Do you feel a sense of impending doom?

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Personal, or wide spread?
Sorry to hear about you’re feeling down. Please accept my prayers and love.😃

But I do sense some kind of doom when our beloved Pope dies…:eek:

Jesus, I trust in You!👍

You’re lucky in many ways in the States. I feel there has been agreat spirtual fight back there in recent years. Here in Europe we enter into a deeper and deeper paganism. I never, ever thought I should see the Church under such terrible attack in Catholic Ireland.
Yes I believe that the decks are being cleared for outright persecution…Though not so much in the States.
After Mass this morning, our priest spoke of a woman all in black, with black lipstick, eyeshadow, etc., who was lurking around the church. He spoke of Wicca, which he stated is evil, even though some good people can be attracted to it. He says that it is very anti-Catholic. He said that she spoke to him, and was asking about our church. Then later, he said, she was seen lurking around the Baptist church. He and the Baptist minister got together and decided to file a police report.

He said that we should all be extra alert for Holy Week because these people like to do evil works against the Church during our holiest time…
You’re lucky in many ways in the States. I feel there has been agreat spirtual fight back there in recent years. Here in Europe we enter into a deeper and deeper paganism. I never, ever thought I should see the Church under such terrible attack in Catholic Ireland.
Yes I believe that the decks are being cleared for outright persecution…Though not so much in the States.
Dear friend

I agree with you. The time of martyrdom is not over and those days will been seen again in western countries. There are many quarters avidly against the Catholic church, against Christ Jesus, you have only to surf the net to find that out and you will only have scratched the tip of the iceburg.

I was recently visited by two very nice Jehovah Witnesses. I said to them, ‘The world dislikes you folks (JW’s) , but the world hates the Catholics, that is the sure way I know I am in the right place.’ They didn’t have an answer to that one.

No matter…Fear nothing…I will still put my Holy Week ‘Christ has died’ posters in my window and I will be putting my ‘Christ is Risen’ posters in my window. Let them hate me, if they hate me and plot against my faith, I am blessed.

I know nothing of doom, I only know Christ Jesus and He is Victory.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Seems to me that with all the evils that are being promoted in the world especially with sins such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, divorce, pornagraphy, euthanasia, masterbastion, genocide ect. our world deserves it!

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Seems to me that with all the evils that are being promoted in the world especially with sins such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, divorce, pornagraphy, euthanasia, masterbastion, genocide ect. our world deserves it!

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Dear Bones,
What an incredibly cheerful and uplifting post! :rolleyes: It’'ll really set the tone for a Holy Week. You’re right, this world is miserable… 😦
(btw, that’s spelled masturbation, one of my little pet peeves, ya know) 😉
Dear friends

One other thing I am saddened by is that this thread has received the rating it has.

Our sister in Christ, Whitedove, is saddened and has felt low, this is something that will grip all of us in this world considering what we all have to face by way of hatred, rejection and merely looking at the world close to us at home and then all over the world, trial and suffering

If a single Christian soul can say that they look at the world and their heart is not saddened then they are a liar.

This thread though started in sadness is a much needed reflection on the world. The world is doomed, it will pass away, but Christ Jesus is the Light of the World, the salvation of the world and those that are in the world are then not of the world but are in Him and in Him He redeems the world.

The problems of this world can seem insurmountable and at every possible exit to Love we are barred by people and systems that work against that exit, that is the evil of the world. We as Christians are to soldier on though all may seem defeated because our Lord in His miserable and gaudy death seemed doomed and defeated 2000 years ago, but three days after that seeming defeat, He rose from the dead and gave Victory and Life to the world.

This is why, although we know that the world is living in Godless ways, that in the midst of all of this, He is ever near. He goes with us through whatever we go through and He desires to save all souls.

We must remain because of all of this, joyous Eucharistic people, the people of God, who trust in God in the face of the adversary and all adversity no matter what suffering befalls us, if it befalls us it is redemptive and of God’s will.

What is impossible to man is possible to God.

From time to time we can all feel defeated and the struggle becomes too hard, but we must look to the empty tomb and the promise of Christ of our salvation.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear SpringBreeze,
Thanks for your very thoughtful reply. I appreciate it.

In case the rest of you don’t know, I am an R.N. who encounters quite a bit of human suffering every week in my work as a bedside nurse in a small hospital. I see a lot and it affects me. I’ve also experienced a lot of heartache in my own life, including the loss of my husband to cancer when my little girls were 1 and 3.

This world has a lot of suffering. As I face the next 20 or 30 years of my life, I know that I’ll see even more and more of it. I have 6 children, and,inevitably, tragedy will strike. It’s part and parcel of this world, so it seems…
Dear Dove,

I just arrived home after a huge move of 1200 miles that took 3 absolutely miserable, fearful, stressed days of travel. The whole while, I knew deep in my heart that we would be safe, since the move was soaked in prayer beforehand and during the entire journey.

