Do you feel a sense of impending doom?

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One of the prophecies of Fatima is that we need to pray the Rosary and if enough people follow Mary’s request the time of chastisment will be short or not at all and we will enter into a time of peace over the whole world. I fell that impending dome is at hand because I know of almost no one that is following that request, present company exempt. We just had a very powerful event with the earthquake and tidal wave killing thousands and I think this woke up many but this week the allowing of a woman to die of thirst and starvation is causing me to wonder. Will God not punish the richest nation on earth for this crime and also the thousands of abortion going on every day? God Bless
This world has a lot of suffering. As I face the next 20 or 30 years of my life, I know that I’ll see even more and more of it. I have 6 children, and,inevitably, tragedy will strike. It’s part and parcel of this world, so it seems…
It is part and parcel of this world. Every one of us is getting closer to death each minute, and as far as I know there is no escape. Even when nothing is going wrong, and we feel a sense of well-being, our very sense of things going right presupposed the chance that things could go horribly wrong at any given moment but don’t.

On shorter term, I’ve had a number of “tragedies” in our family’s life for the last few years, and along with some help with some guidance on the spiritual journey, and self-study of philosophy and religion – and even spiritual principles that operate independently from doctrine and dogma and therefore apply to non-Catholics as well. My tragedies were mostly worldly things; psychosis, unemployment, burned down house, last week a murder/suicide next door to where we’re living while our house is being repaired, etc. (Actually it might have been a double murder and the murder/suicide was a planned cover, but that’s another tangent.)

I’ve decided that life is a roller coaster, and that nothing in this life, including the past and the future, can separate me from the love of Christ. That means I should be able to have faith to ride them out without always having to awaken Jesus to calm the storm. (I’m more concerned about getting chewed out by Jesus for having no faith, than I am of the storm itself. Therefore I don’t want Him to calm the storm just so He can tell me I was a wuss for asking him to shut off God’s marvelous wind-and-light show.) Instead, I marvel at the storms and how what looks like “evil” and “good” work together to show me one huge three-dimensional operatic show at any given time.

Part of it is not taking life “seriously,” in other words, acknowledging what I can’t change forces me to not feel responsible for it, therefore I can accept it as part of the environment God has placed me in, to see how I’ll respond.

I’ve tried to model life as a roller coaster, like I mentioned before. Instead of gripping in fear, I raise my arms in the air and let the ride take me to whatever emotional depths it does. The difference is that in a roller coaster you are on a track that has been designed to keep you in the car. There are roller coaster tragedies, but that doesn’t stop millions of people from riding them every day and having a good time right up until that tragedy occurs, if it does.

Yes, eventually my worldly end will come, and I just may have to endure suffering which I’m not necessarily looking forward to, but nor do I try to worry about. My faith in God is that He will test me as much as I need to be, for whatever level of perfection He believes I need to attain.

What’s the difference between an end and a beginning?
Short answer: attachment. Attachment refers to attachment to something that already exists and that, thus, will eventually cease existing.
Short answer: attachment. Attachment refers to attachment to something that already exists and that, thus, will eventually cease existing.
Thank you. I liked that answer. 🙂

Not a sense of doom in the big picture, but I sometimes get a sense of doom while walking on sidewalks, maybe changing my route if I get a bad feeling about a dark alley or something.

That’s a bad example, I can’t put my finger on it, but I have often been able to “succesfully” predict that something bad would happen. Never anything huge, just little things.
Not a sense of doom in the big picture, but I sometimes get a sense of doom while walking on sidewalks, maybe changing my route if I get a bad feeling about a dark alley or something.

That’s a bad example, I can’t put my finger on it, but I have often been able to “succesfully” predict that something bad would happen. Never anything huge, just little things.
This sounds a bit like what Alan Watts, non-Catholic philosopher, calls “peripheral consciousness” or “intuition.”

Like your vision, your consciousness has a spotlight and a periphery. In school they only teach us to use the spotlight, to “stay focused” on task and not get distracted.

Meanwhile you are vaguely aware of the things around you so that, for example, if a red flashing light went off, you’d be distracted. Other than that, you don’t get much conscious knowledge from your periphery. Kind of like driving a car then you realize you don’t recall driving the last minute, but you were without even thinking about it. Anyway, if we become sensitive in learning how to use our intuition, we can scan worlds more information for signs of riskthen we can ever figure out intellectually by focusing on one of a million things going on around you at once. Those things are physical, as well as fleeting ideas and emotional and spiritual events.

Yes. I feel the Royals don’t stand a chance this season. And the Chiefs don’t look too promising either.

Only if I doubt, doubt does not come from the Lord, 1Thes.5:9 ( For God did not destine us for wrath, but to gain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,)
yes i feel an impending sense of doom. i feel this a lot. i dont know if it is just anxiety or depression.
i know God loves me, and chose me, but i feel so unworthy, like Peter in Luke 5. i have a hard time accepting love because i dont really know what it is.
i try to be happy for my son and stepdaughter, and husband. but i am not. almost everyone in my life is an alcoholic. it gets very depressing.
Do you feel a sense of impending doom??? :confused:
Hi again WhiteDove…yes I do feel that we are headed for something…I often refer to it in my writings as “the shadow in the mist” … at times too I can feel that I am on a collision course with something or other. But I do not assert these awarenesses as fact…they could be anything. It is the intermittant persistence of them that annoys intensely. In fact in one of my poems I seem to predict the tsunami . . . I neither state that I did predict it or that I did not but it is certainly there in my poem and predating the tsunami. Spooky stuff is my term for such things!!!

Regards Barb
Bethany Sth. Aust.
Sunday 26.6.05 5.26am
Clint Ellis:
Yes. I feel the Royals don’t stand a chance this season. And the Chiefs don’t look too promising either.

:rotfl: :rotfl: You and my son and dh need to get a LIFE!

Thanks for the giggle though. Made me laugh!
Just remember, as John McCain says, “It’s always darkest right before it goes completely black.”

No matter how bad things seem right now, soon you will look back on this time and think that you had it easy.
Just remember, as John McCain says, “It’s always darkest right before it goes completely black.”

No matter how bad things seem right now, soon you will look back on this time and think that you had it easy.
…well said!..I thought…

Hi there Sebaldus… !!!..

Regards Barb
Bethany South Australia
Monday 27.6.05 10.50pm
St. Cyril of Alexandria PPFU
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