Do you feel a sense of impending doom?

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Oh WhiteDove…wherefore art thou???
BTW, I voted for
Suffering is part of life, God will be with us no matter what.
Dear Annunciata,

and I voted for…
*“Things are going so well for me, it can’t last forever…” *
🙂 🙂 🙂
Dear SpringBreeze,
I’m not suffering alone. I’ve talked to my priest, and many others. For the first time in my life, in fact, I’m talking about how I feel… :o
Dear Annunciata,

and I voted for…
*“Things are going so well for me, it can’t last forever…” *
🙂 🙂 🙂
That’s a given…nothing is going to last forever the good times nor the bad times… So when you get lemons you make lemonade!
Good thing I like lemonade:whistle: I think you are having a combination of that time in life…withdrawal from all of us…loneliness…
That can be the worst! Plus your “Trappist drink” isn’t helping matters…I seldom drink, but when I do…I get happy at first then very sad… memories… You know… so SMILE:)
We all love you and miss your presence everday! Cheer up… Please:banghead:
When it comes down to WhiteDove getting down…then we all better wonder what is going on…:yup:
Dear Annuciata,
Life is Bitter Sweet…

Do you love Pachelbel’s Canon in D??? It’s playing now, and is poignient…
Dear Annuciata,
Life is Bitter Sweet…

Do you love Pachelbel’s Canon in D??? It’s playing now, and is poignient…
No, but maybe you should whistle a happy tune:whistle: … I only listen to poignant stuff when I want to cry… I don’t think you should cry anymore…You’re gonna make me cry:crying:
I am with Christ, the King of Kings, the warrior of Truth and Love. What do I have to worry about? Let the world end tomorrow, if it’s God’s will. It’s not that I’m certain of my salvation, but rather that I know that Hope is a Heavenly virtue, and I trust in my God’s judgement of me and the world.

There is no enemy that can harm a person who walks with Christ, not a single one. You have very good reason to Hope.

People talk about spiritual warfare, and the culture of death, and all that stuff is terrible. I never mean to imply that such suffering is to be made light of. We have to remember, however, that God has promised us victory. I trust in God completely, everytime I go to sleep I know I may not wake up. God won’t let a single one of His children suffer needlessly or fruitlessly, and won’t turn a single honest seeker away. We have an AWESOME Creator, one that I can’t help but trust and Hope in.

Funny thing is, I’m a clinical depressive. Prayer and Celexa are wonderful gifts from God 😃
Impending doom? In all honesty, no i cannot recall feeling that way. :irish2:
I used to feel doomed or cursed, but now I pray for the grace to trust God and take life one day at a time. Sometimes I start falling into old bad habits of worry, but then I do my best to offer it up to the Lord instead of dwelling on it. It’s still a struggle at times though. The serenity prayer helps me focus on this.

Lord help me to change what I can, accept what I can not change and grant me the wisdom to know the difference. (that’s how I remember it, I am very tired so hope I wrote it correctly).
I probably spend too much time reading about prophecies and visions, but I really can feel a sense of “darkness” or the “smoke of satan” blowing about. Turning on the world news or reading a newspaper just amplifies that feeling, with all the bad news out there, war, terrorism, crime, disasters, etc., etc. It’s just something I feel in my soul and I don’t know how to explain it any better than that.

I think things are going to start happening, and maybe sooner than we think.

I try not to obsess over “the bad stuff,”, but I’ve been spending more time in prayer these days. Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother have definitely been a comfort!

Anyone else out there have a sense of being a “canary in the coal mine?”–the first to know that something is wrong?

Odd stuff, today, on Today: The national morning show on NBC was set to do an interview about Dr. Howard Storm – the former atheistic art professor who turned into a minister after a near-death experience that included what he interpreted as a trip toward hell …

He was saved, claims the former North Kentucky University professor, by calling out, in desperation (and despite his atheism), to Jesus …

According to Dr. Storm, once he was saved from the pit by Jesus, he was left in the company of seven angels who reviewed his life and showed him glimpses of America’s future. …

“They told me that God was very unhappy with the course of human history and was going to intervene to change the world,” says Dr. Storm. “God had watched us sink to depths of depravity and cruelty at the very same time that God was giving us the instruments to make the world a Godlier world.”