It seems the devil was determined to attack and foil every step of the way, almost up to the last mile. I was able to experience one of the mysteries of the rosary - numerous attempts to find a room for a night’s rest, only to be turned away with no vacancy. Somebody should have forewarned us that spring break was taking place in Florida! :mad:

I thought about the apostles in the boat who had to awaken Jesus, for the storm was incredible. He was in my boat also, but I couldn’t stop the mounting terror as one thing after another came against us. I could almost hear Him say, “Oh ye of little faith!” May I add that I have tremendous faith, yet I could not understand why my human fears were taking over. No reasoning with myself or prayer would stop the flow of fears.

And yes, I am home, Praise God. My mass this morning was filled with consolation, for those three days were filled with lenten sacrifice, to say the least.

This gave me a wonderful insight into our humanness, that overrides the inner faith and almost obliterates it because of the pressing issues at hand. I can certainly empathize with you, Dove, and I hope it helps to know that you are not a weak person for experiencing this dread.

We know there is victory over circumstances and evil, but while we are walking the road, there is the cross of all these human sufferings. God has not promised to spare the cross - only that we will find life through death, because of Jesus.

May God bless you and bring you His peace and joy.
Dear Dove,

I just arrived home after a huge move of 1200 miles that took 3 absolutely miserable, fearful, stressed days of travel. The whole while, I knew deep in my heart that we would be safe, since the move was soaked in prayer beforehand and during the entire journey.

It seems the devil was determined to attack and foil every step of the way, almost up to the last mile. I was able to experience one of the mysteries of the rosary - numerous attempts to find a room for a night’s rest, only to be turned away with no vacancy. Somebody should have forewarned us that spring break was taking place in Florida! :mad:

I thought about the apostles in the boat who had to awaken Jesus, for the storm was incredible. He was in my boat also, but I couldn’t stop the mounting terror as one thing after another came against us. I could almost hear Him say, “Oh ye of little faith!” May I add that I have tremendous faith, yet I could not understand why my human fears were taking over. No reasoning with myself or prayer would stop the flow of fears.

And yes, I am home, Praise God. My mass this morning was filled with consolation, for those three days were filled with lenten sacrifice, to say the least.

This gave me a wonderful insight into our humanness, that overrides the inner faith and almost obliterates it because of the pressing issues at hand. I can certainly empathize with you, Dove, and I hope it helps to know that you are not a weak person for experiencing this dread.

We know there is victory over circumstances and evil, but while we are walking the road, there is the cross of all these human sufferings. God has not promised to spare the cross - only that we will find life through death, because of Jesus.

May God bless you and bring you His peace and joy.
Welcome back my very dearest friend

🙂 I am pleased and happy to know you are home though I said it would be hard work for you. Thank God!

It is in facing trial that we are victorious in Christ, we cannot expect to have consolation without the sufferance, we cannot expect to not have the cross to only experience and grasp after the empty tomb.

Blessed are we who carry the cross and rejoice in it and blessed are we who then know the Tomb and rejoice in it.

The world only knows the cross and hates it but does not know the tomb, nor wants to know it …it rejects all. It rejects our Sweet Lord Jesus and His Cross and Tomb. Bitterness at suffering and disbelief of the ressurection.

No cross, no crown.

God bless you and much love and peace to you always

Dear SpringBreeze,
Thanks for your very thoughtful reply. I appreciate it.

In case the rest of you don’t know, I am an R.N. who encounters quite a bit of human suffering every week in my work as a bedside nurse in a small hospital. I see a lot and it affects me. I’ve also experienced a lot of heartache in my own life, including the loss of my husband to cancer when my little girls were 1 and 3.

This world has a lot of suffering. As I face the next 20 or 30 years of my life, I know that I’ll see even more and more of it. I have 6 children, and,inevitably, tragedy will strike. It’s part and parcel of this world, so it seems…
Dearest Whitedove

A heavy burden I know. I am sorry for your loss.

This is a cross that weighs heavy upon your shoulder and sometimes is light upon your back. Though you are never free of this cross.

It won’t be of any consolation this immediate moment if I say to you that this is a great blessing from God and a sure sign you are His daughter. But it is exactly that.

The consolation is you know you are God’s daughter, you know by rite of Baptism and Confirmation, by receipt of Him into your very being in the Eucharist.

God is Love

How do you know He loves you…Because you suffer and suffer greatly.

You will say all those without faith suffer too.

Yes they do. But you with faith know they suffer don’t you? You are there to make their suffering redemptive. This is your vocation. To be kind to the sick and dying and to raise their suffering to God for His Holy Will.

