need to feel a sense of impending doom because of it.
… we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.
Romans 5:3-5

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:15-18

"Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.”
Luke 6:22-23

… when they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. Then [the apostles] left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.
Acts 5:40-4

I’m dreading the worst… :nope:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: With us lot I’m not surprised !!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I’m glad my little Alise didn’t go to Seattle with my son Kevin for her fencing lession today… What would I do without her??? :confused: I feel helpless.
I probably spend too much time reading about prophecies and visions, but I really can feel a sense of “darkness” or the “smoke of satan” blowing about. Turning on the world news or reading a newspaper just amplifies that feeling, with all the bad news out there, war, terrorism, crime, disasters, etc., etc. It’s just something I feel in my soul and I don’t know how to explain it any better than that.

I think things are going to start happening, and maybe sooner than we think.

I try not to obsess over “the bad stuff,”, but I’ve been spending more time in prayer these days. Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother have definitely been a comfort!

Anyone else out there have a sense of being a “canary in the coal mine?”–the first to know that something is wrong?
Dearest Whitedove

Shake yourself out of it! You live in Christ Jesus and He is Victory. You are a victorious person because you live in Him…come on gal, find your foundations, your staff and your rod.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I probably spend too much time reading about prophecies and visions, but I really can feel a sense of “darkness” or the “smoke of satan” blowing about. Turning on the world news or reading a newspaper just amplifies that feeling, with all the bad news out there, war, terrorism, crime, disasters, etc., etc. It’s just something I feel in my soul and I don’t know how to explain it any better than that.

I think things are going to start happening, and maybe sooner than we think.

I try not to obsess over “the bad stuff,”, but I’ve been spending more time in prayer these days. Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother have definitely been a comfort!

Anyone else out there have a sense of being a “canary in the coal mine?”–the first to know that something is wrong?
Yes. Over the last few months my brother and I ( who run the family business) have felt like we were under attack both personally and at work by diabolical forces. Constant trouble and everything kept breaking down. My brother was picked up by a tow truck driver who chanted softly 666 before driving. He was ultra abusive too. We got the shop blessed, and things improved quickly. But the number 666 keeps cropping up. I saw it 3-4 times yesterday. We really don’t know what to make of it all. Could this be a sign that the antichrist is here or coming soon? Is it a sign that the devil is working very furiously at the moment as he knows the world is on the verge of an era of freedom from evil. As Pope John Paul II recently stated. I don’t know. But ," Keep watch".Our Lord said. I suggest we do this.
Dearest Whitedove

Shake yourself out of it! You live in Christ Jesus and He is Victory. You are a victorious person because you live in Him…come on gal, find your foundations, your staff and your rod.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

this Trappist Ale isn’t really helping… 🙂

Hey, I’m okay. I’m going through a phase…
John Russell Jr:
Yes. Over the last few months my brother and I ( who run the family business) have felt like we were under attack both personally and at work by diabolical forces. Constant trouble and everything kept breaking down. My brother was picked up by a tow truck driver who chanted softly 666 before driving. He was ultra abusive too. We got the shop blessed, and things improved quickly. But the number 666 keeps cropping up. I saw it 3-4 times yesterday. We really don’t know what to make of it all. Could this be a sign that the antichrist is here or coming soon? Is it a sign that the devil is working very furiously at the moment as he knows the world is on the verge of an era of freedom from evil. As Pope John Paul II recently stated. I don’t know. But ," Keep watch".Our Lord said. I suggest we do this.
Creepy. These are strange times…
this Trappist Ale isn’t really helping… 🙂

Hey, I’m okay. I’m going through a phase…
Dearest Whitedove

You are not alone there! We all know without any revelation that humanity on the whole is living against God’s teachings, but I firmly believe in a merciful God.

Christ Jesus is all mercy to the sinner that admits to being a sinner and strives to repent even though that sinner falls repeatedly. It is defiant sinning that wounds His Most Sacred Heart, not the slips, trips and falls (sorry the legal dude in me:D )

Whitedove…kick the ale to the curb it’s always going to dull you down. While Christ Jesus is upon every altar and in every tabernacle be it made of gold or of flesh there is hope, and He has said ‘Lo and I am with you always’…so no need for doom, because we are a joyous Eucharistic people even in the face of the worst evil.

What’s this all about dear friend, if you don’t say no-one can help out?

God Bless you always dear friend and much love and peace to you always

Dear SpringBreeze,
Don’t worry, the ale is just a St. Paddy’s day indulgence, along with my posting…

I’m going through an anxious, dark time, partly due to my work as a nurse, dealing with suffering, pain, and death. Partly due to my temperment. Partly due to my time of life. Partly due to my personal history. Partly due to being human. :o
Dearest Whitedove

I have seen you post many things on this forum. I have not seen you like this before.

I care and I am here for you. Faith is not something we can do alone, other people strengthen my faith, that’s why Christ Jesus made a church so we could all help each other.

You are feeling sad. Something made you sad. Usually when we turn to our kids it is an adult who made us sad. I know many times I have gone to my daughter’s room in the dead of night, hurt in my heart because of a person and just sat there and watched her sleep. That in itself was enough to make me strive on, for her own sake and for God’s sake. In my child of three years dwells the Holy Trinity in her innocence more than in my heart though I have done more good than her in my longer life against all odds.

I have often reached my hand to where her heart is and touched and rested my hand above this Holy place upon her chest in full realisation that God dwells within her there in her innocence.

Whitedove, we are all struggling against it all. It’s the good fight though.

Please don’t struggle alone

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

What’s up WhiteDove??? Feeling down?
Oh WhiteDove…wherefore art thou???
BTW, I voted for
Suffering is part of life, God will be with us no matter what.
Not impending because we are in the middle of a spiritual war at this very moment. Tommorow the culture of death is going to try to deliberately starve a disabled woman. If successful, the chain of evil will be complete as it has been destroying life at conception, so it will now start destroying life outside the womb.

I sometimes get a sense of an impending red martyrdom that will occur in the West (it is already occuring in the Middle-East, South-America, and the Orient), but even if I’m dead wrong, there is still the daily white martyrdom with which we all have to contend. So be not afraid of what is around the corner–the battle is already here.

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