Storm said he was told that we had regressed back, time after time, to the brutality of the Roman Empire. No country had been blessed as much as the U.S., the angels allegedly said to him, and yet the nation had failed to share its blessings with the rest of the world in the way that God intended. …

“The United States has been given more of everything than any other country in the history of the world and it has failed to be generous with the gifts,” one angel allegedly told Storm. “If the United States continues to exploit the rest of the world by greedily consuming the world’s resources, the United States will have God’s blessing withdrawn. Your country will collapse economically which will result in civil chaos. Because of the greedy nature of the people, you will have people killing people for a cup of gasoline. The world will watch in horror as your country is obliterated by strife.”
I agree with whoever said they feel like a canary in a coal mine.
My spiritual director and I have both felt that we are in a time of great mercy just before a time of judgement.
The final judgement? Who knows, but that’s my 2c worth 😉
I agree with whoever said they feel like a canary in a coal mine.
My spiritual director and I have both felt that we are in a time of great mercy just before a time of judgement.
The final judgement? Who knows, but that’s my 2c worth 😉
Concerning times and seasons, brothers, you have no need for anything to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night. When people are saying, “Peace and security,” then sudden disaster comes upon them, like labor pains upon a pregnant woman,and they will not escape. **But you, brothers, are not in darkness, for that day to overtake you like a thief. **

1Thessalonians 5:1-4
There are so many signs around us, that life in the U.S. is changing rapidly.
  1. escalating health care costs
  2. loss of jobs in U.S.
  3. national debt
  4. islamic world hates us
  5. u.n. is ineffective
  6. russia is indifferent
  7. decline of catholicism in europe
  8. value of dollar is falling
  9. u.s. is a major debtor nation (along with #3)
  10. our president says all is well, not to worry (that alone makes me worry)
  11. health coverage of workers is eroding
  12. climate is changing
  13. climate change is being ignored in u.s.
  14. national borders of u.s. ineffective
  15. patriot act threatens our liberty
  16. oil prices rising
  17. social security threatened
  18. massive drug liability looms next year in u.s.
  19. avian flu and SARS threaten
  20. ebola, denge fever, etc.
  21. antibiotic resistent bacteria
  22. no ban on sales of asbestos in U.S., although dangers are known
  23. decline in church attendance in U.S.
  24. uncontrolled illegal drug imports in U.S.
  25. red sox won series last year
… or am I just a victim of the corporations that own the news?
I used to feel doomed or cursed, but now I pray for the grace to trust God and take life one day at a time. Sometimes I start falling into old bad habits of worry, but then I do my best to offer it up to the Lord instead of dwelling on it. It’s still a struggle at times though. The serenity prayer helps me focus on this.

Lord help me to change what I can, accept what I can not change and grant me the wisdom to know the difference. (that’s how I remember it, I am very tired so hope I wrote it correctly).
Rosa, now is exactly when you should feel doom - for you are now a full-fledged Curmudgeon! 😃
There are so many signs around us, that life in the U.S. is changing rapidly…
  1. red sox won series last year
If the Cubs ever win the series, I’d definitely say the Second Coming was imminent!

I fear for this world we may be on the verge of a flash point if not there already I fear if things don’t improve soon we may be given the Minor Chastisment mystics and Our Lady have been warning about for centuries lets pray it doesn’t come to that (But then again it might take that kind of a extreme to wake some of these people up)
from ragnarok to armageddon the doom and gloomers have been predicting the impending end of it all for quite some time :rolleyes:

much to the amusement of the rest of us

I’m a small business owner

impending doom is the least of my worries

I have to make payroll this week 😉

people trying to feed their kids based on what I do
now that will give you perspective real quick
White Dove:

Nothing wrong with the St. Patrick’s Day indulgence…

I used to post the names and descriptions of the people who were murdered by Palestinian terrorists on the NY Times ME Forum. I did this for over a year - 2 names/day that I posted. There were nights I cried myself to sleep because of what I posted. So, I know some of what you see and feel. I also know why Jesus wept when He saw Jerusalem.
Dear SpringBreeze,
Don’t worry, the ale is just a St. Paddy’s day indulgence, along with my posting…

I’m going through an anxious, dark time, partly due to my work as a nurse, dealing with suffering, pain, and death. Partly due to my temperment. Partly due to my time of life. Partly due to my personal history. Partly due to being human. :o
It was this posting that caused an Israeli Rabbi to Drag/Carry me to the doors of the Church as his last act on the forum. He knew that I had been a Christian but that I had lost my Faith and my way.

Because of my life experiences, some health issues and my temperament, I tend to be pretty dark, too. God’s been working on that. Have you forgotten that what really held Christ on the cross was His love for us?

Shalom, Michael
Scott Waddell:
Not impending because we are in the middle of a spiritual war at this very moment. Tommorow the culture of death is going to try to deliberately starve a disabled woman. If successful, the chain of evil will be complete as it has been destroying life at conception, so it will now start destroying life outside the womb.

I sometimes get a sense of an impending red martyrdom that will occur in the West (it is already occuring in the Middle-East, South-America, and the Orient), but even if I’m dead wrong, there is still the daily white martyrdom with which we all have to contend. So be not afraid of what is around the corner–the battle is already here.


Absolutely correct, esp. about Terri Schiavo, and ther feeding rube was pulled out, not just capped as is normal clinical practice. They cwant to make sure she dies.

Pray and hard.

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