What would I ask for if I was you?

Lord help me to suffer well, because as You love me, so I love you.

You are an inspiration.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Yes dear friend, He did. He felt all what you feel and then much worse, no human suffering is unto His. He bore the pain of every sin ever committed in all time, the pain and suffering of such sin is no pain any human has ever endured we cannot compare our sufferint to that, no suffering is like our Lord’s. His pain was not only in His flesh but also in His spirit and worse still He knew what He had to suffer before He even went to suffer it and still embraced His suffering.

God bless you and much love and peace to you always.

May the Lord Bless and keep you; may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and grant you peace

No suffering is like unto His, Our Lord Jesus Christ


Dear friend yes to some extent, but He suffered the pains of every sin committed on earth in all time, He bore them on Himself. What we suffer is a glimpse of what He suffered.

No suffering is like unto His, Our Lord Jesus Christ

Domine Jesu Christe
As a kid I would hear," I have read the Book, and at the end WE WIN".

Jesus won over Satan when he arose from the tomb. Satan is beaten. Jesus won. Don’t worry about it!
After Mass this morning, our priest spoke of a woman all in black, with black lipstick, eyeshadow, etc., who was lurking around the church. He spoke of Wicca, which he stated is evil, even though some good people can be attracted to it. He says that it is very anti-Catholic.
She could have been up to no good, or she could just have been one of hundreds who think that dressing all in black to be a nonconformist is somehow an original idea. My sister started doing that latelyrand looks ridiculous because her and her dfriends look so similar in their quest for “orginiality;” thinking they make some sort of statement.

She is very much not into WICCA, and is sincerely interested in Catholicism. Confirmed and literate and all of that. I really hope this stupid phase passes soon. Specially with the died hair. My mother gives her enough grief about it, so I don’t say anything, because it is such a superficial thing, but it makes her so ugly (she has very fair hair naturally, the type that many people would love to have and her complexion does not suit the black) and kind of scary looking to people who don’t know her.
Dear SpringBreeze,
Thanks for your very thoughtful reply. I appreciate it.

In case the rest of you don’t know, I am an R.N. who encounters quite a bit of human suffering every week in my work as a bedside nurse in a small hospital. I see a lot and it affects me. I’ve also experienced a lot of heartache in my own life, including the loss of my husband to cancer when my little girls were 1 and 3.

This world has a lot of suffering. As I face the next 20 or 30 years of my life, I know that I’ll see even more and more of it. I have 6 children, and,inevitably, tragedy will strike. It’s part and parcel of this world, so it seems…
Dear White Dove,
You have surely had a sad and challenging time full of heartache. I think losing a spouse has to be the most difficult loss because it is like losing a part of ourselves. (When we are married the “two become one”.) But I believe that it is when our heart is breaking that we gain the most spiritual growth. How can we begin to really understand how Mary felt at the foot of the cross unless we experience persecution and loss in our lives? And how we can we really understand how Jesus must have felt until we are betrayed by a friend? While no one should ask for hardship, we can at least use it for our spiritual growth by joining our suffering to that of Christ when we do encounter it in life. Of course it is easier said than done but in hindsight you will realize one day the leaps you are making in your relationship with God as you go through this terrible time.
As a nurse you may see much suffering but you are also able to bring great comfort and the love of Christ through your actions as you care for your patients. Genuine kindness offered as you perform patient care speaks volumes more than words. You never know when a patient who has stopped attending church or has given up on God might begin to reach out to Him again through your example of goodness.
As for your question about a sense of impending doom…I do believe there is much spiritual warfare going on all about us. We have to trust in God and continue to love Him and the Church during these tense times. I am currently dealing with a strange situation at work. There is a part-time nurse who happens to be a Mormon. Even her first day on the job, I felt something very eerie…and it didn’t feel good. It’s as though an evil presence surrounds her (and I am sorry for saying this about another person). There are times that I have to silently pray the St. Michael prayer as I am looking directly at her while she is speaking to me. I have spent a lot of extra time in prayer and eucharistic adoration and finally I am able to deal with her without experiencing the fright and anxiety that I once did. I try to see her as a human person made by God but who is sorely misguided by the cult of morminism (which I believe has allowed demonic forces to enter into it). I hesitate to even say the next part because it will sound crazy (and I do not have a mental health history) but just the other day I noticed a strange incision like seam at the edge of her face just in front of the ear and going all the way to the scalp. She never mentioned having any kind of surgery and I didn’t ask (because it is not polite to ask!). Anyhow, I told my husband about it and he says maybe she has a mask and is really something else underneath… :eek: I guess so much for vivid imaginations. I’ll try to believe it is from surgery.
Good luck and may the peace of Christ be with you.
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